Saturday, December 15, 2018

This demon is equal to Killery, if america does not wake up and she takes control of the foreign corporation calling its self "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", the Killery plan will be implemented. WAKE UP: Skeleton Crawls From Kamala Harris’ Closet, Sinks Her Chances For 2020 Run Against Trump

Breaking News Sports

For all you homeowners in California, that had your lands and property stolen by the banks here's what happened to your bank settlement:

Notice of fraud and embezzlement

US Attorney John Huber
111 South Main Street, Suite 1800
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-2176
Phone: (801) 524-5682

20 North Main Street, Suite 208
St. George, Utah 84770
Phone: (435) 634-4270

[see attached]

Mr. Huber, I have been trying sense 2/2014 to expose the crimes of Kamala Harris and all those involved with her embezzlement of 19 billion from the 26 billion bank settlement that belongs to us Californian homeowners that had our lands and property stolen by fraud of the banks and lending institutions. 
Please see my link above where Federal Postal Judge David Wynn Miller tells me why we never received that settlement.
Unfortunately, Mr Miller passed away in July 2018 thereby no longer able to testify but you can still investigate this matter. It sickens me to hear that Harris is planning to run for the 2020 Presidential election knowing not enough Californians or Americans are aware of what she has done to us.
I am asking please add her to your list to investigate and add her and all those involved in this crime to the growing 55,000 sealed indictments. You are indicting other financial crimes against us, i.e. money laundering, securities frauds and other embezzlement crimes, please add her to this as well. She and her cohorts must not be allowed to get away with this and I’m quite sure many other crimes she and her cohorts have committed against ALL of us.
Thank you for your time. I’m praying vindication will be ours.

By: ______________________________________________________© Seal LS 10/5/2018
POA: Nicolette 
For: Nicolette 
As: Nicolette 
c/o: PO Box 978, Rio Linda, California, [95673-9999]
Non Negotiable Signature, all Unalienable Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice to any of those Rights

Federal Postal Judge David Wynn Miller
california wrongfull foreclosure homeowners did not see the lawful payments from the 26 Billion deal because attorney general kamala harris embezzled 19 billion and claimed to have paid off a california bankruptcy and was given an award from Obama for doing it california is not bankrupt its not possible when california CAFR fund has trillions sitting in it Impeach harris and send her to jail for fraud, extortion, racketeering, embezzlement and inland piracy- audit the books all the books of california goverment and courts Below is my communications with Federal Postal Judge David Wynn Miller and an attorney Robert Bernhoft: Hello Robert, below is a list of California CAFR fund links, i.e.: State of California Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, these reports prove california is not bankrupt, yet in my email communications with the Federal Judge David Wynn Miller, who is the judge that brokered the deal with the banks on behalf of all the states where homeowners were wrongfully foreclosed on were to receive the money from that deal, we in california did not receive our money because as the judge states below in our email communication', the california attorney general Kamala Harris embezzled that money and claimed to pay off a 19 billion dollar california bankruptcy and according to this judge she got an award from BO to boot for cheating us. I would like to file a class action [joinder] with and on behalf of all California homeowners that were wrongfully foreclosed on as I was. Is this something you can do? please review the info below so you can see for yourself. thanks, many blessings year: 2009 year: 2011 year: 2011 review year: 2012 all home owners didnt get paid! Thursday, February 20, 2014 9:27 PM From: "Nicolette" To: DWMLAWPRO@AOL.COM Cc: nicolette i just saw your video #13 & #14 on youtube you claimed all the homeowners got paid no i didnt GMAC committed fraud and so much more having the sheriffs come to my home with guns to take me off my land any way they thought they needed to telling me they were only doing there job via court order that wasnt even signed by a judge from your little deal you made with the banks GMAC stole nearly 1.5 M by taking my home, land, building material, 30ft trailer and much more putting my paralyzed daughter her infant and me and my husband on the street and what did we get for all this? $1,000 from your little deal with the banks what did they get not even a slap on the hand and never returning of the trillions of dollars stolen from us that they embezzled and have sitting in offshore banks. im so angry with what they did to us and am even more insulted by your smart deal you made with them. there better be something we can do to get back what was fraudulently stolen from us. your a federal judge, you made the deal with the banks but what have you done for all of us that have lost everything due to these criminals? what can we do to get back all they strong armed away from us? every action they did was fraud and so much worse why have you allowed this to happen? and don't tell me you didn't have anything to do with this because you flat out said so on your youtube videos. every action GMAC did to us is wrong and invalid and we deserve our property and all they stole from us plus all that it cost us trying to fight to keep our property plus compensation for all the trauma it cost us as a family but what is even worse is what it cost my paralyzed daughter and her infant daughter. my rage is beyond measure. i spent two years fighting these F###### bastards only to have the courts turn all our property over to them being told by the judge "well if you cant tell me why i shouldn't give it to them I'm handing it over" this is after i filed over 400 documents showing everything i could find and do to prove they were racketeering thugs committing fraud. I WANT JUSTIFICATION AND RESTITUTION - NO LETTING THEM WALK SCOTT FREE - I CANT BELIEVE YOU GAVE THEM A WAY OUT TO WALK WITH OUT GIVING TRUE RESTITUTION FOR WHAT DAMAGE THEY COMMITTED AGAINST INNOCENT MOTHERS AND CHILDREN AND ALL OF US! Alternative to drugs ************************************************************************ Re: all home owners didnt get paid! Thursday, February 20, 2014 10:16 PM Mark as Unread Flag this message From: "Davidwynn Miller" To: nicolette i brokered a deal to get the people the money and the banks settled in california in 10-days-$26-billion dollars. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, Kamala Harris took the money and paid off the $19-billion-dollar bankruptcy of the CALIFORNIA AND WELCHED ON THE BANKS AS WELL AND GOT AN AWARD FROM OBAMA FOR CREATING THE HOMEOWNERS. I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH T HE A-G IN WASHINGTON, ERIK HOLDER AND HIS DEAL WITH THE BANKS FOREGIVNESS AS THE BANKS HAVE PAID THE DOJ AND SEC 800-BILLION TO DOJ AND SEC TO DATE. SEE SENATE OVERSIGHT LETTER. DOC: OVERSIGHT-COMMITTEE-15-FEB-2013.doc 36KB FOR THE COMMITTEE ON THE OVERSITE AND: GOVERNMENT-FORM. ~2157-~RAYBURN-HOUSE-OFFICE-BUILDING, ~WASHINGTON~D.-C.~20515 FOR THE WHISTLEBLOWER-PLENIPOTENTIARY, POSTMASTER, UNITED NATION-SOVEREIGN: FEDERAL-POSTAL-JUDGE: David-Wynn: Miller.[~5166~North~63rd-STREET,-~MILWAUKEE,-~WISCONSIN-~53218]OR[~2020-~MAIN-STREET,-~SUITE-~1002,-~WAILUKU,-~MAUI,-~HAWAI’I-~96793]. ~1 FOR THE (THREE-HUNDRED-PLUS) QUO-WARRANTO-COMPLAINTS OF THE FILING ARE WITH THE FEDERAL-TORT-CLAIM-ACT OF THE PENALTY-DAMAGE-CLAIM WITH THE $25-MILLION-DOLLARS-FINE(EACH) WITH THE FRAUDULENT-MORTGAGE-FORECLOSURE’S-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR: TITLE-~15: DOCUMENT-CONTRACT-CLAIM-SECTION-~1692-E &: FRAUDULENT-LANGUAGE: TITLE~18: DOCUMENT-CONTRACT-CLAIM-SECTION-~1001, AGAINST THE SERVICING-BANK &: AS THE AILING-VOID-HOLDER OF THE NOTE, TITLE, GRANT-DEED, DEED OF TRUST, OR: MORTGAGE WITHOUT THE LODIAL-LAND-TITLE-AUTOGRAPHED OR: DEED-AUTOGRAPHED WITH THE CORRECT-CONTRACT OF THE FORECLOSURE-PROPERTY.(25-MILLION-FORECLOSURES, HOMELESS-PEOPLE-COLLAPS-USA)(100-MILLION-PEOPLE) ~2 FOR THE BANK AS THE MOVING-PERSON IS WITHOUT THE TWO-PERSON-AUTOGRAPHING-CONTRACT OF THE OWNERSHIP-FILING WITH THE FORECLOSURE: FORE(NO)CLOS(JOIN)URE(CONTRACT-FACT). ~3 FOR THE FOREIGN-VESSEL-COURTHOUSE: FEDERAL-RULES OF CIVIL-PROCEDURE, RULE~44.1, ARE WITH THE FICTION-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-LANGUAGE-DAMAGE-CLAIM OF THE WRONG-SYNTAX-WORD-MEANING WITH THE NUMBER-CODES BY THE SYNTAXING-WORD-EVIDENCE: (1)=ADVERB-MODIFIER, (2)VERB-MOTION-ACTION, (3)=ADJECTIVE-COLORING, OPINION, PERJURY-CHANGE-MODIFIER, (4)=PRONOUN=NO-NO-NO, PRO=NO, NO=NO, UN=NO, (5)=POSITION=ALPHABET-SPELLING-LETTERS, WORD-TERM-MEANING, (6)=LODIAL=OWNERSHIP-POSSESSIVE, [ARTICLE], (7)=FACT, [NOUN=NO-NO], FOR THE PEN, FOR MY PEN, FOR YOUR PEN, FOR A PEN, OF THE PEN, OF MY PEM, OF YOUR PEN, BY THE PEN, BY MY PEN. ~5 FOR THE BONDED: QUO-WARRANTO-COMPLAINT OF THE SYNTAX-WORDING-EVIDENCE ARE WITH THE BORROWING-FRAUD-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-DEED-LANGUAGE WITH THE BANK-CUSTOMER’S-VICTIMIZED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-FRAUD-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-MONEY-CONTRACT. ~6 FOR THE QUANTUM-MATH-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR-COPYCLAIM OF THE DATE-~6-~APRIL-~1988-CLOSURE BY THE David-Wynn: Miller IS WITH THE CORRECTION-CLAIM OF THE PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR WITH THE TWENTY-NINE-GRADE-CORRECT-WRITING-LEVEL AS THE MATH-PROBLEM CAN BE WRITTEN-FOREWARD AND: CHECKED-BACKWARDS:(1+2=3,3-2=1, 2X3=6,6/3=2) WITH THE ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, SIGN, CO-SIGN, TANGENT(TRIG). ~7 FOR ALL MATH-PROBLEMS OF ALL COUNTRIES ARE WITH THE SAME-VALUE-NUMBERS(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,) OF THE PEOPLES’-TRADING WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD AND WITH THE NEVER-WARRING OVER THE MATH-PROBLEMS. ~8 FOR THE PROOF OF THE WRITING ARE WITH THE CORRECT-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR OF THE CORRECTION-CLAIM WITH THE TITLE-~42: D.-C.-C.-S.-~1986: KNOWLEDGE OF THE WRONG-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR AND WITH THE CORRECTION OF THE FRAUDULENT-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR WITH THE FEDERAL-POSTAL-JUDGE: David-Wynn: Miller’s-KNOWLEDGE and: CLAIMANTS. ~9 FOR THE JUDGES, ATTORNEYS, LAWYERS, BANKSTERS, TEACHERS &: POLITITIONS OF THE LYING-TOGETHER ARE WITH THE FRAUD-SYNTAX-PRACTICE-CRAFT OF THEIR FICTION-WORD-CRAFT WITH THE SLAVERY OF THE PEOPLE & WITH THE TAKING(STEALING) BY THE FRAUDULENT-PARSE-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR WITH THE SCHOOLS-TEACHING-FRAUD-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR FOR THE BAR-COURT-HARVEST OF THE “ENGLAND, CANADA, NEW-ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, &: SOUTH-AFRICA”. “THE(ADVERB) UNITED(ADJECTIVE) STATES(PRONUON) OF(ADVERB) AMERICA(VERB-FICTION)”, AND WITH THE LOOKING AT THE MONEY-WORDING OF “THE U.S. of A”. ~10 FOR THE CHINEES-GOVERNMENT AND: 150-TRADING-PARTNERS ARE WITH THE TEACHING- CORRECT-SYNTAX-GRAMMAR OF THE SEPTEMBER-~2012-SCHOOL-YEAR AND: SOUTH-KOREA-~2007.(200-HOURS-SEMINAR-VIDEOS-FREE, TV, RADIO, WEB, DAVIDWYNNMILLERVIDEOS….SEARCH) ~11 WWW.DWMLC.COM-WEBSITE IS: WRITTEN &: READ BY THE FIVE-BILLION-STUDENTS IN THE 150-WORLD-LANGUAGES. -----Original Message----- From: Nicolette To: DWMLAWPRO Cc: nicolette Sent: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 7:27 pm Subject: all home owners didnt get paid! 

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