Hello Seth,
This was sent to me. It re-enforces what we think we know.
This is also a FOIA: Please provide documentation to disprove this information, you have 21 days to respond with an answer or by your silence you acquiesce .
"Some of us may already know about the following, but most do NOT:
All these courts are privately owned trading companies. The united States District courts are all owned... Those are your article one courts. They're all owned by the united States attorney's executive offices in Washington DC which is a privately owned corporation. They're article one legislative tribunals. They are not courts. They have a DUNS number, a pit code, sip code, and a NAICS number (North America Identification Security Classification). One must have that number in order to trade internationally. All these courts are registered with the DOD, Department of Defense. They have a DUNS number which is Data Universal Numbering System, a Dun & Bradstreet classification. They must be registered with CCR, Contractors Central Registration under the DOD. They have another department called the DLIS, Defense Logistics Information Service. The DLIS issues a case code that's spelled CAGE, Commercial And Government Entity, which corresponds to the bank account. They have a bank account. They take everything that you file into the court and they securitize it. All of these banks are registered, they have a depository agreement, a security agreement and an escrow agreement. Most of them are registered with the Federal Reserve bank of New York city. They use what is called a depository agreement... North Carolina uses a circular 16, they use as their depository agreement. The Bank takes public funds and deposits them under a depository resolution agreement. They have a security agreement in which the clerk of the courts signs with the court. Their escrow agent then acts as the go-between between the court and the federal reserve bank with whom they have the account... so all these courts are taking your money and funneling it into an escrow account. Most of them are in New York city. The courts are told not to rule against the banks on foreclosure cases. They're all in bed together. IT is giant collusion, fraud, knowing, intentional, with forethought and malice toward the people.
The lawyers are acting as private debt collectors in every case. That fact puts the attorney debt collectors under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, called the FDCPA ( Title 15 USC section 1692 ). To be a public debt collector you must to be registered with the government, and you have to have a license and bond in order to collect debt. These attorneys are private debt collectors, yet they don't have a license... because attorneys are exempted by the private BAR association on that provision, but their firm is not exempted. The firm they work for has to be registered and they have to have a license and bond neither of which do they have. Likely, in all the court cases that you're involved in, these attorneys are acting as private debt collectors. They are attempting to collect money from you as private debt collectors without a licensed or bonded to do so and are exempted by a for profit, private BAR Guild who does not have the legislative power to exempt them or for that matter make any rules under which the “People of America” would fall because private corporations, guilds, foreigners do not have the legislative or lawful authority to do that under any positive law that can be found. None exits. The attorneys act through what they call Warrant of Attorney. Black's law dictionary of 1856 defines what a warrant of an attorney. It's like a writ of execution and like a put or a call. When you do a marching call that means they use it to buy equity securities. They securitize everything that you file into court which means they turn it into a negotiable instrument. Then they sell it as a commercial item. The debt collectors call this “distressed debt” and that becomes known as Unifund. Simplification would be as follows. Attorneys buy up all these court judgments as “distressed debt”. Then, they put the “distressed debt” into hedge funds which are sold to investors globally. Of course in selling debt instruments a security risk is created. Anytime there is risk management, re-insurance becomes necessary. Regarding this type of insurance, Luer Hermes is an underwriting company who provides this. Luer Hermes is a sub division of Alliance SE in Munich Germany. The US agency that acts as a bond holder for Alliance SE is PIMCO bonds, who take all the securities, pools them, and they become a security and pooling agreement. that's what happens to these mortgage loans.
On their web site it will tell you that's exactly what they do. All of mortgage loans are securities are handled in this manner which makes them giant amounts of money at the expense of taking the debt free homes away from the American People. The homes are debt free because no loan ever occurs. The homes are paid for by the buyers signature, who, by the way is never informed of this.
The notes have a maturity of more than 9 months so they're a security by definition. If you go to title 15 section 77 A b 1 it tells you that any note with a maturity of more than 9 months is a security by legal definition and an investment contract. So when you sign and endorse these notes as the drawer and the maker you're in an investment contract. You are the one who gave them a security without that ever being explained to you. The security is then securitized, by bank who is not the lender. You are the lender without knowing your signature created the entire payoff as soon as they take that signature to the Federal Window to monetize it. As soon as they endorse the security for payment, they've securitized it. Therefore the alleged loan is no longer secured. They've collapsed the trust and there's no corpus in the trust under probate law. Then it is sold as a mortgage backed security. PIMCO takes the mortgage backed security pools and sells them as bonds. Therefore, bonds actually come from pooled securities. These are sold on the TBA market globally. All courts are involved in this. The only apparent time you can stop them is when you make them liable. A letter rogatory FRCP 28(B) is a request from one court to another, often foreign, to aid in obtaining information or deposition in a foreign country and may be under the Hague convention. It can be found under title 18 section 1781. Tell them what you want them to do. You make a contract with them. When you go into these courts you contract with them. They will likely run from the court room.
We will soon see as there is nothing in an Article III court except law and equity and we filed into both. Two cases and USPS provided proof of delivery.
This communiqué is not intended to mislead, defraud, deceive or threaten in any way and is submitted in “good faith and with clean hands.” I do lawful not legal and this is my best effort.
I close with Love, peace, harmony and a prayer. A US Marshal has determined my prayer is not a threat. He then reneged on his word, which is only good one time. "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."
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