TP Oct 2016
Would soldiers fire on civilians? Did The Germans do it? Did Pol Pot The Cambodian get his soldiers to do it? Did Stalin do it? Did Mao do it? Have African leaders done it? Are they doing it in the Ukraine today? The answer is YES. Posse Comitatus made that illegal, but this Muslim, traitor, lying president has illegally eliminated this, just as he is trying to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I would hope that if our military did fire on non military personnel that they would start at the White house and then go to the other house and the senate.
JT Oct 2016
Get ready for martial law people---it's coming!!
FM Oct 2016
Remember Waco. Guardsmen are Dept of Army.
DS Oct 2016
They don't abide by our laws and can kill you, detain you, torture you for no reason whatsoever. So if you see baby blue helmets in our country it's open season...
SB Oct 2016
APPROX. 4 YEARS AGO, a friend went into the Air Force...during her first weeks of training, they asked if she would be willing to fire upon American citizens. She posted about it on fb and then said it was because of this question, that she chose to leave the training and her dreams of being in the military. When I mentioned it to her 2 years back, she did not even know what I was talking about...was she brain washed to forget, or something...I mean, the very reason she chose to leave, she could no longer remember. She went and got married and had a child, as if that was her plan all strange.
MH Oct 2016
might help if people read the constitution, studied hx and realized our forefathers, found for our independence and wrote and designed the constitution because they had lived under a tyrannical government. the government is trying to destroy our American freedom and life. we as Americans need to be as one fighting for our freedom , constitution and our way of life. wake up