Sunday, August 27, 2017

Psst...... What the Corporations Don't Know

By Anna Von Reitz

This is on the QT, faithful readers.  This is something hidden from those who consider themselves wise and powerful, but unless some of them wake up, it is going to uproot their worldview.  

People incorporate businesses for various reasons -- purported tax advantages (churches and non-profits) and limited liability and bankruptcy protection (commercial corporations) are the typical reasons for incorporating. 

Most businesses that incorporate see no benefit from incorporation, and they suffer many, many disadvantages, but they have been advised by legal professionals to incorporate----and so they do.  

Let's see what they lose by incorporating:  

For starters, they become subject to the rules and regulations of the parent corporations issuing their charters.  This means that they have to pay for business "licenses" and meet periodic reporting requirements. They are obligated to obey all the various regulations imposed by statutory laws and codes.  And they are also obligated to pay many forms of taxes--- income taxes, regulatory taxes, property taxes, franchise taxes--- that they otherwise wouldn't have to pay.  They also have to subject themselves to audits and investigations and lose their privacy protections.  Most damaging of all, they become responsible for the debts of whatever entity issued their charter because they are franchises.  

So, all those corporations that received charters from the UNITED STATES, INC.?  And from the STATE OF MICHIGAN?   And the COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA?  

Guess what?  You are about to be "subsumed" into the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC. and subject to liquidation by international bankruptcy trustees.  Why? Because the UNITED STATES, INC. insured your business and subrogated your corporation as a franchise.  Oh, sure, they offered the "safety" of the so-called "corporate veil", limited liability for actions or accidents, bankruptcy protection, yes-----but at a cost.  That cost includes all the things noted above, plus this last kicker.  

When the parent corporation that granted your charter goes, so do you.  

Obviously, they can't insure you or offer you limited liability anymore, and just as obviously, as a subrogated franchise, all that you think you own is in fact owned by them.  That was the real price of incorporating your business, but nobody told you that, did they?  

So the question naturally arises--- OMG!  How do I "unincorporate" my business?  
It's not as easy as you might assume.  Incorporating is stupidly easy.  Unincorporating is, as you might expect from my lead up---- a real B. 

For non-profit organizations like Churches, you have to give all your property to another non-profit corporation and walk away from it.  Otherwise you have to pay back large sums of money to redeem your assets -- so much in fact, that it is like buying and paying for them all over again.  This is because the parent organization that granted your charter and offered limited liability in exchange, owns your assets--- which you gave them, voluntarily, by incorporating --  and naturally, the charter granting organization wants to be paid back for their property, which you gave them as a gift--- a free donation in exchange for the benefits of limited liability.  

So the Grace Lutheran Church can turn over its assets to the local Friends of the Library organization, but can't return it to the unencumbered use of the people who paid for the land and bricks and the buildings and all the rest of it.  Why? Because they incorporated in order to avoid taxes that they never owed in the first place, and unwittingly donated their assets in exchange for a charter as a non-profit corporation. 

Hey, the same fabulous deal was offered to the C-Corps and S -Corps, too, and they fell for it and thought they were smart.  

Yeah, they could buy, sell, and trade stocks.  Some of them could even issue bonds. 

They could do awful things and get away with it without harming their shareholders and corporate officers' private holdings.  

But they are all just franchises of the organizations that offered them the carrot of limited liability, and when the UNITED STATES, INC. and its STATE OF STATE franchises dissolve as a result of bankruptcy liquidation?  Guess what?  

All those corporations that were so high and mighty, which lorded it over their employees and fought among themselves, that strode triumphantly across the pages of Forbes and strutted down Wall Street ---- never knew what they gave up when they followed the advice of all their legal professionals and decided to incorporate their businesses. 

In order to "un-incorporate" an S-Corp or C-Corp it is necessary to buy back all the shares that were issued at the current stock price.  

Good luck with that, especially in view of the recent run up on Wall Street.  

Given this information it may occur to you that all these corporations worldwide are in a world of hurt, because when the ax falls, so will they.  

What they ought to be doing is making peace with their creditors, the actual American States and People, who are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of all these incorporated entities worldwide.  

We are the only ones that can release them and allow them to "convert" back into unincorporated businesses.  We are the only ones who can indemnify them, issue asset backed bonds, raise capital, pay off, set off or forgive their debts.  

But they are still busy staring down their noses and thinking that if they ignore the looming crisis, it will just go away.  They imagine that it doesn't affect them.  They think that we are just ignorant hicks who couldn't possibly know what we are talking about---- and they are doing this now, when what they should be doing with hammer and tongs, is assisting us in the work we have taken on.

There should be corporate donations pouring in by the boatload, from every corner of the world.  

Because if we fail, foreign bankruptcy trustees will be ordering the proud captains of industry around and selling off their trademarks, their patents, their copyrights, and everything else that these corporate moguls think they own.  

The same fate will befall millions of hapless Americans who don't even know that they have been "enfranchised" as "US citizens". And Brits who don't know that they are just berths belonging to the UNITED KINGDOM.  Germans who don't know that they are chattel franchises backing Angela Merkel's GERMANY, and Frenchmen who can't imagine that voting in what appear to be public elections enslaves them as franchises of FRANCE.   And they are all bankrupt. 

Unless we prevail.  Unless our lowly unincorporated land jurisdiction government seizes control of this situation, it's all down the tubes.  

So, Warren Buffet, where's your money now?  Paris Hilton?  Oprah?  Kim K.?  All you Hollywood pundits?  CNN?  All you Wall Streeters?  Anyone care to say a word?  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Thought for the Day from Anna Von Reitz

Until rank and file Americans understand what has happened and restore their unincorporated county governments, there's nobody being paid to enforce the Public Law, including the actual Constitution.

Additional Facts About Re-Venue:

By Anna Von Reitz

Everything that is happening is allowed by the actual Constitution.
Granted, there have been abundant acts of fraud and breaches of trust, and counterfeiting and everything else, but, in re-venuing the government and choosing new "federal" service providers, we are all well-within our rights as the actual sovereigns of the land jurisdiction owed to this country.
It is also crucial for people to understand that as a result of mismanagement and crooked bookkeeping the "US citizens" and "United States Citizens" are stuck with an insurmountable load of odious debt. This means that the corporations representing both the Municipal United States and the Territorial United States have been forced into bankruptcy --- the Municipal United States is being liquidated under Chapter 7 and the Territorial United States is being reorganized under Chapter 11.
That is, they are in receivership to foreign bankruptcy Trustees chosen by Secondary Creditors ---- banks.
None of this affects us, except in the sense that we had to find new "federal" service providers in order to preserve the actual Constitution and its protective guarantees intact, and make provision for the smooth transition from one service provider to the next.
Think of it this way --- you have a service contract with a local franchise of a multi-national service corporation -- say, a local GM dealership, to service your car. That franchise goes bankrupt, effectively "vacating" any contract you had with them. You are now free to go down the road and arrange to have a different GM dealership service your car.
On a very much larger scale, that is what we have done to preserve the actual Constitution owed to this country, its states, and its people.
Meantime, the owners of the old "dealership" have regrouped and realized that they vacated the contract and lost their customers to another GM provider. They then go out and access other pots of money and front a brand new business offering the same services as before and attempt to "assume" that they still have a contract with us.
But they don't.
For convenience sake, we agree to pay for whatever services any of our cars receive from their new business, but only on a month by month basis.
After all, why would we want to continue to do business under contract with an incompetent, dishonest, and irresponsible dealership when we can walk down the road and form a relationship with another dealership that has standards, goals, and interests that are complimentary and supportive of our own?
So the American Indian Nations are our new "federal" contractors and the "New Republic" is the new dealership being fronted by the old service providers.
I think that this explains the situation with the transition to new service providers in a way that everyone can understand and I will trust that you all greatly appreciate the fact that we did this in a timely fashion, gave "Notice" to everyone on Earth, including Jacob Rothschild and FRANCE, and made the switch back in November of 2015.
Now, there is another aspect to this that everyone needs to grasp.
Both the parent corporations operating the "Municipal United States" and the "Territorial United States" are bankrupt, one totally, and one in Chapter 11 Reorganization.
As it turns out, both these "dealerships" had an incredible number of franchises under their wings. In fact, they claimed to own YOU and You and Me. They claimed to own CHINA and JAPAN and AUSTRALIA and CANADA and the UNITED KINGDOM. They claimed to own IBM and FACEBOOK and GENERAL MILLS and all the other huge corporations, too. Why? Because they issued the Charters (in our names, of course) to all these corporations worldwide. Same thing with "Great Britain" and "Canada" and "General Motors" and "Ford Motor Company" and "John Quincy Public".
We, the American states and people, are the actual Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of all these corporations worldwide that are franchises of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc.
That's why I laughed so heartily over the idea floated by Benjamin Fulford that the bankrupt Territorial Government of Canada could bid to take over "the United States".
The upshot of all this is that all the corporations that have been formed under this system are bankrupt and we are their Priority Creditors. All the big banks that hold their charters under the UNITED STATES and CHINA and GERMANY--- are technically bankrupt and under liquidation. All the credit unions belong to us anyway, but their franchises held under charters are also technically bankrupt and in reorganization.
So, as the Priority Creditors it is up to us, not the "UN Corp" and not the "United Nations" to determine the course of settling these bankruptcies and it is up to us to name our Business Agents to address these matters. We have named Michael Stephan Young of the Athabascan Nations and Donald J. Trump to act in these fiduciary capacities.
It is up to us to forgive odious debt without hurting the creditors --which are mainly pension funds and other innocent victims of these shysters (we know how) and to exchange credits (we can do that, too) and to restructure "debt" into credit (another miracle) and we can also liquidate with prejudice any corporation that engages in criminal activities.
The only other unincorporated government that could allege an interest in these matters, the Holy See, has officially withdrawn pending our settlement of the debts owed to us.
Assuming that Donald Trump enters into the unincorporated public Office of the President of the United States of America, he will be working in tandem with Michael Stephan Young, Fiduciary Agent, and James Clinton Belcher, the hereditary Head of State holding all the reserved powers and the Great Seal of the United States of America, which also controls the delegated powers.
Queen Elizabeth II has operated "as" the presumed Head of State, but in fact holds only delegated power.
The venal corporations that have been responsible for so much of the destruction, warfare, misery, and debt of the entire world are on the ropes and we are in the proverbial cat-bird seat, fully enabled to oversee them and make disposition of them.
Now that you all have a clearer perspective, I think it is obvious that the people of every nation have a new lease on life, and everyone should breathe easier knowing that the reign of the criminal banks has come to a fitting end.
We would ask now that everyone get on board the actual Ship of State in America, that all United States Service Members renew their dedication, and that all people who want to get out from under this bogus debt and constant warfare nonsense join in supporting our lawful government and restoring their own lawful land jurisdiction governments.
One other note--- as the Priority Creditors of every corporation on Earth we are in receipt of assets worth untold amounts of both actual money and money of account. It may then strike everyone as ridiculous that we are in need of any donations from anyone to support our work.
However, the positions we hold are positions of trust and there is no salary and no budget attached to them. We are doing this in a unpaid capacity, which has always been the case since The Definitive Treaty of Paris, 1783, was signed.
Queen Elizabeth and her antecedents received payment of tribute in gold for their services every year. The hereditary Heads of State for the United States of America (unincorporated) received the thanks of those who knew who they were and the responsibility they accepted.
I am the Paymaster for all this, plus The Living Law Firm, the American States and Nations Bank, and much else.
My PayPal is: and my snail mail address is: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, please do all that you can to inform your local politicians, your clergymen, your friends, your family, your neighbors near and far, the members of your military and police services, and prepare to transition back to your lawful land jurisdiction governments.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Urgent Message for Donald Trump

By Anna Von Reitz

This is an urgent message for US President Donald J. Trump: 

Help is on the way.  

What appears to be an insurmountable obstacle will melt away like morning mist. 

You have been chosen to enter the vacated Office of President of the United States of America (Unincorporated).  We have seen your heart in your actions and we approve of the steps you have taken to get the Ship of State back on course.  

The so-called "New Republic" does not have a contract.  Mr. Rothschild has been repeatedly rebuffed and informed that we have made new arrangements and have new contracts with new federal service providers in place following the attempt to vacate the federal obligations and commercial service contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America.  

The assistance that FRANCE has rendered as part of the transition to new vendors is appreciated, but only approved on a month-by-month service for hire basis. 

This counter-offer has been published widely and accepted, so there is no excuse for FRANCE to continue making efforts or claims otherwise.  The so-called New Republic may represent the failed Territorial United States during its reorganization, but does not represent us.  

Likewise, upon you acceptance of the Office of the President of the United States of America and your return to your birthright political status, you will be fully indemnified and enabled to act in concert with Michael Stephan Young to represent the interests of the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc.  

Our claims are in place and our Sovereign Letters Patent are recorded along with all the other documentation and corrections of the Public Record needed to enforce the Will of the People and their organic states.  

You are not limited to be the President of a bankrupt Municipal or Territorial Government Services Corporation.  You have the Office of the President of the United States of America (unincorporated) ready and waiting for your acceptance. Your indemnification bond will be sent to the treasury early next week, and until then and in the interim you can shelter your office under the indemnification bond of your birth state:  AMRI00001 RA393427640US. 

The United States of America is among the last standing land jurisdiction governments on Earth.  It is the only entity (now that the Holy See has abdicated) competent to sort out this Mess, to forgive odious international debt, to restructure and exchange debts among nations, and to re-settle and re-venue the national governments owed to all the people on Earth.  

As President of the unincorporated United States of America, you will be representing the interests and security of the actual states and people, who are the Paramount Security Interest Holders and Priority Creditors of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, Inc. and all their franchises, subsidiaries and agencies. 

This is a sacred calling in the universal sense, not to be undertaken lightly.  

If you love your country, as we believe that you do, you are now enabled to occupy the land jurisdiction office and to act as a faithful fiduciary and agent of the unincorporated United States of America. 

If Paul Ryan does assume office as President of the bankrupt Territorial United States, it should be regarded as a private corporate issue and not as any transfer of power or delegated authority affecting your public office as President of the United States of America upon your acceptance or the duty owed by both of you to the actual states and people.  

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website

Legal Kung-Fu

By Anna Von Reitz

Tonight a friend (thank you, Rene) reminded me of a true gem, another one of those people like Brent Winters and Jean Keating who have a great wealth of insight and information to offer about the law: Richard Cornforth, yes, "corn" as in the vegetable, and "forth" as in "going forth": Cornforth.  Remember that name. 

Of course, it is my hope and determination to see the restoration of American Common Law Courts, which the people of this country are owed.  But in the meantime, we must gird for legal battle on foreign turf.  Too many Americans have been railroaded and misrepresented by members of the Bar. 

For those sincerely seeking a solid understanding of the various kinds of law including the American Common Law we are heir to, I recommend Brent Winter's astonishingly wonderful book, The Excellence of the Common Law, available on Amazon.  It is neither brief nor is it a quick read, as it does justice to the subject and gives you both meat and potatoes, and it is not inexpensive, either.  

I have purchased several copies that I lend out to people and I am in the process of providing copies to public libraries.  For those who can afford to do so, consider making a Christmas gift or Hanukkah gift or memorial gift of Brent Winter's The Excellence of the Common Law to your local library, so that more Americans can afford to learn the history of the various forms of law we have to deal with.  

Until our local Jural Assemblies (not "Jural Societies" which are organized to support international (sea jurisdiction) courts) are up and running and our land jurisdiction courts organized, there remains a crying need for self-defense in these foreign international courts.  

I am often asked for help from people who need practical information and I feel bad when I don't have time to answer, much less go through the step by step by step that is necessary.  How do you teach 320 million people how to defend themselves in court?  About any number of issues?  

You send them to Richard Cornforth's website:

There are many patriot gurus preaching this and that remedy, but there is no silver bullet that I know of.  However you look at it, people must learn.  They must learn their actual history.  They must learn how to defend themselves.  They must learn to self-govern and restore their lawful government. 

There are few reliable teachers out there, but Richard Cornforth is one.  His materials are concise and well-written and practical.  His videos are engaging and straight-forward and easy to grasp. He has a stable of specialists who work with him to provide topic-specific help, allowing you to quickly locate the information you need without sorting through piles of paper. 

I just ordered his DVD "Introduction to Law" with the intention of reviewing it for my readers.  I have read his work and seen his lectures on YouTube so I am looking forward to it.  Nobody else that I know of has Cornforth's passion, organized intellect, and devotion to teaching legal self-defense.  

Please note that I said "legal" -- not lawful.  This is for those who are engaged in legal battles in the federal and federated state courts. This is for those who continue to face (or dread to face) foreclosures, custody battles, the IRS, identity theft, probate, debt collection, criminal charges, divorce, and all the rest. 

The best defense is a good offense.  Get the right information and the right attitude now.  Don't wait for the IRS to attack you or the property tax goons to foreclose.  Start educating yourself about history and the law, so that no matter what happens in the future, you know who you are and you are prepared to stand your ground and make good use of the public records you develop as recourse. 

So--- Brent Winter's The Excellence of the Common Law, to learn the history and kinds of law, and particularly, Common Law. 

Followed by Richard Cornforth's learn as you go ersatz law school.  I guarantee you that if you graduate from his tutelage you will be able to defend yourself and your family against any of the common assaults.

See this article and over 700 others on Anna's website



            Stewart Best
             August 27 2017


Harvey made landfall with a pressure of 938 Mb, which is a 9-11, that is 9 – and then 3+8 = 11 or a coded 9-11. If you add the numbers across, that is 9+3+8 = 20, the number of Redemption. TV's Fox said Harvey made first landfall at 9:47 or 9-11. Mainland fall at 10:00 CDT or 11:00 Eastern time. It made landfall on 8-25-2017 or 4 days after the eclipse, and 3 days after Trumps "Phoenix Rising" speech.

Four is the number of the WORLD. It appears, then, that the message to the world is that ANTICHRIST is soon going to come in LIKE A FLOOD, and destroy the world just as Harvey destroyed ROCK PORT. Of course Jesus is the ROCK, and He is the PORT OF SAFETY for the CHRISTIANS.
The Great Red Dragon, called the DESTROYER, is now visible as it comes in to devour the MAN CHILD soon to be born on 9-11-2017. It is symbolic of the NEW WORLD ORDER and it's WAR with Christ, and the round-up and murder of the CHRISTIANS. The spirit of antichrist is rising rapidly.

Corpus Christi was likewise hit very hard, meaning of course that THE BODY OF CHRIST is likewise going to be hit hard, indicative of the Psalm Two wars and judgment of the Christians by Christ as the MANY vs. THE FEW at the time Jesus says "I NEVER CAME TO KNOW YOU EXPERIENTIALLY". Remember that judgment comes FIRST upon HIS OWN PEOPLE, and as He warned, it was a mistake to PASS OVER "JUDGMENT" and "LOVE".

You see, modern Salvation doctrine passes over JUDGMENT because judgment comes when one STANDS BEFORE THE SON OF MAN, only reached via the strait gate and narrow way. There is no other way and, when you STAND BEFORE the Lord in judgment, He offers HIS LOVE TO COVER YOU. So that remark actually is another coded YOU ARE NOT BORN AGAIN, because you refused the only way in, and that means you PASSED OVER the elements of TRUE SALVATION and climbed up "some other way", which is CONVERSION vs. TRUE REGENERATION.

In the book Phoenix Rising, which is the story of the rise of the NEW WORLD ORDER and all of the deception that goes with it, we have entered the time of maximum danger from storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and breakdown of government, or we could that government implosion. Time will tell.

Trump, according to those recently departed from the White House, is now surrounded by DEEP STATE, and for now a SILENT COUP against Trump has been successful and Trump has been compromised. Bannon says the Trump presidency is OVER, meaning that the agenda of the DEEP STATE will now be carried out and Trump's agenda is OVER.

As I understand it now, Harvey was the first major storm in 12 years to hit the mainline US and had 12 major storm surges. It was also 47 (11) years for a storm to hit Corpus Christi. As was stated on NIGHT SHADOWS RADIO, the numbers are very important to determine if Harvey is a MESSAGE or a WARNING from the Creator Himself. It appears that it was and is, as the aftermath will be far worse that the storm coming ashore. It is forecast to remain virtually unmoved for the next few days, dumping up to 60 inches of rain in some areas.

So, we wait, we watch, and pray we be worthy to stand before the Son of Man and ESCAPE most of this. The date of 9-11, and then 9-22-23 are dates to really watch for, plus any 7-day warning events prior to any of those events.

SUDDEN DESTRUCTION, whatever it is, is almost upon the world.

Did you know that here in America you can be tried more than once for your 'crimes'?



These tyrants just can’t let it go.  They can’t make their case to the jury to find these men guilty so they are going to try them a third time and push other defendants’ court date back further into the future!

After the jury acquitted two defendants in the Bundy Ranch case of all charges against them, they were deadlocked on two others, O. Scott Drexler and Eric Parker, both of Idaho.

Still, they were released from prison on Tuesday evening, but discovered on Wednesday that the 'government', who could not make their case to the jury, want to try them again.

“Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes,” said Parker’s lawyer, Jess Marchese. “It’s clear at this point the prosecution is taking this personally now.”

Marchese said Acting Nevada U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre twice called Parker a 'coward' during a court hearing Wednesday.
Marchese said it was unprofessional and unnecessary. “This is a business,” he said. “And there’s no need for emotion in a business.”

It’s actually pretty cowardly what Mr. Myhre has been involved in, in attempts to bring in situation and conduct that occurred well after Bundy Ranch against defendants to make his case, as well as being just fine with holding defendants up to five years without worrying about violating their right to a speedy trial.

Consider that Mr. Myhre is the same man who would not include the men found guilty in the first trial in the retrial for the charges they were not found guilty on because of time and expenses, but he will not let these men go to save money and time and actually give the other men their day in court in a timely manner.

AZ Central reports:
The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Las Vegas confirmed Wednesday it will go back to court for the third time in an attempt to convict two men accused of taking up arms against  federal agents.
Less than 24 hours earlier, a jury had acquitted two standoff defendants and dismissed the most serious charges against two others. Now federal prosecutors say they will retry the men next month on outstanding weapons and assault charges.
The move pushes back the trials for 11 other defendants in the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff, including Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy, who have spent 18 months in prison while awaiting their court date.
Parker and Drexler face one count each of 'assaulting a federal officer' and carrying a firearm in the commission of a 'crime'. Parker faces two additional counts of using a firearm to threaten a federal officer.  (These are UNPROVEN charges by the court.)
Never mind that the keeping and bearing of arms is a right protected under the Second Amendment.

Nevermind that the position of the men and their weapons was a defensive position in the face of hundreds of armed, tactically trained federal agents and snipers with their weapons targeting innocent Americans who were simply engaged in protesting the lawless actions of the Bureau of Land Management.

To demonstrate just how crooked Judge Gloria Navarro’s court is and how in lock step it is with the tyrannical central 'government' it works for, even AZ Central saw what was going on.
Navarro’s rulings, aimed at trying to avoid jury nullification, severely limited defense arguments.
Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict based on its shared belief rather than on the evidence in a case.
Navarro barred defendants from discussing why they traveled thousands of miles to join protesters at the Bundy Ranch.
She did not allow them to testify about perceived abuses by federal authorities during the cattle roundup that might have motivated them to participate.
Navarro also restricted defendants from raising constitutional arguments, or mounting any defense based on their First Amendment rights to free speech and their Second Amendment rights to bear arms.
In her rulings, Navarro said those were not applicable arguments in the case.
Federal officials did not face the same restrictions. To show defendants were part of a conspiracy, they referenced events that happened months, or years, after the standoff.
Federal prosecutors, led by Myhre, argued in court the case wasn’t about the First or Second Amendments; that the Constitution doesn’t give people the right to threaten 'federal officers'.
And the Constitution doesn’t give the right for members of an unconstitutional agency to threaten American citizens either, Mr. Myhre.

Because of Myhre’s and Navarro’s reckless and lawless behavior, now Drexler and Parker will have to face another trial and the Bundys and reporter Pete Santilli will have their court date delayed well into October or possibly November.

And why?  Because for Myhre this is not about justice, it’s personal.  That was demonstrated in his attacks on the defendants and their attorneys.

Indeed, it is personal, but it should be about justice.

There are still 11 defendants who remain incarcerated for the past 19 months without a trial and the court’s actions continue to infringe on the rights of these men.

“Those guys want their day in court,” said Marchese.

As for at least one of the defendants awaiting trial, Pete Santilli’s attorney, Chris Rasmussen has filed a motion for pre-trial release.

Sadly, I can tell you they aren’t going to grant it.  They haven’t done so thus far.  There’s no way the 'government' is going to give an inch here.  They have too much to lose.

If you are able and would like to help the Bundy Ranch political prisoners win their case against the tyranny of the 'central government' or would like to write them,  please click here.  

If you would like to support a house in Nevada that is caring for wives and children of these men as they attend the trials, please click here. 


Stunning Leaked Footage of Bunkerville Standoff at Bundy Ranch in 2014

Stunning Leaked Footage of Bunkerville Standoff at Bundy Ranch in 2014

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Published on Aug 23, 2017
The 2014 Bunkerville Standoff saw over 200 armed federal agents aim their guns at American citizens who had gathered in support of rancher Cliven Bundy. This shocking footage includes never before seen video clips from BLM dash and body cams. 

I would be glad to credit whoever put this footage together, but since it was leaked video I'm not aware of the original creator. If any of you know, you are welcome to pass the info on to me.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Emergency! Democrat Plan To Kill Cops

Democrat Plan To Kill Cops And 
Overthrow Government Discovered

Alex Jones talks with Doug Hagmann and Roger Stone about the latest revelations showing the Democrats are moving forward with their plans for a coup against Donald Trump.

15 Days Darkness In November

NASA: 15 Days Darkness In November
Really NASA???

Dr William Mount
Aug 25 2017