Saturday, January 9, 2016

FBI Director James Comey has reportedly said he will resign if the Bureau’s recommendations for charges are ignored.


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The Federal Bureau of Investigation will recommend that the Justice Department bring criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and various of her aides, and soon. The evidence consists of materials that the Bureau has gathered in the course of its months-long investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s personal server. The recommendations will come very soon.
The charges will consist of some of the following: 1. Improper disclosure or retention of classified information.
2. Destruction of government records.
3. Lying to federal agents.
4. Lying under oath.
5. Obstruction of justice.
All the counts are familiar to those of us who have followed the Clintons for a quarter of a century, but, as one source familiar with the FBI’s investigation told me, the evidence has now reached a “critical mass.” There are those who have told me that the FBI has been engaged in a ruse. And that the Bureau will report it has come across nothing criminal. Then the whole imbroglio is expected to blow over. But such cynics are in the minority. Most sources have told me the investigation is genuine, serious, and all but completed. One told me that it was completed two months ago. The Bureau has put together a case that as one source put it “is locked up. It is solid.” In the past, as FBI agent I.C. Smith wrote in his book Inside: A Top G-Man Exposes Spies, Lies, and Bureaucratic Bungling Inside the FBI, the Clintons have benefited from a few corrupt agents, usually in Arkansas. But that was years ago, and in Arkansas. This is the FBI in Washington, at the top where there are plenty of utterly professional law enforcement officials. They believe truth matters and so does the pursuit of justice. “They have been building a case that is unassailable,” one source told me. “It is beyond the case against Petraeus.… It is about the violation of federal statutes.” The only question now is will the recommendations come this month or within sixty days. Politicians with the presidential itch such as Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry hope the FBI’s recommendations will come in a week or so to allow them to get into the race. Other observers say the decision will come later. “The FBI,” said one source, “does not care about politics.” Whether it comes tomorrow or in sixty days, Justice Department policies mandate making such decisions as far in advance of elections as possible. If there are conflicting winds blowing in the Bureau or DOJ, they must avoid the appearance of being motivated by partisan politics. Yet such is the gravity of the charges and the consequences of neglecting them that they cannot be ignored. If they are ignored, people familiar with the investigation say, it will be impossible to prosecute future defendants being charged with the mishandling of classified information. Said Joseph DiGenova, a former U.S. attorney, “The intelligence community will not stand for that. They will fight for indictment and they are already in the process of gearing themselves to basically revolt if [the Attorney General] refuses to bring charges.” FBI Director James Comey has reportedly said he will resign if the Bureau’s recommendations for charges are ignored. One source familiar with the case said the indictments will begin with the “small fish” starting with Bryan Pagliano, the keeper of Hillary’s server, and move on to the Big Enchilada, Hillary. Whatever happens, seasoned political players have claimed Hillary will continue in the race for Democratic nomination. Joe Trippi, former campaign manager for 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean, was overheard in the Green Room at Fox saying Hillary will run to the end.


Anonymous said...

He shouldn't resign. He should go arrest Loretta Lynch the, so called, Attorney General.

Anonymous said...

Nothing....absolutely NOTHING, aka NADA, will be done, just like NOTHING was done when Bill Clinton wagged his nasty finger and said he had NOTHING to do with Monica Lewinski! We have become a nation of foolish outlaws who give special privilege to the criminals in "high" positions, unlike the treatment/sentencing given their poorer counterparts. What a sad and EVIL mess we have become as a nation!!!

Anonymous said...

The rule of law must and will prevail.

If nothing is done to prosecute someone who has fully leaked and divulged classified information everywhere, this nation is a laughing stock for the next twenty years. It was even leaked to enemies of the people in this nation including Turkey so that would look like absolute treason to everybody.

She will be indicted or much of the bureau will resign. And then if she wasn't, she will be hand cuffed in a citizen's arrest which is all so much worse, looking at the lynching that happened in Texas.

Anonymous said...

The "rule of law" has not prevailed for a long time. Why must it start now? Anonymous@12:30PM nailed it. And why does everybody think there is a good military, or that the military will do anything. If they do anything it is without any authority and would go against everything the constitution and republic stand for.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The rule of law will be heard.

Anonymous said...

The president controls Loretta Lynch. He may not like Hillary, but does not want to see a Republican elected who will undo his executive orders, Obama Care etc. So he will likely tell Lynch to keep her hands off Hillary. This will work out nicely for him because she will be obliged to him and will need to tread lightly when mentioning the problems she inherits, since George Bush will be too far removed to blame.

Robert Kasch said...

The evidence is overwhelming and only the arrogance of a Clinton could make them feel invincible to these charges. Hillary will not be indicted but an indictment will be recommended. Mass exodus from top F.B.I. officials will make this as bad as an indictment. Obamas legacy is a goner one way or the other. 'bye Hillary. Back to an old folks home in Arkie for you.