Saturday, December 15, 2018

Brexit Betrayal March - Media said 1,500 BUT evidence shows Tens of Thousands!

Tommy Robinson

If you ever wanted an example of how much the media and establishment LIE to you it is this video. Every main stream media outlet reported that only 1500 to 2000 people turned out in protest at the Brexit betrayal when in fact Tens of Thousands turned out as can be see in this video! The Main stream media are the enemy of the people and report what they want you to hear rather than the truth.


Who’s destroying England and Western Europe?

Who’s destroying England and Western Europe?
by Jon Rappoport
July 10, 2018
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As the “British Exit (Brexit)” stalls in the UK, Italy picks up the torch of resistance…
UK: “What’s Next For Brexit: Charting All The Possible Scenarios”
Paul Joseph Watson: What They’re Not Telling You About the Brexit Sellout
David Knight: “BREXIT Dying, UK an EU Colony. Will the people of Britain stand for this?”
Italy: “[Government] to block naval vessels carrying migrants from docking: Interior Minister Matteo Salvini”
Germany: “[Conservative] AfD [Party] sues Merkel over migrant crisis: The chancellor can’t act like a dictator”
Poland: “[…] Politician Warns Of Europe’s ‘Degenerate Liberalism'”

June 4, 2017
NOTE: Watch Paul Watson’s shocking video, The Truth about ‘Refugees’.
“Here’s a great idea, boys. Gather around. We’re going to build, on top of every national government on the European continent, another government, bigger, more bloated, more corrupt, more powerful. Who’ll notice? Who’ll care?”
“Terrific. Love it. But ultimately we’ll need to destroy all those separate countries and rule the whole continent as one entity. We can do that, yes. We’ll open all borders and let in a massive flow of immigrants and erase national identities. Terror attacks will multiply. We’ll put a lid on talking about immigrants as the cause of the terror. Call it hate speech. We’ll train the population of Europe to accept terrorism as part of the glorious future. It makes no logical sense, but so what? No top-down ideology ever made sense. We’ll preach unlimited tolerance and love. We’ll be a de facto Church of sorts. We’ll hypnotize the whole continent…” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
As I was writing this article, multiple terror attacks were launched in London. To say the human destruction “once again raised the question of immigration” would be a vast understatement.
In the run-up to the Brexit vote in 2016, immigration came to the fore as the key issue. But of course, the European Union has a policy of opening borders of all member countries.
The EU wants one continent, no separate countries—and the way to achieve that is by creating a massive flood of migrants. Destroy traditions and cultures that define countries. In the process, accept terrorism as “inevitable.” Don’t talk or write about the actual effects of immigration. That would be “hate speech.” Keep eyes and mouth shut, and march straight ahead into a future of one European continent ruled from above by the EU.
Ever since the UK vote to leave the unelected, terminally corrupt, and rotting edifice known as the European Union, stall tactics and threats have been launched at Brits.
First it was, “It’s going to take a long time to untangle the UK from the EU, it’s very complicated.” Actually, that tactic was predated by Prince Obama traveling to England to warn the population they’d stand at the back of the line in forming separate trade deals with the US, if they left the EU. It’s called interfering in the political affairs of another nation. Now it’s the EU and Queen Merkel beating the UK to the punch by plotting trade deals with India and China, in order to leave the British out in the cold.
But the basic question is, Is Britain a nation? Does it exist? It’s a question citizens are supposed to answer. Not Merkel, Obama, or the EU.
This issue, in case it’s unclear, is all about Globalism. According to that totalitarian political philosophy, of which the EU is a standard bearer, there are no nations. There are only mega-corporations and banks.
As the recently departed guru of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski, wrote in 1969, “[The] nation state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force. International banks and multinational corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation state.”...Continue article here

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