Bedstraw (or Clevers), Horsetail (or Shavegrass), Stinging Nettle, Calendula, Yarrow, Pau D’ Arco, Plantain
Take equal parts of the above list and put them in a Ziploc baggie. Mix well. You can use one teaspoon of the mix per one cup of hot water, or you can make a pot of tea. It’s best to make a pot of tea and drink it all day, if it is your plan to cleanse your system. (One pot equals 4 cups) All of these herbs are safe to take over a long period of time without any toxic affect. (For a good cleansing you should use this mix for at least two weeks and longer for a complete cleanse with restorative effects to your organs.) These herbs will cleanse and help to restore the blood, kidneys, liver, pancreas, colon, gallbladder and hormonal system to a healthier condition. When you make a pot of tea save the herbs and use them to make an herb bath.
To Prepare: Put this mix in a Ziploc baggie and store in a dark cool place.
To use: Just make a cup or pot of very hot water and mix in one teaspoon of the herb mix for every 8 oz cup of hot water. . Do not boil the herbs in the water. Pour the hot water over the herbs and cover them to keep the tannin within the cup or pot. Cover the cup or pot and let it set for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the herb out of the water and drink. I like to make a pot when I’m cleansing it makes it easier to take the 4 cups a day needed to cleanse. Drink at least 4 cups a day for two weeks. Be sure you are eating healthy foods during this time. It will help your body heal from all the damage done over the years.
CAUTION: If you are on medications it is best to start with only one cup of cleansing tea a day to start. Simply increase after 3 or more days to 1 ½ or 2 cups and so on until you have worked up to the 4 cups needed for an internal cleansing. . Be sure to drink the tea an hour before you take your drugs or two hours after. If you feel you are not feeling well for any reason take a break from the tea for at least two weeks then try the program again following the same instructions. If you see your bowels are moving too much you will need to cut back on the amount of tea you are drinking. This tea will cleanse your bowels so drink extra water if your bowels become too runny and cut back on the amount of tea you are drinking. Be very cautious if you are using Coumadin to thin your blood, Coumadin is also used as a rat poison. If you feel any cramping in your legs stop the use of this tea for at least two weeks as above and start again at a slower pace
To make an herb bath, just fill a pot with water and boil the used herbs for about 10 minutes. Strain out the herb and pour this herb water into a warm to hot bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. The water should cover up to at least your kidneys, but no higher. When you get out do not dry off, just rap up in a robe and lie down for 20 minutes up to an hour. Be sure not to stand up from a hot bath too quickly for risk of fainting. Hot bathing can change our blood pressure, so it is vital you pay close attention to what you are doing.
A good plan, is a plan that you will stick with, so don’t over do it. Remember to take it easy and don’t be too hard on your self if you don’t get this down the first or second time. You will get it but only if you stick with it. If you are a person with faith in our heavenly Father, then trust Him to be with you as you move toward doing His will in taking care of the gift He has given you. Your life! We tend to think this life is an accident, but the truth is, this life is well planned out by our creator. He has a perfect plan for each of us if we will only listen to Him and pray. If we ask of Him, He is faithful to answer, and not just any old answer, but His perfect Will for our lives.
1, You might want to meditate or something before you start this or any new health program.
1, You might want to meditate or something before you start this or any new health program.
2, In the mornings make a pot of herbal tea mix to drink all day, not forgetting to eat a good breakfast made up of grains, nuts, seeds and fruits, a lunch full of greens, nuts, seeds, sprouts, beans, legumes, etc. and a light fruity dinner. It's always better to eat the heavier foods during your working hours and a very light dinner such as fresh fruits, which digest very quickly. Add to this plenty of water all day long. Don’t exceed 10, 8oz cups though unless you have taught your body to accept it by slowly increasing your intake. And do not drink distilled water from a thin plastic bottle, as this will draw the formaldehyde from the container and into the water, which then is absorbed into your body, it's ok to drink distilled water from a thick and/or hard plastic bottle, but glass is always better.
3, Practice making different kinds of juices throughout the day, remember the more variety the healthier the diet. So Try every hour to make a different kind of juiced drink, i.e. Carrots with parsley, Greens with beets, onion, garlic and something to counter the taste of these two and so on. Sometimes mixing whole fruits with veggies cause a reaction in the stomach, which can make you feel nauseated. Fruits are easier to digest so whatever else you may have eaten with fruits, will sit and ferment while your stomach is dissolving the fruits first. You can make a fruit drink then alternate with a veggie drink next time and so on. It is not necessary to over do this step. Just do what you can and don’t worry if you are not doing it all.
(Note: If you are very ill at the time you are using this information, it would be to your benefit to eat an all vegetable and fruit diet until you are completely healed. There are some simple meals you can make and today you can go to a Whole Foods store and find such a huge verity of vegetarian meals. If you suffer with an ulcer then you should be eating soft light foods, no acidy foods at all also they should be completely bland no spices at all. Pure baby foods are the best. Also if you have had surgery where your gallbladder or other digestive organs have been removed it would be best for you to drink only one cup of tea a day and work your way up to 4 cups of tea a day.)
Keep a lot of fresh fruits and veggies on hand so you’re not running out all the time. Buy things you might not normally use like Bok Choy and mustard greens etc., and look for the discount bags of fresh foods, that will help to offset the cost. You can simplify this step by making a large batch of juice and drink it throughout the day, making a different drink each day. If you find that you cannot make fresh juices during the day try making them at night and store in jars with good lids in the fridge, or buy some that are as close to nature as possible and use this to nourish your system while giving your body all the nutrients it will need throughout the day; cut back after two weeks, stop and rest for a couple of weeks before doing it again if needed. Do not stop eating normally unless you are doing a juice only diet while cleansing but be sure you have researched your program before doing it, and if you need to make enough for two than just increase the amounts from above. Just keep the cleansing tea in a flask or thermos and drink at least 4 cups a day of the tea and the juice as often as possible for two weeks. It is always a good idea to eat just light foods and move away from greasy foods and animal products, and white flower foods or white sugar foods because these have no nutrition in them at all and in fact rob your system of the nutrition you are trying to put in.
These herbs can be used twice to make a tea, i.e: steep first use for 3 to 5 minutes, then steep the herbs for 5 to 10 minutes the second use from there they can be boiled and strained into a nice hot bath and the last step is to put the used herbs into a potted plant or in a mulch pile.
This tea is safe for all ages of both people and animals. But always use the advice of your health practitioner.
If you know you have a reaction to any of the herbs used here simply do not add that to your mix. All these herbs have cleansing and healing properties.
Don't worry that you have already read some of this in another article. It's here to help remind you of the importance involved in teaching you how to repair the damage done over the years and to help you stay focused on changing your lifestyle for better health. Also there are other tips in this section that are not in the others.
CAUTION: If you are taking any blood thinner medication or other medications be sure to inform your Dr before you do this or any program that can/will affect your health.
Epsom Salts: Use a 1/2 cup up to 6 cup of Epsom Salts to a full hot bath. Soak for at least 20 minutes then rinse off. For a stronger bath slowly work your way up to a half gallon of Epsom Salts by increasing the amount each time you take an Epsom Salt bath which should not be more than once a week.
NOTE: If you are a Diabetic you should start an Epsom Salt bath in smaller amount, i.e. ¼ cup to one bath once a month they increase slowly; i.e. ½ cup Epsom Salt to one bath once a month. I would not suggest more than one cup per bath once a month. If you are unable to take a bath simply do a sponge bath while sitting in the shower.
You may use a bowl of warm vinegar water to scrub off the salt, which will help to cleanse off your skin and open your pores. Use a 1/4 cup of vinegar to 3 cups of warm to hot water and a good scrubbing cloth. Scrub your entire body well and then rinse off with clear water.
Epsom Salts will draw out toxins and drugs including tobacco. So if you have never cleansed after using drugs, alcohol, tobacco or simply from the toxins in our foods and water and other liquids, it would be advisable that you take an Epsom Salts bath once a week until you no longer see a change of color in the bath water. The color may be very light. There is no harm in using Epsom Salts except to over use them by taking too many baths in one day or in one week. That is why I advise only one a week.
What this will do is draw the toxins from your liver and kidney's, blood and other organs, etc.
For a quick refreshing pick me up, simply take a sponge bath with the hot vinegar water. This will open your pores and allow oxygen in through your skin and up to your brain through your blood.
You can also use my cleansing herbs to make a tea to drink then you can boil the herbs and strain the water into a relaxing bath. You then can use the herbs as mulch for your out door plants.
Use caution when using Epsom Salt to keep from releasing to many toxins at one time through your skin, simply start with a lower amount then increase in small amounts each bath. Do not take more than one bath a week until your body has shown it can tolerate it.
Many Blessings, may they flow eternally unbroken. Nikki G.
Use caution when using Epsom Salt to keep from releasing to many toxins at one time through your skin, simply start with a lower amount then increase in small amounts each bath. Do not take more than one bath a week until your body has shown it can tolerate it.
Many Blessings, may they flow eternally unbroken. Nikki G.
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