Saturday, January 9, 2016

Additional Militia Arrive At Malheur Refuge

Additional Militia Arrive At Malheur Refuge

"To Set Up Defensive Perimeter"

So That "The FEDs Don't Do Anything Stupid"

Saturday, 9-Jan-2016 08:47:52
Additional armed Patriots from other states have begun arriving in support of the seizure of a federal complex in Oregon! Local citizens are bringing supplies to the Militia and showing support for their protest against federal tyranny! Locals Bring Supplies to Support Militia Members of a group from outside Oregon arrived on Friday at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to "secure a perimeter" around the compound and prevent "a Waco-style situation." The arrival of the "3% of Idaho" was the latest development in the situation outside Burns, where an armed occupation of the refuge by an Ammon Bundy-led militant group entered its seventh day. "They just keep an eye on everything that is going on" to make sure "nothing stupid happens," Bundy said Friday afternoon outside refuge headquarters. "If they weren't here," Bundy said, referring to the Idaho group, "I'd worry" about a Waco-style siege by federal officials. The group's website says it stands for "freedom, liberty and the Constitution. We will combat all those who are corrupt." The website displays the motto, "When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty!" full story:

To the tune of car 54 where are you.....replace with General Dunford where are you?? This is making a lot of people uneasy!! It may not be what you think it is....but until you are positive it is better to be safe than sorry...


Anonymous said...

What do the feds care about this now??? The guys thet wanted in prison are in prison. So what if some people occupy an unused federal building in some national forest? It accomplished nothing.

Anonymous said...

In the absence of truthful media coverage
spelling out facts that a process is underway to
'restore' Republic style governance,
This is getting media attention, and soon word will
spread as to the true nature of the matter.

Getting 'attention' is what it is accomplishing.

Defending the Constitution has been mentioned
along with redress of grievances missing
and deflects from it being first about 'gun control'.

Unless Sheriff Ward is 'lacking' in comprehension,
he has had ample time to read and absorb
Judge Anna's letter to him, explaining
the matter very clearly.

By now he should be choosing his new position
very carefully.

If he has children, he might want to think
about how he will explain himself to them
in the future, if they ask him if he understood
what he was doing and what was at stake when
history was being made.

I am in admiration of the patriots' willingness
to engage and take a stand against the yoke, not only
for the benefit of themselves but the majority of
Americans not yet clued in.