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EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Bernanke Crosses the Line of No Return
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday March 27, 2012

EXPLOSIVE Back Breaking News
Bernanke Crosses the Line of No Return
by Tom Heneghan
International Intelligence Expert
Tuesday March 27, 2012
UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that Federal Reserve Chairman Bernard Bernanke's recent statement concerning a possible QE3 (quantitative easing) was a bald face lie.
Bernanke's statement was made to accommodate day trades tied to JP Morgan's euro currency derivatives aka illegal naked short put options that were written on the London LIFFE Exchange with U.S. Taxpayers' money.

api.ning. comDirect message to Bernanke: A sizable element of the U.S. military, along with General Petreaus, want to have you and Timothy Geithner arrested immediately, including the fact that you continue to misuse the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds (owed the U.S. Treasury) that were illegally laundered from the Bank of America in Charlotte to none other than the criminal bank and brokerage firm Goldman Sachs.
P.S. We can now divulge that the alleged margin calls tied to MF Global were actually margin calls made against JP Morgan's custodial account (JP Morgan's custodial), which had already co-mingled the customer segregated accounts of MF Global and JP Morgan in a euro currency derivative ponzi scheme.
Let's refresh your memory, folks. It was financial terrorist Jamie Dimon that threatened MF Global's CEO Jon Corzine in regards to MF Global meeting the margin call created by none other than JP Morgan custodial.Message to financial terrorist Jamie Dimon: Dallas Federal Reserve President and CEO Richard Fisher has the goods on you and you are going to get busted, punk!
P.P.S. Message to all Roman Catholic voters in the state of Wisconsin: It is imperative that you put a stop to Bush-Clinton-Obama-Federal Reserve stooge (church of satanic latter day saints) Mormon scumbag Mitt Romney.He is a total puppet of Wall Street and part of the cabal that looted this country.
He is a massive piece of manure.
LATE BREAKING REPORT: The U.S. Attorney in Utah has direct evidence implicating Mormon scumbag Romney for using a 10% tithing aka temporary gift that was given to him by the Mormon Church, which was to be repaid in one year.
Instead, Mormon scumbag Romney, with the help of current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, laundered the money through the Cayman Islands.
Romney is clearly using these funds that are supposed to be repaid to the Mormon Church to fund his illegal super pac that bombards his Republican primary opponents with personal attack ads.
I have a direct message to Mormon scumbag Romney: You are a coward, you are a misfit and you are a money launderer. You will never be president of the United States.

http://api.ning. com
International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.Bernanke's statement was made to accommodate day trades tied to JP Morgan's euro currency derivatives aka illegal naked short put options that were written on the London LIFFE Exchange with U.S. Taxpayers' money.
api.ning. com
P.S. We can now divulge that the alleged margin calls tied to MF Global were actually margin calls made against JP Morgan's custodial account (JP Morgan's custodial), which had already co-mingled the customer segregated accounts of MF Global and JP Morgan in a euro currency derivative ponzi scheme.
P.P.S. Message to all Roman Catholic voters in the state of Wisconsin: It is imperative that you put a stop to Bush-Clinton-Obama-Federal Reserve stooge (church of satanic latter day saints) Mormon scumbag Mitt Romney.He is a total puppet of Wall Street and part of the cabal that looted this country.
He is a massive piece of manure.
Romney banks in the Cayman Islands
(Credit: AP/Steven Senne/iStockphoto/miralex)
LATE BREAKING REPORT: The U.S. Attorney in Utah has direct evidence implicating Mormon scumbag Romney for using a 10% tithing aka temporary gift that was given to him by the Mormon Church, which was to be repaid in one year.
Instead, Mormon scumbag Romney, with the help of current dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, laundered the money through the Cayman Islands.
Romney is clearly using these funds that are supposed to be repaid to the Mormon Church to fund his illegal super pac that bombards his Republican primary opponents with personal attack ads.
I have a direct message to Mormon scumbag Romney: You are a coward, you are a misfit and you are a money launderer. You will never be president of the United States.
http://api.ning. com
Although a straight man with no homophobic issues, I have to say. I'm sick of seeing sexual preferences used when demonizing someone. Especially when its erroneous. Hilary Clinton might be an evil bitch but shes been married for years with a daughter.
Lets use some common sense. At least a little.
E. BREAKING NEWS: Bernanke Crosses the Line of No Return (view more)
E. BREAKING NEWS: JP Morgan-MF Global-Euro Gate Escalates (view more)
BREAKING NEWS: CFTC Obstruction of Justice Exposed - Euro Fraud is JP Morgan Fraud (view more)
HOT BREAKING NEWS: IMF Warns ECB (view more)
BREAKING NEWS: ECB Fraud is Federal Reserve Fraud (view more)
[View All Blog Entries] from: http://www.myspace.com/tom_heneghan_intel
(people don't want to know, how all this, is so evil....even when they are given proof...People are good people, and they don't want to know about evilness around them.)///
TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2012,The Bilocation of Hillary Clone-Clinton.
In 2008, during the American presidential election campaign, US Senator Hillary Clinton's handlers began to get clumsy and she was seen in two different places at once on a number of separate occasions. And not just in Iowa and New Hampshire. Someone sees Hillary Clinton at a function across town at, say, 1.30pm. And then, when they compare notes with a Democratic Party co-worker later that day, they learn that Hillary was also seen back at the hotel at 1.30pm, three miles away. And her clothes were different, or her hair was different, or her makeup was different, and the people with her were different. Or, after a speaking engagement, the car drives Hillary Clinton away to Location A, where she is seen to get out of the car at, say, 10.45pm. But a co-worker sees her at 11.00pm at Location B thirty or forty miles away, except that Hillary Clinton and the car have not left Location A. And they couldn't drive that fast anyway, and Hillary's clothing or appearance is different, and the people with her, are different. And the next day, arriving for an early morning meeting somewhere, Hillary comes from Location B, not from Location A. Meanwhile, she is seen having a late breakfast at Location A with different people. And so on.
How many different Hillary Clintons are there? It is suggested that over half the US Presidential hopefuls in 2008 were human clones. There were several of each of them. Was Hillary Clinton one of these or several of them? And how are the voters to discriminate? ....(....)There are other pictures here and here and here and here/links/. Same woman again, but older? Trick of the light maybe? Moles there notice, but no moles here. What about here? Moles or not? .... But how many different individuals were shown? Three? Four? When we and others first began running this story, the Hillary for President campaign immediately changed its lead picture from this to this. That image was then changed again after a bit. Their current favourite official regulation version of Hillary Clinton, can now be viewed here. And for afficionados, here is a picture of one of the Hillary Clinton clones, taking instructions from a clone-handler called George McGlaris in Dover, New Hampshire, on Monday 7th January 2008. .... What was the major issue in election-alert America in 2008? It was the physiognomy, stupid. The use of human clones in American political management, is only now becoming apparent. The last US President not to be cloned was John F. Kennedy. .....(....)
......and what about clones in Canada ? / no name for today, later.../
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