The Numbskulls of 'The View' Compare American Christians to Taliban
Before we get into the latest idiocy from the 'ladies' of ABC’s 'The View', let’s take a stroll through some of the worst atrocities visited upon the Afghani people by the Islamist fundamentalist government known as the Taliban.
A comprehensive list of this wretched group’s horrors would require a book the size of an encyclopedia, but here’s a partial list:
- Child torture
- The murder of their own soldiers
- Burning opposition families alive
- The ethnic cleansing of Hazara men
- The castration and torture of their political enemies
- Countless massacres
- Strict limitations on what women may wear – no thin clothing, no decorative adornments, no perfume, and a whole-body veil.
- Women may not walk down the center of a road.
- Women may not leave their house without a man’s permission.
- Women may not speak to strange men.
- Women may not laugh in public or speak too loudly.
- Women may not be photographed or filmed.
- Women are not permitted to work outside the home.
It really reminds you of Donald Trump’s America, doesn’t it?
No? Well, you apparently haven’t heard about what Trump did last week. His administration announced that they were moving to scrap the Obamacare contraceptive mandate that forces businesses to offer their female employees health insurance that covers birth control.
The women of 'The View' – who would be put to death by the Taliban within five seconds for breaking any number of Islamic crimes – decided that this move put us on the road to a Christian theocracy.
“How is it any different from the Taliban is what I’d like to know?” said the eternally brainless Joy Behar.
You’d expect at this point that at least one of the women around the table would clear their throat and say something like, “Oh, Joy, how about no...” but it didn’t happen.
Instead, Whoopi Goldberg hopped right on Behar’s crazy train. “I said this before,” Goldberg said. “I’m going to say it again. With all these rollbacks and all the things we hear, what’s the difference between us and the people we’re fighting?”
“Nothing,” confirmed Behar. (How about we give these idiots a FREE TRIP to one of the nations experiencing the customary muslim lifestyle so they can experience for themselves what the difference is between Islam and American freedom. We will arrange for the entire experience to be filmed, then they can use it as script for their next show. Good idea?!)
“What’s the difference?” Goldberg asked again, drawing applause from her mindless audience members. (OMG - the dumbed down 'education system' in America really IS that bad.)
“That’s what I’m saying,” Behar said. “It’s to keep women down also. Let’s not forget they are trying to keep women in their place. Barefoot and pregnant.”
This isn’t about the specific stupidity of Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, neither of whom really matter in the grand scheme of things. It’s about the surface-level, pig-ignorance of American feminism, an ideology that is driven by people who haven’t known one day of real hardship in their entire lives.
To compare this situation – Damn, the federal government won’t FORCE my religious employer to pay for my birth control – to the FRIGGIN TALIBAN just shows you that for all the left’s talk about “privilege,” they really don’t have the first clue how good they’ve got it.
The above report clarifies exactly WHY I REFUSE TO WATCH THESE IDIOTS or support their program. I can't even figure out WHY these dumb *itches are still even on air and have sponsors for their foolishness!
(I recommend we ship them to Afghanistan or Kenya or Somalia or Qatar or Saudi Arabia so they can each personally 'experience' Islam for themselves. We will see then how loud they scream for HELP!!! And beg to come home.)
I'm surprised that the writer even wasted his time like I am responding writing about these media whore bimbos. I thought baboon Poopie was leaving the country if Trump made the grade what happened to that? In any case these chatter box morons are validation that the dumbing down of Amerkia has been a total success.
I can't believe people are so stupid to watch this piece of shit program.
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