Saturday, June 3, 2017


By Anna Von Reitz

I am sitting at my desk in tears.  I have been laughing until it hurts.  The same people who were calling me a "Vatican Agent" last week are calling me a "Muslim Apologist" now.  How droll! 
I am an apologist.  My Master was an apologist, too: "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." 
Under the circumstance, apologizing to and for everyone--including myself--- seems like a uniquely appropriate thing to do. 
I apologize for all those who have been lied to, and so, have been manipulated and misled and committed terrible sins and crimes as a result.  I apologize for all those who have been forced by circumstance and coercion to do things they didn't want to do.  I apologize for those who are simply ignorant, who don't know that what they are saying, doing, or thinking is evil.  I apologize for us all, including myself.  
Certainly, most of what we have done and are doing is completely wrong or wrong-headed in the sight of Our Father in Heaven.  It really makes me wonder what the churches have been doing the last 2000 years.  
The fact is that even with our best efforts our judgment is hopelessly faulty, and we often cause damage and injury to each other, both intended and unintended. We are beginning to emerge from the Two-Year Old With A Hammer mentality, but it is still an upward climb.  
Such simple lessons as:  "Judge not."  and  "Thou shalt not kill."  and "Love your enemies." still aren't sinking in and we still have an embarrassing number of professed "Christians" who aren't even close to giving any of that a try.  
And when I have the temerity to suggest there is evidence that the Muslims have been purposefully misled just as we have been misled by Satanists embedded in our midst, merely pretending to be Muslims, or Jews, or Christians---then I am an "apologist". 
By the way, people who place God in the center of their lives and pray five times a day and who really, really TRY hard to do what they believe their Creator asks of them, are probably not in as much need of an apology as certain other parties who say they are "Christian" but are estranged from God, never pray, never read the Bible, and make no discernible effort to put the actual teachings of Yeshua into any practical action in their lives. 
I am an apologist.  I do apologize.  I apologize to Our Father in Heaven and to Yeshua and to all the Prophets and Teachers who have struggled so hard and so faithfully--and at such terrible cost--- to lift us up and teach us.  
I apologize to the people we have harmed.  
I apologize for the people who have unknowingly or ignorantly harmed us.  
I apologize for myself because I realize I am too stupid --- just as we all are --- to fully comprehend the consequences of my thoughts and words and actions. 
All we can guarantee is our intent.  Let our intent be pure and good. 
As for the rest, if I see rumors that I am a Vampire or that I turned into a German Shepherd named "Polly", that I am a Clone, that I came from the planet Xenon, or that I am secretly Durga, the Great Mother,  I won't be alarmed or surprised anymore.  

Just realize, people, that there is only one Truth, though there are many Lies. 
See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God was never a "master" that is a joo title! God was never a Joo either.