Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This might be a Great song for Drake.... Please see if you can forward...

This might be a Great song for Drake.... Please see if you can forward...

Whether you wore the uniform of our armed forces or you didn't, if you care about our Country and it's people, which obviously the current people in Washington DC do not, this song should reignite some patriotism in your soul.

God Bless.

Not all emails deserve a "WOW" but this one sure does.
Tears and "Goose Bumps" are permitted.

If the Statue of  Liberty could sing, this would be the song.
Posted by: Maj Gen. Vernon Chong USAF ret.
Enjoy this GREAT new song!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Maj.Gen.Vernon Chong! Yes,perfect song for Drake and all Ret.Military,True Red Blooded American Patriots! time to remove all local,state and federal communists once and for all. Every last one of them. Do they have their tickets yet?