Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Next Civil War

What Will this Next Civil War Look Like?

What Will this Next Civil War Look Like?

A Prelude...


Make no doubt about it, in much the same way that Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 prompted the first Civil War, the election of Donald Trump in 2016 has prompted this second one.
While ostensibly over slavery, what the election of the Republicans in 1860 signaled was the end of an era, that era beginning in 1824-1828 with the creation of the original Democrat Party, whose cynical purpose was to hold onto political power by maintaining slavery well beyond any economic usefulness, around which almost all American politics would revolve so that the Union would be forever split into two camps of equal electoral size divided by an issue about which there could never be any agreement.
Sound familiar?
While the political parties were held in balance by slavery, they could then go about debating every other issue: taxation, tariffs, national banks, westward expansion in the back and forth fashion American politics has always been defined to be. Cynical, it was still a masterful business model drafted by the Democrats’ original founders, Martin Van Buren and Andrew Jackson.
What the Democrats did not foresee was that it would only take a single generation, roughly thirty (30) years for that failing economic model to be etched into half the national fabric as a socio-cultural, religious and philosophical icon – as a way of life to be protected politically, and a cause to die for.
Sound familiar?
I’d love to discuss this over a bottle of Scotland’s best, but fast forward to 2016 and consider the parallels, namely two intransigent sides fighting over the very root of what it means to be American, when only fifty years ago, two generations, “liberals” as they were known then, largely agreed with the rest of Americans about the fundamental foundations, the institutional building blocks of the Republic, as designed by the Founders in 1776 and 1787.
I won’t wax poetic about the resume this still-imperfect union had built by the 1960s. But it is prodigious, and built entirely by men and women the rest of the world had cast off, it’s detritus. At the time of the first Civil War we were still largely an Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation, but by the early 20th Century, “the shoulders we all stand on” included cast-offs from Eastern Europe, the Far East, and then Latin America and Africa, so that now every American shares that same one aspect, arising out of forbears who were low-born, all our generations, “risen.”
Why that all changed in the 1960s was not because America had fallen on hard times. In fact the generation of the 60s were themselves sired by a generation who had known hard times as no other Americans ever had, and then, just as they were bouncing out of it, had to postpone life for another five years to go fight two wars to liberate half the rest of the world, over a quarter-of-million of them postponing life for an eternity.
It was as if Poland, and others, when they sent their poor and ragged to America in the 1890s, they were really investing in a term life policy in America, so that their grandchildren could then come and rescue them.
Why that generation-to-generation continuity did not continue for a large portion of the children of the 60s, I can’t say. I have my theories as I’m sure do many others. But what can be said with some certainly, as one veteran I knew, speaking of Bill Clinton, put it that when our generation came to its crossroad, the best went one way, while sadly, too many of the brightest went the other. As many as a third, if my rough count in law school is any indicator.
The current generation of millennials are their grandchildren, just coming to full bloom. And suddenly I’m filled with remorse for we (my generation) should have seen this day coming when Reagan left office. All the signs were there. We just missed them (or ignored them).
So it should come as no surprise that the corpus of the voters who elected Donald Trump in 2016 were made up of citizens who, shall we say, had been around the block a few times. We were the grateful ones, children who had been raised to know gratitude, especially for those shoulders we stand on. So it figures many of our children who were raised similarly also supported Trump. That is the bloodline we’d like to see revived in America, and passed on.
If there are objectives from our side in this civil war, this is it…restoring the process of passing the Constitutional blueprint onto future generations.
Trump’s election was about a restoration, although, much as some of the early founders of the Republican Party in the 1850s quietly knew, at some point their political victory would signal an equally resolute, and possibly violent reaction. That is happening now.
Analysts such as myself, not inured to the narrow world view found inside the establishment of Washington, instead immersed in the much broader life perspectives of the ordinary citizenry, (ironically referred to as “parochial” and “nativist” inside the DC circle) knew at least from the ascension of Barack Obama, that the Left had, or soon would “go all in” in for their dream of throwing down the old Constitutional blueprint and launch us into a new world order, a globalist vision, a corporate-cartelist vision instead of the old-style socialist image we’d always imagined. We only fit this last piece in the puzzle late in the Obama era.
But all in all, the speed with which they came out of their respective closets about their real ambitions, and their disdain for the Constitution, not to mention for the simple minds who still clung to it, was stunning.
What we did know by 2010, was that if we could win again, they (the Left we’ll call them until a better label comes along) would not go quietly into the night, even though Peggy Noonan thinks they should, and Jeb Bush still believes that they can be talked over. (I’m not sure what Jeb’s big brother thinks, but at this point I’m beginning not to care.)
The Left knew exactly what the tea party movement was all about as a threat when it first emerged in 2010, on the heels of Obamacare’s passage, but predictably, they viewed the tea party as a monolith, as they might design it themselves, for they have no real idea of genuinely grass-roots, spontaneous “movements.” So immediately they began attacking harmless straw-man faux tea party groups who gained prominence with a donor base with large DONATE buttons, but no influence, allowing the real tea party movement to move forward as a native stealth phenomenon who would emerge in 2016 to elect a new type of president.
And the Left totally mis-assessed the common sense and brain power in those old mom-and-pop relics, who, I argued in 2010 had surpassed the Left in knowledge of American history and government (i.e. Civics, see (Richard) DreyfussCivicsInitiative) and by 2016, had left “National Review’s” idea of conservatism laying in the dust.
No one ever went broke underestimating the Left’s inability to size up their enemies. Which is why I’m writing this piece now. SitRep, 2017
What we knew by 2010, was that the Democrat Left had a plan to steal America away through process, to use the constitutional system to provide the means for its own eventual disassembly.
And they almost pulled it off.
I am sure Barack Obama, a waffling sort of true believer, is probably going through some existential moments right now, much as the valiant and esteemed (sic) French General Louis Trochu must have felt before he surrendered Paris to the Germans in 1871 after his own design for the city’s defense backfired, and in typical French fashion, he had no Plan B.
I think Obama knows he made a serious mistake in laying a path for Hillary Clinton to the presidency, especially since he doesn’t like her, and they share entirely different ideas about that authoritarian utopia. Remember, Hillary’s ideal of a ruling autocracy is more in line with that of the Bedouin princess. Now Obama must decide whether to fight to recapture probably what can’t be recaptured, namely power through electoral process, or flee to a safe sanctuary and live out his days very well in retirement, but relative obscurity. Forever the ditherer, he’ll likely choose a middle course, hanging around hoping someone will call for him to ride in to rescue, but only if there are no great risks. But his place in history is being diminished daily, so therein lies the internal conflict…perspirationless comfort versus teeth-gnashing risk.
In short, being a process guy, thus shutting down the use of brute force when he was up on the horse, should he now risk resorting to it now to take back power now that he and his army are afoot. Or, should he take the advice Allende refused and retreat into seclusion?
But by the 2016 campaign season, even before Trump emerged, it was generally believed that all the elements of the Democrat alliance would be enough to put Hillary over the top, and the Obama reign would move into its final phase. By temperament, Hillary would have been the perfect hammer to put the final nails in Liberty’s coffin in America.
Whatever Hillary’s known (only to them) disabilities, the movers of the Party never imagined that the people acting alone would ever be able to derail her.
Of course we now know that Trump, like Aragorn’s summoning of the Army of the Dead, found voters the Democrats had forgotten they once had, and had dismissed, including millions of rank-and-file white working union members, who Ronald Reagan also once stole. Hillary’s slovenly campaigning, general demeanor of entitlement, plus rumors of her ill-temper and criminal dishonesty, suddenly mattered.
And she lost.
But what she lost was more than the Left could afford to lose, for they no longer have any cavalry. Horses. And no army. No national police force who will only answer to the master’s voice. And outside of a few Blue cities not even local police could be relied upon to carry the Left’s war forward to gain new territory, not even across the bridge to Brooklyn, much less up river to Yonkers.
An army without a horse becomes a besieged fortress, no more, no less.
With no means to force their will on the people of the United States outside the Blue zones they already control, (see the map)
…save a few federal district judges, college professors, school districts and city/county governments, which I’ll discuss in Part II-III, the power of the Left, however they can be portrayed in the media, will be just as you see them here, small islands, or fortresses, which they will fight mightily to protect, but with no power whatsoever to sally forth to claim new territory.
Their only route to achieving power nationally would be through a power-sharing arrangement with the Republicans, who share many interests with the Democrats. (Note to GOP: Lenin cut similar deals with his generation’s useful idiots in 1918-1920, in Russia’s Duma and intellectual community, to assist in the Bolsheviks seizing power…then sending them all off to the Gulag once safely in power.)
Interdicting this party collaboration should be a major front in our counter-attacks on the Left going forward, (again see Part III), not only by direct communications with the GOP members and state/national headquarters, but in rolling back the Left’s onslaughts in the streets, inasmuch as they are designed to sway GOP members. Let them know the media propaganda campaign is not working, and their jobs are still at risk of having their heads shaved if they collaborate.
This can be done, as I’ll explain later.
“Militarily” these will appear as little more than mop-up operations, as they will change the map very little, but they could have a very meaningful effect on the 2018 elections, as a statement to voters national that the Make America Great Again movement has not gone into retirement, but has moved into a higher gear. And new recruits are welcome.
Changing the map will take many years. But changing the color from blue to a lighter shade of pale will have much to say about just how courageous Republicans who want to keep their jobs will feel by sidling up with bi-partisan babble once it’s made clear that the single purpose of those people across the aisle is to X-out the Constitution of the United States.
And that we won’t have it.
We have to do this while we are still up on the horses.



Two Simple Answers to the Timing of the James Comey Firing.......

Two Simple Answers to the Timing of the James Comey Firing.......


Two Simple Answers to the Timing of the James Comey Firing.......

No 1: The first is a simple equation of process, doing things by the book, for which Donald Trump would have been double-damned had he violated in the manner of how, and when he fired FBI Director James Comey.
In two days, I’ve listened to and read at least 50,000 words trying to explain politically what can be easily explained legally in a couple of hundred, and politically, in less than fifty.
Contrary to the general knowledge of citizens, James Comey’s chain of command goes through the Deputy Attorney General, who the FBI Director actually answers directly to, who answers to the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who in turn answers to the President.
Until late April, there was no Trump-appointed Deputy Attorney General for Comey to report to – Dana Boente being the acting Deputy AG, who replaced the Democrat deep state embed, Sally Yates, who was fired by her new boss, Donald Trump – until Rod Rosenstein could be sworn in about 20 days ago to take the seat permanently.
One of Rosenstein’s first official acts was to recommend to his boss, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, with a lengthy list of justifications, that Comey be dismissed. Sessions, in turn, with his own letter, passed that recommendation onto the President, who acted on it immediately.
Most say it was three months too late, but I’ve just explained why, crossing all the “t’s”, dotting all the “i’s”.
Comey’s firing was neatly wrapped and tied in a perfect legal bundle, the FBI director fired by a man the Democrats praised to high heaven only three weeks ago as they confirmed his appointment, and his dismissal of a man they universally condemned for having cost their candidate the election.
No. 2: Knowing how quickly the Democrats would change their tune, then, the second answer is also easy to understand.
The sound of stuck pigs squealing is universally appreciated and enjoyed, even by the random passer-by, who has had to put up with the daily stench of their sty as its aroma had wafted over the American landscape the past several years, once it is generally believed that the swine crib is being cleaned out.

Update on Cookie and Three Law Suits

By Anna Von Reitz

Many thanks to all who have been sending love and prayers and donations for my Paralegal friend, Cookie. She was stricken with mysterious maladies that seemed to indicate heart failure and/or kidney failure and so, has had to undergo a lot of tests.
This evening she updated me. She had a severe misalignment in her spine between her shoulder blades (no doubt the result of years spent pouring over dusty books in dimly lit rooms, perched on tall stools) and that was causing a lot of problems because the nerves route through that area to the heart. So that is being adjusted by expert medical chiropractors and she is already experiencing significant relief.
She also has apparently developed a mid-life allergy to MSG which is being added to all processed food under the euphemism "natural preservatives". MSG makes food taste better, but it is also a poison capable of passing the brain-blood barrier, affecting short term memory, balance, and critical thinking skills. No more processed food is apparently the only cure.
All things taken together, the diagnosis could have been a lot worse and so could the treatment, though chiropractic care is not included in her major medical insurance and will continue to be an expense for some time to come.
The other news I wish to pass on tonight is that The Living Law Firm has prepared three major systemic claims in behalf of the American states and people.
I know this hasn't been easy to understand, but we were faced early on with a hard choice: we could take our slim resources--- a few dozen people working on their own shoestrings -- and try to put out 300 million brush fires, or we could concentrate on defining the problem(s) in a systemic way and bring action to correct the cause instead of the symptoms.
We took the latter course, at the cost of not being able to offer more direct and immediate help to individuals.
As the research has progressed it has become clear that the pattern of "expatriation" and "registration" and "bankruptcy" has been repeated several times and each time, private property has been removed under false presumptions into foreign jurisdictions and "pledged" by governmental services corporations as surety for their own debts.
The 1868 Expatriation Act was followed by the 14th Amendment presumption of Territorial United States Citizenship. The 1907 Expatriation Act resulted in Municipal United States Citizenship, which was followed by the Sheppard-Townsend Act registering babies. The 1934 Emergency Banking Act was followed by the creation of corporate Municipal Franchises--- another level of expatriation ---and the confiscation of gold.
At no time should any of this have affected American state nationals.
The financial crisis being addressed in each case was always due to the profligacy and mismanagement of the foreign Territorial United States and/or Municipal United States governments. In each case, only their actual citizens should have been impacted and in each case it was carefully stated that only "citizens" were subject.
But who is a "citizen" and with respect to which layer of government?
Prior to the so-called Civil War, people routinely served as State Citizens when they held office in their land jurisdiction state governments. They were also routinely referred to as "people of the United States". The semantic confusion and shuffle between "State Citizen" and "people of the United States" to "United States Citizen" was easy enough to foist off on the gullible and trusting public.
From that point on, the foreign Territorial United States (a British-backed democracy) and equally foreign Municipal United States (run by the Holy See as a Congressional oligarchy) worked as a Tag Team to secretively conscript and register American state nationals--- in effect, press-ganging them into the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea and promoting the assumption that they were operating as commercial "vessels" subject to both municipal and territorial law.
In fact, American state nationals operate as private, non-commercial "vessels" engaged in peaceful international trade. They are internationally "Protected Persons" and they are owed the specific protection of both the British Crown and the British Monarch.
By conscripting American state nationals under color of law and non-disclosure and coercing them to "accept" the status of "United States Citizen" the Territorial and Municipal United States could side-step the guarantees of the actual Constitution and seize upon the assets --- land and labor --- of the unsuspecting Americans who continued to think of the "federal government" as their own government.
We are presented with the spectacle of an entire people claiming to be "United States Citizens" as if they were born in Puerto Rico, unknowingly subjecting themselves to foreign Territorial and Municipal law, losing the protections of the actual Constitution, surrendering their claims to their land and their labor and accepting the debts of bankrupt foreign governments--- and for what supposed consideration? "Benefits" ---like "Social Security"---har! har! ---- that they paid for themselves.
Americans today give a far greater percentage of their assets and their labor to the "King" and the "Church" than any serf in the Dark Ages, and conditions are even worse throughout much of Europe, the former Commonwealth, India, Africa, South America, and Japan.
This outrageous crime against law, sense, and nature must come to an end---- and it must come systemically. The whole construct of the Great Fraud has to be flushed, and the spirit as well as the letter of the law established by our national trust indenture must be honored.
So--- in the next several weeks, three simple but profound legal actions will be engaged in behalf of the actual states and the living people. We will need your support in every way possible--- your prayers, your sharing of information, your determination to put an end to this fraud against America and against Americans, and yes, whatever money you can spare for our Living Law Firm.
The Paypal address is:

The snail mail address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.

ISIS calls for war on the West - Ramadan message

ISIS calls for ‘All-Out War’ to Mark start of Ramadan – Targets Include Civilians

But remember - Islam is a 'peaceful religion' ??!!

May 26 2017

ISIS has issued a rallying call to its followers for an “all-out war” on the West to mark the start of Ramadan tomorrow. European security services are said to be bracing for more attacks during the Muslim holy month as ISIS’s followers are urged to attack “infidels” in the wake of Monday’s Manchester bomb attack.

The jihadist group made the call in a video message entitled "Where are the lions of war?" published on YouTube, reports The Telegraph.

It said: “Muslim brothers in Europe who can’t reach the Islamic State lands, attack them in their homes, their markets, their roads and their forums.”

Couldn't locate this video: "Where are the lions of war?" on YouTube - wonder why?

Millions of Muslims worldwide are preparing for Ramadan, a "holy month"  ??!!   of fasting and religious devotion. - and apparently also attacking innocent 'infidels'

Read more at End Time Headlines.

OK America - are you going to change pizzas for a muslim diet restriction?


Muslim man sues Little Caesars for $100M over pork on pizza

A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars for $100 million in Michigan, claiming he was served pepperoni made with pork, which is a food prohibited...
Say WHAT??!!
A FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT if ever there was one!  SHOULD be thrown out!
By Ricky Scaparo on May 26, 2017 07:21 pm

the Late Night Intruder

Coping: With the Late Night Intruder
The situation reported below fully explains itself.  May we all have the wisdom and patience of Oilman2.

We’re gonna share a story this morning that’ll make your toes curl. This is the kind of situation no one ever wants to face. When it happens, you might read a headline, but never a first-hand report – like this one.

Here’s what happened:

Story by Oilman 2:

Sunday night we went to bed at 10PM. At 1:30AM, the wife woke me saying she heard something in the house. I sleep with CPAP, so I sleep hard and deep.

I listened and heard something. I got the gun, thumbed the safety off, and left the bedroom. I saw a man in my kitchen. He was just standing there, sort of staring. He had switched on the lights and, when I saw his face, he was someone I had met. I aimed the gun.

“Hey!” I said. He spun slowly, almost stumbling. He sort of looked through me.

“Where’s the dog food?” he asked calmly.

Then I noticed the leash on the floor, and a huge Rottweiler walked into view.

“What the f*ck are you doing in my house?” I asked firmly.

“What? This is Jean’s house and I need to get my stuff.” was his reply.

I walked closer, and smelled alcohol on him. I knew him from somewhere but couldn’t place him.

“You need to get out of my house, and NOW,” I said.

“OK.” he said. “But this is Jean’s house and I gotta get my stuff."

I flicked the end of the gun at the door. “Let’s go outside now, so you can get your stuff."

“Good idea, ” he said.

He went out the door, which I had forgotten to lock since there had been no need in 25 years to lock it.

When he stepped outside, the dog followed. The dog was dragging one of those self-winding leashes behind him with about 8 feet of line extended. When he got outside, I noticed there was blood all over his t-shirt, and he was barefooted.

“Why are you in my house?” I asked.  He stared at me, eyes sort of blank. He wasn’t staggering, but he was very wobbly.

“I got to get my stuff,” came the repeated answer.

I knew he was massively f*c*ed up, and then finally placed him. I had met him at a fundraiser for a woman running for city council. He was a typical suburban boy, nothing weird I could recall, but this situation was very weird. I thumbed the safety on, and lowered the gun somewhat.

“Look, ” I said. “This isn’t your house and it’s not Jean’s house. Look around you. This is my house and you just walked in. It’s one in the morning, and I was ready to shoot you."

Only then did he look at the gun. It seemed to finally register.

“OH! OK!” he said. Then he walked into my garage door, which was open.

“NO! Not that way. That’s my garage and you don’t need to go in there. You need to go out this gate and go home.” I indicated the gate to my backyard with the gun, and he changed directions.

“Is this your dog?” I asked.

“No, that’s Shelly’s dog, not mine,” he replied as he walked out the gate.

“Where do you live?” I asked.

“On Palm Drive,” he answered. “You know that. The house with the purple trim. I put in some vegetables, too."

I watched him sort of meander down my driveway, then took the leash and threw it after him and the dog.

I watched him walk away, glad I hadn’t shot him dead.

When I went in the house, the wife was hysterical, and had called the police. She handed me the phone.

“He is about 5’9″ tall, bald, glasses, wearing a white t-shirt with blood spots on it. He is barefooted and wearing plaid shorts or underwear. He is either very drunk or on something or having a mental break.”  Then I handed the phone back to her. She hung it up and was trembling.

“A strange man just walked into our house. The dog didn’t even bark!” she blurted.

“The dog is half-deaf, eleven years old and has cataracts. He was also probably asleep like we were. I know that guy from the shrimp boil we went to last month. I got no idea why he walked into our house, but I am glad I didn’t shoot first."

The police showed up, with lights, looking for the guy. He wasn’t on our street any longer. I was just glad he was gone and that I didn’t have to shoot him.

I spent an hour calming her and showing her that everything was now locked up tight.

The next day the police called and said they had escorted him home. He was clearly under some influence or having a mental break, so we didn’t press any charges.

After lunch the doorbell rang. It was the guy, with his wife, and my wife nervously answered the door, holding it half open. He had come to apologize for what happened, and thanked me repeatedly for not shooting him dead. His wife was crying and repeatedly apologized.

It turns out that his doctor prescribed Ambien for him because he wasn’t sleeping. Apparently, this triggered sleepwalking or else a couple glasses of wine plus Ambien equals incredible effects in some people.

He was indeed trying to get to Jean's house where he had left 3 coolers used for the shrimp boil a few weeks previously. He had no idea why he wound up at my house and only remembered snatches of what transpired the night before. But he remembered the gun. And it was, in fact, his dog that was with him.

This incident is such a great example of what is wrong with many doctors, what is wrong with the pharmacy industry and why shooting first and asking questions later is not always the best plan. I would have widowed a woman, left her with 3 kids and traumatized my wife permanently. I may have been justified, but that doesn’t mean it would have been the best outcome.

I had the gun, was ready and knew I could. At that point I felt confident I had the upper hand. And the entire situation was so strange that it felt wrong to kill him because he wasn’t actually threatening me.

I live in an upper-middle class suburban home in a really safe neighborhood. We have good police (they were there within 5 minutes) and they aren’t trigger or taser happy – they are peace officers and toll collectors mostly. So this incident is way off in the weird end of the spectrum.

I relate it to you because it seems to have multiple things to discuss within it – drugs, guns, etc.

Federal prosecutor found dead on Florida beach

Federal prosecutor Beranton Whisenant Jr. found dead on Florida beach

May 26, 2017, 9:59 AM

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. -- The body of a federal prosecutor has been found on a Florida beach with possible head trauma.  (reported to be fully clothed in business suit)

Hollywood, Florida police say the body of 37-year-old Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was found early Wednesday by a passerby on the city's beach. 

CBS Miami reports officers pulled the body out of the water and covered him with a sheet.   

Police are investigating the case as a crime, according to the Miami Herald.

Authorities believe Whisenant died as a result of a possible gunshot wound to the head or other type of trauma. 

Detectives are working to determine if??? foul play was involved in his death.

At this time, no arrests have been made. 

Whisenant worked for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami in its major crimes unit. He had joined the office in January. *

Court records show he had been handling several visa and passport fraud cases.

Acting U.S. Attorney Benjamin G. Greenberg said in a statement that Whisenant was a "great lawyer and wonderful colleague."

The office declined to comment on the investigation.

*Question:  WHY would Whisenant be murdered UNLESS he WAS ON TRACK and the enemy feared EXPOSURE and being prosecuted for their crimes???  So WHO was Whisenant concentrating on during the investigation?  Who would have known?  And who of these would most likely have informed the enemy?  And WHO is investigating Whisenant's murder?

Remember, Islam is a 'peaceful' religion - IF you keep your head that is


Benjamin Fulford May 25 2017

Benjamin Fulford
May 25 2017

POLITICS in the swamp

in 'the swamp'
 And then he braided .....................

 I think it's here somewhere ........
Like my new bicycle?
Obama's 'army'
The bozo's refuse to leave the swamp
and are STILL hanging around

How about a 90-120 day open-ended amnesty ?

Should President Trump Offer Amnesty to the Deep State Who Want to Come in From the Cold?



Long title, short answer.

We know they are there, and they know we are looking for them.

We know some of their names, and they don’t know which ones, just that the clock is ticking.

They all have vested financial interests in holding onto their jobs; family, friends, lifestyle,, benefits.

And they all have political interests that cause them to want to hold onto those jobs, as well.

Those political interests run from Class A zealotry to Class D medium-tempered go-along-to-get-along, with many shades of grey in between.

Finally, they also know they have been operating outside the law, at least for a few months, some much longer, and they think it has been easy.


How about a 90-120 day open-ended amnesty offer for those who agree to come in from the cold?

President Trump could provide various incentives; retirement parachutes, walking-around money, but most of all, immunity from future prosecution, even witness protection, if requested.

All they have to do is be able to pass a battery of polygraphs and be willing to provide names, places, events and documents, all subject to verification.

Of course you know how these programs go. At State and Justice it may only take a half dozen to step forward, before the floodgates open. EPA will be different. So will Education, Energy and Labor.

But once they do, everyone who decides not to come in from the cold will know they are in the cold forever.

Hillary won’t come in. Kerry won’t. Obama won’t. Others.

But they sure will sweat.

But getting the Biggs of the Deep State in this way don’t necessarily have to be the end game here.

We can let history take care of that.


Defend your country from enemies without and within


Homeland Security Chief Issues TERRIFYING Alert to Americans

WATCH: Homeland Security Chief Issues TERRIFYING Alert to Americans. Warn Your Loved Ones.

Why do we think this won't happen in America?

The mainstream media and the radical Left love to ignore the startling truth: We are under constant attack by radical Islam and Sharia law.

Department of Homeland Security Chief John Kelly issued a terrifying warning. He said, “If [you] knew what I knew about terrorism, [you’d] never leave the house in the morning.”

DHS Secretary Kelly: ‘You’d Never Leave the House’ If You Knew What I Know About Terrorism  

Published on May 26, 2017
Friday on Fox New Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said if Americans knew what he knew about terrorism threats they would “never leave the house.”  Kelly said, “It’s nonstop. The good news is, for us in America, we have amazing people protecting us every day, DHS, obviously, FBI, fighting the away game is DOD Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, working with these incredible allies we have in Europe and around the world. But it can happen almost here anytime. I was telling Steve on the way in here if he knew what I knew about terrorism, he’d never leave the house in the morning. But the good news is again we have the finest men and woman in uniform, out of uniform, police officers, local law enforcement New York City cops protecting us.”
Wow, if he is scared, then we should all be terrified. (via The Hill).

He went on to say, “It’s every where. It’s constant. It’s nonstop. The good news for us in America is we have amazing people protecting us every day. But it can happen here almost anytime.”

After eight years of Obama, this is the America that we have come to expect. We are so swamped in radical Islam that we need constant protection. Thank goodness we have such great police officers and such a strong military.

And, we also have the 2nd Amendment.

Unfortunately, liberals want to take away our guns. They don’t understand that a well-armed populace is the key to freedom. Look at Europe. They have so many gun restrictions, and look at all the terrorist attacks.

We need to deal with the radical Islam problem. We can do this by allowing Trump’s travel ban to go through, but activist judges and vicious lawyers won’t allow that to happen. They would rather put Americans at risk than deal with the problem.

We need to increase our vetting and protect our borders. We are too unprotected, but at least we have Trump to change that. Trump is tough on terror and radical Islam, unlike Obama.

Obama simply didn’t care about the flood of unvetted 'refugees.' He either didn’t care or didn’t see a problem with it.  Either option is terrible for Americans. With the help of the mainstream media, Obama got away with his incompetence.  (The PLAN was FOR the INFLUX of unvetted 'refugees' - to bring in the jihadi army to terrorize the nation.)

The media has been unrelenting against Trump. All Trump is doing is what any president should do: protect Americans from terrorists. The mainstream media doesn’t understand that, and the radical Left hates that Trump is such a strong president.

We elected Trump to protect our country, strengthen our borders, and improve our economy, but he has been halted at every step of the way by the Left, media, and the deep state operatives.

The deep state and the mainstream media have been working together to attack Trump. It has been a constant reminder that Obama really messed up our country. Because of Obama, the deep state has thrived, and Trump will have to do some serious firing.

Thankfully, if anyone can drain the swamp and protect us from radical Islam, it is Donald Trump. Our president isn’t going to allow these radical Islamic terrorists to harm American citizens.

New on the market - Hillary Clinton doll


Respect for our national anthem and the soldiers who died to protect it


Templar Treaties

By Anna Von Reitz

The Templars have had a "perpetual" treaty of "peace" and "friendship" and "amity" with us since 1794.  Let's see.....that's 223 years.  Are we being unreasonable in our expectation that everyone in your organization should know about this?  And act accordingly? 
We have a copy.  The Holy See has a copy.  Her Royal Majesty has a copy.  The Doge of Venice has a copy.  The Grimaldi Family has a copy.  The Prince of Monaco has a copy.  The Liechtensteiners have a copy..... the list goes on. 
Yet, despite this, members of the Temple have been rampaging around attacking us and pretending that we are someone --- or to be more exact --- some "thing" other than ourselves, and they have been using this preposterous presumption as an excuse to attack Treaty Partners to whom they owe perpetual amity and peace.  
Go figure.  
Now, some parties who assume they are being referenced in my note "To the Perpetrators" are bumping around claiming that the Queen is in danger.  What kind of nonsense is that?    
The Templars have not been honoring their treaty obligations in this country and have caused a lot of trouble instead.  The Bad Faith of members toward the American people has resulted in the Queen being in Breach of Trust. 
Put bluntly, you are the problem, not us. 
If you have ever seen a man trapped by a Chinese Knot, you know that the harder he struggles, the tighter it binds.  The more lies you tell, the harsher the condemnation.  The longer you refuse to abide by your treaty obligations, the worse your punishment will be.  
These Truths are part of the Universal Law set forth by our Creator and are no "laws" of men, therefore they are not subject to amendment or repeal, cannot be changed or reinterpreted or avoided.  And nobody judges you by giving Voice to the Universal Law, because in truth, you have condemned yourselves by what you have done in America on one hand, and by what you have failed to do on the other.
If the Queen is in trouble, it's because she is in gross Breach of Trust, and if she is in gross Breach of Trust, it is because the members of the Temple Bar have violated their treaty obligations owed to the Americans and have run amok and behaved as lawless brigands on our shores.   
The misrepresentations of those who have owed us Good Faith service have resulted in our states and people being repeatedly victimized as purported sureties in fraudulently created international bankruptcies. These frauds upon the states, the people, and also upon the probate and bankruptcy courts have not been created by the victims of these schemes who clearly did not benefit from them. 
All of this has been done by members of the Temple Bar and Inns of Court who have abused their positions of trust and violated the obligations of their long-standing treaties with us. 
When the Truth comes, what is false must pass away.  So it is written and so it must be.  
We are not causing any trouble by claiming the land and the labor that is ours by natural right, nor by refusing to be victimized again by those we depended on as Treaty Partners owing us "perpetual friendship".  

Rather, the trouble is the result of Shysters writing tickets on our credit without our knowledge or permission, and Trustees who have fallen so far down on the job that they must be halfway to China and somewhere near the center of the Earth by now.  
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

Voter Fraud Federal Investigator Found Murdered


A federal prosecutor involved in the investigation of voter fraud connected to the DNC was found dead on a Miami beach on Wednesday.
A federal prosecutor involved in the investigation of voter fraud connected to the DNC was found dead on a Miami beach on Wednesday.
According to reports, Beranton J. Whisenant Jr was discovered in the water by a passer-by on Hollywood Beach on Wednesday at 4.30am. His death bares striking similarities to the death of murdered DNC whistleblower Seth Rich.
The prosecutor had been shot in the head, according to police. Residents who spotted the body claim he had all of his personal effects on him when he was discovered, which rules out the likelihood of a robbery.
Whisenant worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami in its major crimes unit. He was investigating a mail theft case involving voter fraud. reports:
Hollywood police spokeswoman Miranda Grossman said Thursday that the body of 37-year-old Beranton J. Whisenant Jr. was found early Wednesday by a passerby on the city’s beach.
She said detectives are trying to determine if the death was a homicide, suicide or something else.
Whisenant worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami in its major crimes unit.
He had joined the office in January. Court records show he had been handling several visa and passport fraud cases.
Acting U.S. Attorney Benjamin G. Greenberg said in a statement that Whisenant was a “great lawyer and wonderful colleague.” The office declined to comment on the investigation.