Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Never let a 'crisis' - especially one you have purposely created - go to waste




Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I am amused but puzzled by the masses who actually think the west and U.S.A. created ISIS. Or that Israel created ISIS. You folks believe you have figured it all out, but the problem is the west didn't create ISIS.

What do you mean? It says right here the west and Israel created ISIS!!

No, my bamboozled flock. The U.N. created ISIS with the aid of Turkey who established their training center right in central Arizona with some rogue cia drunkards. That's all ISIL is. Look up the address for ISIL in Arizona if you don't believe it. The west had nothing to do with creating the group, that was all the doing of the U.N. and Turkey. Of course, who else made the whole group become a worldwide phenomenon and traitorously embed itself...but Netanyahu. I know you believe because he's Jewish, he could never align himself with the Turks. But sure enough just like the duplicitous Zionist traitor he is, he in fact did don a skull cap and join the Turkish consulate. He's an honorary member now. Yes, the United Nations and their Zionist puppets created ISIL with Turkey's money....This fact should be seen on every station out there. Now you know the whole story sheep, and information this deadly could break the group into tatters. So expose it worldwide before its too late, ISIL was made by the bankers through the sponsorship of the Turkish government and Netanyahu's insistence. Naziyaho is a shill for the U.N.

Anonymous said...



It's not complicated, it's just treason. Turkey is the indefinite state sponsor for ISIL's very creation and they don't deter their terrorism, they smuggle even more weapons in through the United Nations. But does anyone ever ask why so many senators head to Turkey all the time, nope. The answer's obvious.