Tuesday, July 24, 2012


1)  On Ascension Part 2/6 – What is Ascension? (Repost - from the 2012 Scenario)    

July 22, 2012

Steve Beckow writes

Given how many people are new to Ascension, we repost this series from 2011 to introduce new readers to aspects of Ascension.

On the Divine Plan Before looking at what Ascension is, I’d like to look at its derivation in the Divine Plan for life.
SaLuSa tells us that “spiritual matters are highly organised.” While “you are all acting out your roles for the benefit of the whole, and a game it may be,” it is “one that is deadly serious.” The object of the game is “that as many souls as possible move into the Light.” The efforts of our galactic and spirit teachers are aimed at “getting you to awaken to your true selves.” (1)

SaLuSa tells us there is a “grand plan for Man.” It is “perfect in its concept and whatever path you take, it will always lead to your goal.” (2) This grand plan is “being worked out, supported by great Beings of Light.” (3)
What is its goal? He tells us that “the Divine Plan [has been devised] to release you from the lower vibrations and end the cycle whilst giving every soul the opportunity to rise up.” (4)

“Because it was agreed beforehand,” SaLuSa reveals, “immense help is being given to lift you up again.” (5) “Gradually” he confirms, “the awakening process has started to yield results.” (6)

Although it is possible for an individual soul to ascend at any given time, SaluSa tells us, “the difference now is that you are benefiting because of the Divine decree that this Universe shall lift up and enter a new area in the Cosmos.” (7) “Release your fears,” he advises us, “and trust in the Almighty Creator and the divine decree that offers you the opportunity to permanently leave duality.” (8)

Not only do we hear this from galactic sources, but from spiritual sources as well, such as the spirit teacher Saul, who says:  “It is your Father’s Will and yours that you make this move back into His glorious Presence where you belong and where everlasting bliss awaits you.” (9)

Or planetary logos, Sanat Kumara, who explains:

“The intention of the Plan has always been for you to return to Source.  The Plan was never for you to fall away from the light into utter darkness.  The reversal of the downfall has been created and now blessed ones, you are returning to your place in the light of your eternal God Selves.” (10)

Once the divine decree is given, according to Matthew Ward, it is passed on to “the highest universal council members,” who then take the next step. They “long ago conceived and crafted the Golden Age’s master plan.” (11)

“The plan included millions and millions of souls from advanced civilizations whose essential assistance on, within and above Earth assured that she not only would survive death throes, but would be restored to her original paradise self, where all her people live in harmony with each other and all of Nature.” (12)

I don’t plan to extensively cover here who has come to assist us with Ascension. That is a large enough topic that I intend to leave it for a separate series. At present, I simply want to identify that other developed beings are here for us.
At great personal cost, evolved “souls of Light have joined [us] on Earth” with the result that “the vibrations have slowly been lifted,”

SaLuSa tells us. They come as a result of the operation of the natural laws, he says.
“The Creator has made the Universal Laws and they allow for help to come to you from all over the Universe. Your success in grounding the Light upon Earth has led to higher vibrations attracting the attention of other Beings of Light.” (13)
Where do they come from? He reveals:

“They have come from various civilisations that have long moved in to the Light, and prepared to experience the darkness that you have dropped into. It has been what you call ”a rude awakening” to leave the uplifting energies and harmony that exists on their home planets. That is in service to you as fellow travellers seeking your evolutionary path.” (14)

On Ascension Itself SaLuSa tells us that “Ascension is quite a natural occurrence covered by the Laws of the Universe.” (15) The succession of cycles culminating in Ascension is a normal part of life.

“What is more natural than one cycle ending and a new one beginning, as it is in the nature of all changes that are planned for the evolution of your Universe. They are not chance happenings but part of your inevitable journey back to the Source.” (16)

SaLuSa explains that the process of Ascension out of a lower cycle into a higher has been long known and predicted.
“It was known that those who had become of the Light would rise up from the Earth [at this time]. Such events have occurred on a regular basis and sometimes even during a cycle, such as the disappearance of the Mayan people. (17)

“The coming Ascension has been the subject of many teachings and messages for a very long time, as the end times have been clearly defined since this cycle began so long ago. It is the whole purpose of everything that has been taking place, and the plan has been played out so that you have gained the maximum benefit from it.” (18)

However, that having been said, Ascension “only comes up once in every solar cycle,” he tells us. (19) a cycle consisting of 26,000 years. (20)

An angelic group called “the Nine” describe what Ascension consists of.

“The Ascension of the Earth is the raising of the electro-magnetic frequencies that surround her and that she exists within. It is a freeing from a static place into a place of Growth. It is natural evolution that eventually occurs within all consciousness structures be they Planetary, Humanoid or Otherwise.” (21)

Ascension, in the words of the ascended master, St. Germain, will result in “a quantum leap of consciousness that will be all encompassing.” (22)

According to the Group, speaking through Steve Rother, everything on the planet is adjusting to a higher vibration: “The Earth is changing to house a higher vibration not only of herself, but of humans, animals and every other part of it. The entire game is changing to begin a new game at a higher vibration.” (23)

In the next part of this series, we’ll look at the Golden Age that will open up after Ascension.

(2) SaLuSa, Oct. 21, 2009.
(3) SaLuSa, April 1, 2009.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 20, 2009.
(5) SaLuSa, Jan. 24, 2011.
(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 3, 2010.
(7) SaLuSa, Dec. 22, 2008.
(8) SaLuSa, March 11, 2009.
(9) Saul, Feb. 10, 2010, at  http://johnsmallman.wordpress.com
(10) Sanat Kumara, Oct. 20, 2010, through Rev. Michelle Coutant, at www.transformingradiance.com/cosmicblog/
(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 21, 2009, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) SaLuSa, Oct. 26, 2009.
(14) SaLuSa, Dec. 17, 2010.
(15) SaLuSa, Jan. 10, 2011.
(16) SaLuSa, March 31, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 10, 2011.
(18) SaLuSa, April 9, 2010.
(19) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010.
(20) “Message from the Masters” through Meg Blackburn Losey, April 6, 2009, at http://www.spiritlite.com/messages.php.
(21) The Full name of “the Nine” is “TheWhite-Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine, “What does Earth Ascension really mean?” through Magenta Pixie, Oct. 4, 2008, at http://www.lightworkers.org/content/48417/alignment-earth-ascension
(22) St. Germain, Aug. 15, 2008, through Mike Quinsey, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(23) The Group, “A New Spin to Earth,” April 15, 2010, through Steve Rother, at http://www.lightworker.com/beacons/2010/2010_04-NewSpin.php


July 22, 2012
Telepath, Spirit Eagle

St. Germain, the Ascended Masters and Galactic Federation speak

These times are ones of confusion for many.  The closer the Hour comes for total transformation, the more the forces of chaos step up their disinformation dissemination.  It is up to You to discern the Truth of what you are hearing or reading.  Is the information coming from a loving heart, expressed in a tone of Equality?  Is there condescension dripping from the Messages that you are relying upon?  What do you FEEL upon reading the information?

Your Heart will always tell you true.  The intellect and the heart working together are a powerful tool for Discernment!   What do you Intuit from a given Message?  Will this lead you further along Your Path?  Will it march you through the dark machinations of the Old Path of confusion and dissension?  The lower dimensionals are working overtime because we are at the end of this long journey.

We, the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Federation of Light will always treat you with respect and with the intention of honoring you in your struggles in this dimensional reality.  You are Rising,  ALL of YOU!  All souls are being impacted now.  Those who wish to experience this change in Consciousness have much assistanceThose who wish to watch the Earth's Ascension from elsewhere will do so; those who want to experience it in the physical form will do so.  It Is up to you and your soul knows Your Plan.

I am St Germain, and I say to you to Trust your Hearts, your Feelings.  Listen to what is said.  Remember that you have come here to Help in the Birthing of the New Earth!  She needs you as you need her.  Be clear and courageous NOW!  You are NOT Less Than... You are MORE Than you realize.

How do you want this Change to come about?  It is Your Planet and You are her protectors.  She Needs you NOW!  ALL must take the responsibility for the next steps to be taken.  It is Not OUT OF YOUR HANDS!

Please remember My Dear Ones that Simplicity is the keyTechnology isn't everything, but the Mind and the Heart are All.  Put those Together and you will Know and be able to discern Truth from Fiction in the information that is circulating on your InternetBe Discerning!   We salute you and honor your faithfulness in the Light.

Telepathic Communication by Spirit Eagle  7/22/12  7:55 pm

 you are love, you are loved, and I love you 


Anonymous said...

My heart tells Me not to believe You. You have had a completely clean and open mind here to work with but you blew it.

Anonymous said...

I personally dont't care what Mike Quincey has to say! He is compromised or he is an enemy of the patriot movement!Clear and simple,anyone whos claims this cancer of communist murder and high treason is of the light is full of crap as a Christmas goose! Frankly,I shose to believe in Sheldon Nidle,but I have my doubts about him as well?! I believe and know the ET's exist,just not sure to what degree they are with all the bastard disinfo being spread by the
assholes of the world,CIA,NSA,all corrupted!I have to believe in our own ability to take action againt the Nazi/Commies that have infiltrated our Country in every capacity,the cock reaches are every where!

siriusvoid said...

This is real help.
I wish the simple principle of pranayama mentioned in Book II sutras 49-51 (especially sutra 51) of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras would be commented upon in this elegant context.