Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Fall Guys Anna Von Reitz

Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
Paul Stramer

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Fall Guys

By Anna Von Reitz

The banks use bank trustees as "fall guys" and "flak jackets" and "insulation". They appoint bank trustees to run interference and take the heat, while keeping the bank at arm's length from transactions and decisions made about trust assets kept on deposit with the banks. Via their relationship (that of an employer) with the Bank Trustees, the bank keeps de facto control of everything, while shuffling off the liability.

The bank President can stand there with a straight face and say, "Uh, harrrumph, ah, I didn't know anything about Mr. Greene's dealings with the XRYT Trust. That was, uh, his responsibility."

So when it came to shuffling off responsibility for all the Special Deposit Accounts, aka, "Off-Ledger Accounts", containing actual physical assets belonging to private trusts, foundations, and individuals, the bankers followed the dictates of their Ancient Religion and the logic of their modern Fall Guy system by appointing a Female Bank Trustee to do the Negative Function of blocking accounts and transactions, and a Male Bank Trustee to do the Positive Function of opening and disbursing these accounts.

Both Bank Trustees are Fall Guys.

Neither Kim Goguen nor her male counterpart have any stake in the assets they administer, per se. Both are very frustrated and both would like to see the assets deployed to do good in the world and get things back on track.
But the fact is that without the participation and consent of the actual private trustees who were appointed by the Donors of these trusts, the Bank Trustees are very limited in what they can legally do. 
They are stuck in what is -- in effect -- an interlocking trust directorate, needing to work with each other and with the private trustees to release the assets properly and legally.

Say that you are President of a corporation that is bankrupt and trying to avoid liquidation. 
Say that you have friends and supporters who are trustees of private trust funds more than capable and willing to bail you out, but they can't help because there is a Bank Trustee in the way who won't work with them to release the funds....

Or, from the other side, say that there is a Bank Trustee who understands the crucial need to bail out the President and his corporation, but can't do it legally without the consent of the private trustees and he doesn't know who the private trustees are....

Quite a conundrum, isn't it?

If the President accepts the money from either Bank Trustee without the consent of the actual private trustee, he is the accomplice to a crime of major proportions. He can then be prosecuted as a criminal or blackmailed, whichever suits the bank.

Meanwhile, the banks that created the whole circumstance stand back fat and happy, and blame everything on the Bank Trustees.

What needs to happen is for President Trump to talk to me and the members of our trust association--- because we know who the Bank Trustees are and we know who the private trustees are and we can bring it all together to make a legal pay off possible. And it can happen fast.

The banks use Fall Guys like this, using the same basic script, throughout their operations--- including when they use the military and the police services as commercial mercenaries acting under color of law.

Think of LaVoy Finicum's ambush and murder by the "FBI, Inc." and the grossly ignorant "Sheriffs" of "State of State" county franchise corporations? Those same FBI Agents and County Sheriffs are the Fall Guys, already lined up to take the blame for their corporate bosses, who, when the time comes, will say:

"Uh, harrrumph, ah, I didn't know anything about Mr. Greene's actions. That was, uh, his responsibility."

It was ultimately ordered by the banks, just like the earthquake strike on Big Lake, Alaska, but they insulated themselves from liability through several layers of Fall Guys. 
The US NAVY and USAF are on the hook for the Big Lake attack, but they have their own Fall Guys lined up to take the blame: clueless American White Hats supposedly operating under the direction of our friend, Russell-J:Gould.

Talk about trying to get many birds with one stone? 
Take out Anna and Jim and blame Russell for it. 
This is the way these Fakirs operate.

Fortunately for all concerned, they failed and their lies and malice are self-evident. And they can't stand there and tell us:

"Uh, harrrumph, ah, I didn't know anything about Mr. Greene's actions. That was, uh, his responsibility."


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