Sunday, January 3, 2016

US Marines, DHS & UN Practicing For Gun Confiscation

US Marines, DHS & UN Practicing For Gun Confiscation

Nugent: 'We The People Must Raise Hell Or Die' – 
US Marines, DHS & UN Practicing For Gun Confiscation
"But with the sheer number of horrors too long to list, perpetrated by an out of control 'government' in 2015 still stinging deeply, I pray daily to God Almighty that more and more Americans wake up to our 'we the people' duties to raise hell and demand accountability from our elected employees." - Ted Nugent

Published on Oct 5, 2015
The US modeled towns are undergoing martial law occupation and genocide practice for the gun grab -
And yes the US has been funding terrorists for years -
US Military Is Being Replaced With Terrorists & Drug Lords -
Our borders are wide open -
See why they killed Chris Kyle -


Anonymous said...

"So, how is it that this administration gets away with what it gets away with? I can tell you. They do so due to the ignorance of the American people, who have not taken the time to know the difference.

Remember, Thomas Jefferson said that “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be.”

Anonymous said...

They can practice all they want. It makes them better soldiers. I have it from high authority that the military will turn their guns on their officers if the order to confiscate "all" weapons or kill American non combatants is issued. Even Putin wants us to keep our guns so we can hopefully count on Russia to help the American people if the corporate U.S. attempts military genocide of the population. This slow kill garbage needs to stop also but that will take our military and our off world brothers to accomplish. Keep praying!