Friday, October 28, 2016

Trump-Pence Choice is MISSING From Ballot

IT’S  RIGGED?!  Voters  are  Reporting  Trump-Pence  Choice  is  MISSING  From  Ballot

Today The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft allegedly received a message from a woman who had some startling news. It seems like there have been steps taken to prevent people from voting for Trump.
I am a single, Republican mother of two younger kids in small town Illinois. Within my friends, I keep seeing and hearing of all these examples of voter fraud going on right now with Trump supporters.
A friend of mine in South Carolina went in to fill out their ballot, only to find there were no Republican nominees on the ballot showing Democrat, Pacific Green/Progressive, Libertarian (however there were 2 Democrat boxes for Clinton/Kaine).
Two friends of mine in separate areas in Texas had the same issues with their Republican ballot
Then three well-respected people within the same household in my town who mailed in their ballots in favor of Trump went online to make sure their votes were counted – only to find they were not going to be counted because the signatures on the ballot didn’t match those on their letter.
They would have never seen this if they hadn’t gone online to verify!


If this is happening all over the country then we have a serious problem. Granted, the signatures could have been a precaution that was in place to prevent voter fraud but there is no excuse for the ballot with two Hillary options. Isn’t one bad enough?


Anonymous said...

Soros needs to be executed, along with all the rest of the cabal, and it can't happen fast enough-BUT...ALL their days are numbered-

jann said...

The ballot pictured is a Photoshopped hoax of an Oregon ballot. The man who posted the hoax has admitted it is a fraud.

Anonymous said...

That's Just what I said to a friend tonight -- The cretin Soros needs to be COMA'd and on out into oblivion along with all the rest of the muck!

Anonymous said...

Jann, then HE TOO should be arrested, tried, and then fried-There is enough of that s#@! happening, and we don't need any more-