Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Reply to "One Who Knows"---- And Apparently Knows Nothing

By Anna Von Reitz

I have been contacted by over a hundred people who are being presented with huge out of the blue "tax" bills after they have already paid their property taxes for the year.  These bills typically come with "Notices" --- either "Notices of Power to Sell" or "Notices of Intent to Sell".   These Notices can be hand-delivered by process servers or they can come in the mail addressed to whatever name the victim has on their property deed.  The gist of the message is always the same.  Pay this humongous amount by such and such a date, or the county or the state is going to sell your home out from under you and evict you.

Does this sound logical?  No, it doesn't.  The only way it makes sense is if you know that the UNITED STATES is a corporation with all sorts of supposed "franchises" and that it is being liquidated along with its franchises to pay off $20 trillion in debt.   It still doesn't make any sense until you also realize that you have been "enfranchised" in a way you never expected, and that YOUR NAME is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. just like a Dairy Queen franchise.

Are you so clueless and behind the times that you don't believe that the UNITED STATES is a corporation like any other corporation?  

Look this up for yourselves in Corpus Juris Secondum Volume 20, subsection 1785--- "UNITED STATES is a foreign corporation (NY RE:Merrian, 36 NE 505, 1441 S. CT. 1973, 41 L.ED.287."

I have been told that the bankruptcy proceedings are in The United States District Court for the District of Columbia and that the lead judge is William Lambreth.  I haven't checked that out yet, because frankly, I have been too busy taking practical action to provide American homeowners with a simple and practical defense against this outrageous fraud.

I don't know who these people are--- this guy or "Katie Courier"--- but I know that nothing they have said so far is true about me or much of anything else and none of it has happened so far as I know, so while they continue to make idiotic accusations against me with no proof for any of the spin-crap at all, I just plug along and get things done. Sooner or later it has to come home to people that actual hard work and knowledge walks and bull crap TALKS. 

Let's see all those millions--- or was it billions? --- people were supposed to get from SWISSINDO? I wasn't born yesterday, nor was I born in Missouri, but I know when I have been told a whopper and I remember who told it, too. 

When the revenuers come to your door and post a "Notice of Power to Sell" on it, I hope and pray to God for your sake that you have been listening to me and know what you need to know to defend yourselves instead of listening to all this senseless propaganda. 

NESARA?  GESARA?  Show me where?   You can go on the website or onto and search all you like and you will see that not a damn word has been spoken about either one of these things in Congress for YEARS.   But you can go to the same search engines or even on the web generally and search for "US BANKRUPT"  and "UNITED STATES Insolvent" and other similar topic searches and find out quickly enough that the UNITED STATES was declared insolvent in 2015.  Hello?  

These gold-plated know-it-all pundits don't want you to be scared or upset.  They want you to believe that the nice kind bankers are planning a birthday party for you with cake and balloons.  Tell that to the people who are getting these Notices and calling me in a panic, wondering what to do?  And thank your God that my team saw it coming and took action in time to put the pieces in place to save your homes.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

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