Saturday, December 1, 2018

[12.1][LIVE] George Bush - Q Patch Proof - Analyzing Common Anti-Q Arguments

   Destroying the Illusion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How shocking the US News boasts about Bush Sr. A known Nazi supporter, murderer, pedophile, drug-dealer, drug addict (coke), and far worse. Under Regan he introduced HIV virus epidemic through vaccination programs "to remove the gays from America, and the blacks from Africa." (from Cathy O'Brien's book)

"If the people really knew what we did, they would be out in the streets to lynch us from the lamp-post.) -- George Bush Sr.
"George Bush Sr is the biggest pedophile in America." -- David Icke

I hope you know about Cathy O''Brien. Bush Jr took Cathy and her daughter to Camp David. In a cold March day, Bush Sr and Cheney stripped the mother and girl naked and hunted them with rifles. Bush told them that if they caught them they would be shot. Later, when they captured them, Both Bush and Cheney raped the little girl.
See: TRANCE-FORMATION OF AMERICA by Cathy O'Brien and Mark Philips.
"These people are sick." -- Q