Wednesday, November 9, 2016



Part 1
Trump will uphold a united America and
reclaim the nation's destiny when he takes over

Part 2
Trump Commends Hillary


Anonymous said...

Good Bye Republic.

120 million people by popular vote on either side almost 60 million people voted to keep the corporation in power.

And alternative sites pushed and posted and encouraged people to participate in the corporation as US Citizens choosing one side of the coin over the other side of the same coin.

Americans are stupid, even when you give them all the disclosure they need.

I can see why the people are called 'useless' eaters.

They are so afraid, like sheep, they bunch up together and move with the herd, and every once in a while a sheep will stray, but eventually be found and willing to join the herd.

Well, there are 200 million that did not participate, and a percentage of them were too young to participate, but there is still a good amount who are old enough to have made an informed decision to not participate.

I really hope they split this country up into the corporate voters, and the Republic non-voters so we can go about our lives without your agreement to be controlled.

Enjoy your victory dance.
I do not want to hear from pissed off americans, and rv waiters, and republic wannabes if you registered with this system and voted to keep it.

Voting to keep it, is like voting to keep the Fed, IRS, and everything else that is part of it.
None of them made campaign promises to get rid of any of that.
You may get a man or woman in jail, but is that worth the cost of your freedom from all the other things that will be handed to Trump from Obama that he didn't make any promises to get rid of.

NDAA, TARP, TPP, TIPP, NSA spying, Patriot Act, so on and so forth.

Trump didn't get the popular vote, and apparently that has happened 4 other times, including Bush / Gore
Maybe Henneghan will push the duly elected president statements again for Hillary, not!

At least I now some people who stand on their right to be free and to self govern who did not join this dog and pony show nor did they participate in this circus, as everyone that claimed to be awake were shown to be mind controlled and easily programmed by people they trust, and the Main Stream Media did their job, pretending to not want Trump in office.

You all fell for it, and the fake coup, fake counter-coup, the entire shenanigan.
There is now an entire government structure of one party, Republican.
This has happened before and those that remember know where it got us the last time.

Americans, who voted, are stupid!!!!!!!
And these alt media sites need to stop talking about the Republic.
You had your chance to push non-compliance and non-participation and you are not alternative media, you are just an alternative source of the main stream media, MSM. Your agendas are identical, two sides of the SAME coin.

I may see the responses to this, but I don't care what anyone posts, because it won't change a word I put above.
I govern me and my own thoughts, and no one else's thoughts or opinions will cause me any grief, or anger, nor change of mind. It will only affirm what I posted above, meaning, I would post it again, and again, and again without a doubt as to what I want to convey to those that participated while claiming to want to be free.

Freewill said...

Did you forget about all the rigged voting machines? about 90% of Clinton's votes came from rigged voting machines or dead people voting.

Anonymous said...

Freewill, you know there are no coincidences.
For the rest of you who participated,
If you saw voting fraud on MSM it is planned.
If you saw people saying they don't like Trump on MSM, it is planned.
Hillary had a higher vote count and potential which was not the plan, so Comey came in for a week to get them back on track.
Admit it. People have no discernment.
And can be manipulated by pretending to like or not like a candidate.

A guy getting a divorce wanted the furniture. His wife could have everything else, he didn't even want his stock because of the tax implications and he didn't want the house cause it reminded him of her.
He told his lawyer to fight for the house and the stocks and tell her she can have the furniture.
She fought harder to get the house and the stocks. She won....or did she?

People can't tell when they are being played and participate anyway.
You know how Barack got elected. He had the media.
This time people decided not to choose who the media gave attention to.
They got people to say how they would be influenced long before primaries and worked it to their advantage.
And pulled out their psychiatrist who put his face staring into the video like he's your friend to get you do do what they wanted.
Now sit back and watch what you did.
I 8 years you'll do it again.
Dumb, dumb, dedumb. Is what it is.

Freewill said...

Nothing is coincidence is right. The Original Jurisdiction Republic is rising and the fight for the lawful right of the DeJure just got much easier and less bloody. There are more works behind the scenes than most are aware of.