Morgan is getting on television every night and flat out lying to the American
people about gun control. Nearly every statistic that he quotes is
inaccurate and he fails to acknowledge a whole host of statistics that would
instantly invalidate the arguments that he is trying to make. Yes, the UK
has a lower gun murder rate than the United States does, but what Piers Morgan
fails to tell you is that the overall rate of violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than
it is in the United States. A woman in the UK is not allowed pull out a
gun to protect herself against a gang of potential rapists. So perhaps
that explains why the UK has about 125 percent more rape victims per 100,000
people than the United States does. While UK newspapers are declaring
that the UK has become the "violent crime capital of Europe", crime
rates in the United States have actually fallen dramatically over the past 20
years. This was also a time period during which gun laws became much less
restrictive in the United States. Today, murder rates in the U.S. are
generally far higher in cities that have very strict gun control laws (such as
Chicago) than they are for the general population. The cold, hard numbers
make it clear that when there are more guns there is less crime, but hardcore
leftists such as Piers Morgan are absolutely obsessed with gun control and
Morgan continues to relentlessly attack the 2nd Amendment night after
night. We need to start pointing out that he is not telling the truth.
following are 18 facts that prove that Piers Morgan is flat out lying about gun
#1 The UK has
approximately 125 percent more rape victims per
100,000 people each year than the United States does.
#2 The UK has
approximately 133 percent more assault victims per
100,000 people each year than the United States does.
#3 Piers Morgan
continues to insist that there are more than 11,000 gun murders in the United
States every year. But that is flat out wrong. According to the
FBI, there were 8,583 gun murders in the United
States during 2011. And as Ben Swann recently pointed out, 400 of those were
justifiable homicides by law enforcement and 260 of those were justifiable
homicides by private citizens.
#4 The United
States is #1 in the world in gun ownership, and yet it is only 28thin the world in gun murders per
100,000 people.
#5 The violent
crime rate in the United States actually fell from 757.7 per 100,000 in 1992 to 386.3 per 100,000 in 2011.
During that same time period, the murder rate fell from 9.3 per 100,000 to 4.7 per 100,000. This was
during an era when gun laws in the United States generally became much less
#6 The city of
Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the United States. So has
this reduced crime? Of course not. As I wrote about the other day, the murder rate in Chicago
was about 17 percent higher in 2012 than
it was in 2011, and Chicago is now considered to be "the deadliest global city". If
you can believe it, there were about as many murders in Chicago during 2012 as
there was in the entire
nation of Japan.
#7 After the city
of Kennesaw, Georgia passed a law requiring every home to have a gun, the crime
rate dropped by more than 50 percent over the
course of the next 23 years.
#8 Approximately 200,000 women in the United States
use guns to protect themselves against sexual crime every single year.
#9 Overall, guns
in the United States are used 80 times more often to prevent crime
than they are to take lives.
#10 Only about 3.5 percent of the gun murders in the
United States are caused by rifles.
#11 According to
Gallup, an all-time record 74 percent of all Americans are against
a total handgun ban in the United States.
#12 Down in
Australia, gun murders increased by about 19 percent and armed robberies
increased by about 69 percent after a gun ban
was instituted.
#13 When Piers
Morgan claims that there are only 35 gun murders in the UK per year, he isn't
exactly being accurate. According to official statistics, there were59 gun murders in the UK in
2011. It is also important to keep in mind that gun crime was already
super low even before the gun ban in the UK was instituted, and that a 2009
article in The Telegraph declared that gun
crime had doubledover
the past decade even though it is widely acknowledged that crime statistics in
the UK are massively underreported.
#14 The UK has the fourth highest burglary rate in
the EU.
#15 The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in
the EU.
#16 A 2009 article
in The Telegraph had this stunning headline: "UK is violent crime capital of Europe".
#17 Despite the
very strict ban on guns in the UK, the truth is that the UK is a far more
violent society than the United States is. In one recent year, there were2,034 violent crimes per 100,000
people in the UK. In the United States, there were only 466 violent crimes per 100,000 people
during that same year. Do we really want to be more like the UK?
#18 According to Gun Owners of America, the governments of
the world slaughtered more than 170 million of their own people during the 20th
century. The vast majority of those people had been disarmed by their own
governments prior to being slaughtered.
you won't hear many of these statistics on the mainstream news, will you?
fact, right now there seems to be some sort of a nationwide backlash against
gun advocates. A few high profile gun advocates have even ended up dead
in recent days.
example, self-described "gun nut" Keith Ratliff, the owner of the
ninth most popular channel on YouTube, was found dead at his business on January 3rd...
Keith Ratliff, 32, was a channel producer for FPSRussia firearms channel, an account
with more than 3 million subscribers that features videos of a man testing a
variety of guns.
Ratliff was found shot in the head at his business on Jan. 3,
and while police don't have a motive, they have classified his death as a homicide,
FoxNews.com reported Wednesday.
only that, one of the most prominent rifle manufacturers in America was killed
in a "mysterious car crash" on January 4th. The following is
from a recent articleby Mike Adams...
John Noveske is one of the most celebrated battle rifle manufacturers
in America. His rifles, found at www.NoveskeRifleworks.com
are widely recognized as some of the finest pieces of American-made hardware
ever created. (I own one of his rifles, and it's a masterpiece of a machine
that just keeps on running.) Sadly, John Noveske was killed in a mysterious car
crash just a few days ago, on January 4, 2013.
According to the Outdoor Wire, his car "traveled across the
oncoming lane onto the dirt highway shoulder until it struck two large
boulders. The vehicle rolled and Mr. Noveske was ejected."
But barely a week before this incident, John Noveske posted a
lengthy, detailed post on Facebook that listed all the school shootings tied to
psychiatric drugs. At the end of the post, he asked, "What drugs was Adam
Peter Lanza on?"
That was the last post he ever made.
are these two incidents just coincidences, or is some sort of a pattern
radical leftists are introducing gun grabbing legislation in legislaturesall over the United States.
the federal level, Barack Obama is developing plans to bypass Congress and use executive
orders to implement his gun control agenda.
seems to be an all-out attempt to bring strict gun control to the United
States. It is going to be very important to get the facts out and show
people that reducing the number of guns is not going to make us all safer.
share this article with as many people as you can. Hopefully this list of
facts will help to change some minds.
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