Sunday, March 27, 2016

It may be coming to a store near you!

There’s Now A Way To Eat Real Kill-Free Meat, And It Tastes Delicious

Do you like to eat meat but hate animal cruelty and the effects the meat industry has on the environment? Well there’s hope in store because researchers have just developed a way to produce meat that is free from bacterial contamination and doesn’t involve killing animals by instead harvesting animal cells, and it only takes 21 days.

A team at the University of Minnesota has been working to develop alternative methods for meeting the huge demand for meat globally that doesn’t involve cruelty raising animals just to kill them and eat them.

Dr. Uma Valeti and his team harvested animal cells that were able to renew themselves and aided the process simply by supplying oxygen and a few essential nutrients, like sugar, to grow them into edible meat in just 9-21 days.

In addition to sparing the lives of millions of animals that die at the hands of industrial slaughter, Valeti’s harvested meat has a few other added bonuses. The cultured meat has reduced saturated fat and is free from the bacterial contamination that is often a risk that comes with eating livestock meat.

The team adds that this meat is much more sustainable, as the farming of animals results in huge emissions of carbon dioxide and methane over the course of the animal’s lifetime. 

Livestock animals also not only drink a large quantity of water, but many farmers use tons of water every year to keep their grass healthy so that livestock can graze.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization reports that an estimated 56 billion are raised and slaughtered for human consumption each year and, because of the world’s exponential population growth, that number is expected to double by 2050.

“The meat we are growing is identical at the molecular and cellular level. Cultured meat will completely replace the status quo and making raising animals to eat them simply unthinkable.”
Watch the video below to hear Dr. Uma Valeti discuss the product and see the cultured meat prepared by a specialty chef and consumed.

Would you eat meat that was cultured in a lab? 

The team hopes to have the product in restaurants in three years and in supermarkets in five years or even sooner, if possible.  They plan to harvest beef, pork, and chicken, as these meats are in the highest demand and have the most adverse effects on the environment.

Though they are based and growing the meat in the U.S., there is interest in both India and China, so the team is working towards branching out to meet the needs of the global population.

With the alarming statistics from the UN’s organization, this alternative method is a beacon of light at the end of the tunnel for animals, the environment, and humans looking to eat cruelty-free meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh HELL NO! Cultured meat...what a bunch of bullshit! What in the hell else are they putting in it???? This might be soylent green or something. If the UN is involved in it, run the other way. Anytime they are trying to "meet the needs of the global population" that's code for: DEATH People who are even considering this to be good are totally stupid.