Sunday, October 30, 2011


October 29, 2011 
Gives The Constitution A Voice

At 9 AM on Saturday, October 8, I was tuned into CNN, broadcasting from Atlanta. The Host was interviewing three young people who had participated in "Occupy Atlanta" the day before. One was a 26 year old female veteran back from the hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan and enrolled in College. The other two were males in their 20's who were employed. 
The host asked what the Occupy movement was all about. The young people said, "We want to fix the system."  
The host asked how the system could be fixed. The young people struggled to find an answer but had none. Eventually they suggested more people should vote.  
I turned to Judy, my wife, saying, "That's it. I'm going down there. These folks need to know about the Constitution and how it can solve their grievances."  Four hours later, we were in New York City.  I had a thought to find a meeting room somewhere near to the protests so I could talk about Liberty and the Constitution to whomever might come. Research uncovered a new community center two blocks away called Charlotte's Place."  We were able to make contact with and then meet with the director in between visits to the Park who agreed to give us time to meet there with interested people.  
As we walked among the protestors, we observed many who were clean-cut, bright eyed as they moved throughout the crowd open to exchanging ideas with strangers.  
I noticed a table with a homemade sign, "INFO." I approached and asked, "How can I conduct a teach-in on the State and Federal Constitutions? The young man said, "Start a Working Group." I asked, "How do I do that."  He said, "Announce it." I asked, "How." He said, "Get up on a bench and yell, 'Mic Check.'" That will get the attention of the People."  
I did just that. The People turned their attention to me and began to repeat, in waves, every few words I said.  I announced I was starting a Constitution Working Group, that the Constitution can be used to control the Bankers, the Corporations and the Politicians, end undeclared wars, end Bailouts, end the Fed and end our debt-based, fiat currency.   Each part of the message was repeated two or three times as the crowds carried the words and energy back to others farther away.  I announced the first meeting of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group would be at 6 PM on the steps at the east end of the Plaza. 
Cheers were heard and People raised both hands, pointing all their (wiggling) fingers upwards. I learned later that was a hand signal expressing approval.  
Before I could descend from the bench, 20-25 people surrounded me, some asking questions. What became clear to me was they knew little to nothing about the content, history, meaning, effect and significance of any provision of their State and Federal Constitutions. I lectured from the park bench for more than 30 minutes, before someone else from a distance yelled, "Mic Check," drawing attention to the new speaker. 
Before my 6 PM meeting I learned OWS had a General Assembly (GA) meeting every evening about 7 PM, run by a group of "facilitators." 
At the 6 PM meeting people signed up to be on the Constitution Working Group, providing their names and email addresses.  
Before the start of the GA, I engaged in a loud conversation with a student from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York about his grievances and the Constitution. He started out expressing his anger at the greed and corruption on Wall Street, Again, dozens of young People, apparently genuinely eager to learn, gathered around to listen to the conversation.  
After more mingling, I did another "Mic Check," announcing there would be a meeting of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group on Wednesday at Charlotte's Place and those who would like to be on the Working Group should meet me on the Steps. More people signed up, bringing the total to 29, including two attorneys (one of whom is a professor of Financial Law at Cornell and under contract to teach Financial Regulations to folks at the New York Federal Reserve (ponder this for a moment), a young veteran combat photographer, another young veteran, a high school math teacher, a full time student at PACE U., and so on.  Again I was impressed at the level of intelligence and sincerity of the people who were there. 
On Wednesday, eight of the 29 met (we have since learned it is difficult to schedule meetings when all can meet, given the diversity of everyone's professions and occupations). 
A consensus was reached regarding a simple, one or two word definition of the overriding grievances of OWS: Money, Debt, Bailouts, Federal Reserve, Corporate Personhood and the (Undeclared) Wars. 
There was a discussion of the five Rights guaranteed by the First Amendment, with emphasis on the meaning of the fifth: the Right to Petition for Redress. Packets of study materials were distributed including copies of the State and Federal Constitutions, the Articles of Freedom, WTP's "Interpretation of the Meaning of the Right to Petition Government for Redress of Grievances," the lawsuit filed by me in 2008 against the AIG bailout, the lawsuit filed by me in 2008 against the $700 billion bailout of the financial industry, We the People of New York, Inc.'s Certificate of Incorporation and the pamphlet written by Benedict D. LaRosa, "Democracy or Republic, Which Is It?" 
Since then, we have had two more meetings in NYC and one Webinar. Judith Whitmore has joined me in this effort. Thus far, an agreement has been reached on the Beliefs of the State and Federal Constitution Working Group as follows: 
  •  All People have Natural Rights -- Simply Because They Are Alive.
  •  We the People have Instituted Government to Secure our Rights.
  •  According to our Governing Documents, Sovereignty rests with the People.
  •  The Constitution & Declaration of Independence are inextricably intertwined.
  •  Every Principle, Prohibition, Restriction and Mandate of our Governing Documents represents a Guaranteed, Individual Right.
  •  The People are the Source of All Political Power
    (after all no one gets into office unless we put them there).
  •  All Elected Officials are limited by our written Constitutions
    (if not authorized in writing, such acts are unlawful).
  •  The Constitution is not a Menu.
  •  The Constitution cannot Defend Itself.
  • Individuals and Small Groups cannot prevail in attempts to hold government accountable to their State and Federal Constitutions.
  •  A Critical Mass is needed, say 3-5% of population.
  •  Very few in and out of public office can recognize when government is obeying or violating the Constitution.
  •  The way our system of governance is working is in sharp contrast to the way it is designed to work.
  •  We don't change the Constitution by ignoring it; There are provisions within it to make changes. 
  •  All that is happening is our fault; the People have allowed it to happen.
  • The People have always had the ultimate power in our society and have always been the final arbiters of constitutionality.
  •  Most of what is causing our National distress NOW can be traced back to violations of the Constitution. 
The next step, before next Monday's Webinar is to prepare drafts of Petitions for Redress which will include Instructions to the President and Congress to Remedy the agreed upon Grievances, each involving a violation of the Constitution: Money, Debt, Bailouts, Federal Reserve, Corporate Personhood and Undeclared Wars.  
Once a consensus is reached on an Instruction, it will be forwarded to the OWS facilitators and announced at Liberty Plaza following a "Mic Check."  If there are enough people who support the Petitions/Instructions, this is a peaceful legal way that the "99%" and the Constitution can be heard. 
From those I have talked to or heard from, there has been real relief expressed that someone is pointing the way back to the Constitution. However, there are different viewpoints on who is back of OWS; what its real purpose is; what is going to take place because of it.  
IMHO, the OWS may morph into a more formal, national organization something like our Constitution Lobby, albeit possibly without incorporating. The danger is it may be co-opted by a person(s) with an agenda contrary to that of the Constitution Lobby. With that in mind it will be interesting to see how much respect the Constitution Working Group actually receives from the powers behind OWS, whoever they are. 
I will continue until the Constitution is back as the main-frame for America and our Nation is back on track.

Bob Schulz,
Founder, We The People

Year-End  Fundraiser!
2012 WTP Freedom Calendars Have Arrived!

FAITH UNDER FIRE Jesus' name ruled 'unconstitutional

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

WND: FAITH UNDER FIRE Jesus' name ruled 'unconstitutional
Posted By: watcher51445
Date: Sunday, 30-Oct-2011 02:12:58
Jesus' name ruled 'unconstitutional'
A board of county commissioners in North Carolina is asking the Supreme Court for help: Its members don't believe they should have to forbid volunteers from mentioning the name of Jesus in prayers offered before their meetings.
But the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are standing by their victory in a U.S. circuit court decision that states even "a solitary reference to Jesus Christ" in invocations before the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners' meetings could do "violence to the pluralistic and inclusive values that are a defining feature of American public life."
Read the latest now on


The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Oct-2011 02:34:21
In Response To: Reader STVN: MONACO 57 GROUP UPDATE (hobie)
(Thanks, S. :)
(For some background on this, see the thread listing at the bottom of this post.)
Reader STVN writes:

> Dear Hobie,
> Please post the following, In response to a reader from Italy, RE;
> US$134.5 B Bonds, etc.
> Quote(Paraphrased):
> "There are no lingering doubts left in our minds about the US$134.5 B
> Bonds incident, Ponte Chiasso, Italy.
> (Q: Are there any doubts left about the resulting world wide publicity
> since then?)
> The details of what took place; The individuals involved; The face value
> of
> the Bonds, etc.,etc., have have received more than enough MSM coverage and
> exposure on a number of alternative media websites, commentaries, etc.,
> ...worldwide.
> Yes, the Ponte Chiasso, Italy, incident was what brought the attention of
> certain people (in the know) as to who the real perpetrators are.
> The individuals who took charge of these Bonds and have since (illegally)
> kept them, mostly for their own personal use and gain, are b7y now well
> known to you and us.
> Also, there's been more than enough publicity and volumes of published
> information available to satisfy most if not all serious readers and
> seekers of the truth.
> Suffice to say the following:
> The matter is currently in the hands of Top International
> Attorneys. It will soon be filed with the proper legal US Authorities and
> then everyone will know it as it becomes a part of the public record.
> Further, the 134.5 B Treasuries, stolen from Mr.Neil Keenan,
> brought the attention of the 57 Minister'ssecret meeting, which
> became known as "The Monaco 57 Group"....we have referred to.
That number has since
> grown to more than 100, with more ready to join us.
> While Italy is the country where this incident took place, that does not
> in
> any way imply the people of Italy had anything to do with it. They (the
> people of Italy) are certainly not in any way responsible.
> Mr.Neil Keenan and We want you and the whole World to know this one truth:
> For many, many years there has been an ongoing systematic and blatant
> abuse
> of our Global Financial Resources, i.e., International Collateral
> Accounts,
> Combined, by a rather small "Elite" Group of Individuals, who, together
> with their Banks and Financial Institutions have taken charge of these
> accounts and have been using them mostly for their own personal gains and
> profit.
> The amount of money(profits) they were able to generate from such grossly
> illegal activities defy common sense and reason. The numbers are so huge
> we
> can describe them only as Astronomical!
> You are asking and probably wonder:
> What will the fate be of those Individuals, Institutions/Banks be, after
> they are fully exposed and eventually declared guilty in a Court of Law?
> Who are the ones that will be held as being most responsible?
> What kind of punishment is most appropriate for such crimes?
> We have no final say in such matters, so better that we leave such for the
> Courts to decide.
> What we know and what we can affirmatively state is the following:
> There is a Group of knowledgeable, able, intelligent, honest and very
> determined individuals who shall continue to expose anyone found to be
> associated with the theft and illegal use of the International Collateral
> Accounts. The same applies to anyone who has been found to be an
> Accomplice and Collaborator.
> They shall be all found and exposed for what they really are!
> What we envision is a brand new Global Financial System coming to replace
> the existing one.
> We want a System that is Just, Transparent and Honest and able to look
> after the best interest of all the people - not only the so called
> "Elite".
> No more self-serving interests, greed, fraud and a cycle of
> political/financial corruption with no end in sight.
> We want to make sure the mistakes of the past are never repeated again
> *****************End of Quote******************************************

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?

November 9th communications shutdown: A system reboot needed to activate new code?

John Boering
My take on the communications shutdown:
In what is obviously a muscle flexing exercise meant to show the public just how much power and control the federal government really has, all communications will be cut off for an estimated three minutes on November 9th, 2011.
Claiming this is a test of the emergency response system, the terror alert system, and any other excuse they can come up with, Fema (that would be the same FEMA in charge of those camps they deny exist) will conduct a complete communications shutdown: all TV, radio, internet, and phone systems will be disabled simultaneously. This will be at 1:00 CST.
I am trying to figure out what kind of national emergency would require cutting all communications, broadcasts and internet use?  Maybe an emergency in which the government itself feels threatened by …….the people?  If this were a test to make sure the system was intact in the event of an emergency I could understand it.  But that isn’t what this is.  This is a test meant to ensure that the apparatus is in place and operational in the event the government wants to prevent communication between citizens: this is a test to make sure they CAN shut it all down if they choose to. 
Think Egypt here.  As the protest crowds grew in Egypt, what did the government do? They shut down all cell phones and internet access in an effort to halt communications. It didn’t stop anything, the crowds still grew, but the idea behind this action was clear.
I believe what is actually behind this might be the downloading of some kind of code needed to make the shut-down apparatus work efficiently.  Think about your cable system if you have one or even an upgrade to many computer programs.  A new code must be downloaded and installed, then the system shutdown and re-booted for the changes to take effect.  And, just like these coded program changes in computers and cable, once you re-boot, whatever was newly installed is activated and just runs silently behind the scenes.  In fact, in almost every case, you are not even aware of what changes were made. I have a strange feeling this is what is happening here.  I also think this is somehow attached to the all-digital system they forced everyone onto a few years back.
Being a rather rational and logical person, the idea of shutting off communications of all kinds during a national emergency just doesn’t make any sense to me.  Why would anyone want to do that?  Wouldn’t your first reaction be to make sure communications were all intact and operational?  Unless of course, their definition of an emergency is something other than say extreme weather, floods or things of that kind.
In what kind of emergency situation would it benefit the public to have all communications shut down?  I can’t even think of one.
If I were the government I could see where it could be really handy especially in light of the steady growing unrest across the country. Of course their phones, computers and broadcast systems would all be working just fine as their communications systems are independent of the system the public uses.
We have long since passed the point where we can trust government on any level.  This impending communications shut down is only a test run for something far more serious.  This is not about public safety, emergency response or any of the other fluff and hype put out to try and explain why the government would engage in such a test.  In my opinion, this is merely a test run for a future event which could be catastrophic as far as the general public is concerned.
 Keep your eyes and ears open…….something is afoot here and it doesn’t look good for most of us.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
Posted By: Rayelan [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Oct-2011 19:26:37
Conspiracy Of Silence(Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)
Uploaded by mysticdave666 on 15 Dec 2010
"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, "Conspiracy of Silence" reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.

Based on DeCamp's riveting book, The Franklin Cover-up, "Conspiracy of Silence" begins with the shut-down of Nebraska 's Franklin Community Federal Credit Union after a raid by federal agencies in November 1988 revealed that $40 million was missing. When the Nebraska legislature launched a probe into the affair, what initially looked like a financial swindle soon exploded into a startling tale of drugs, money laundering, and a nationwide child abuse ring. Nineteen months later, the legislative committee's chief investigator died suddenly and violently, like more than a dozen other people linked to the Franklin case.
So why have you never heard of the Franklin cover-up? Originally scheduled to air in May of 1994 on the Discovery Channel, "Conspiracy of Silence" was yanked at the last minute due to formidable pressure applied by top politicians. Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary.
You may find yourself becoming angry or upset while watching "Conspiracy of Silence." Many people do. However, consider that each of us has at times in our life acted out of selfish motives when it comes to sexuality and ended up hurting others in one way or another. Let us take this information not only as a call to stop this kind of abuse at the nationwide level, but also as a call to examine our own sexual relationships and make a commitment to deep honesty and integrity in our own lives around this most sensitive issue. Thanks for caring and may we all work together to build a brighter future for ourselves and for our world.
A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired FBI Agent Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved.
NOTE; This film had to be reassembled from remaining VHS fragments after an all-out effort was made to block the films release and destroy all extant copies. Every effort has been made to restore it to the original and complete "meant to be broadcast" version.

To Order the book from Rumor Mill News click this link:

For additional information on this video, and download information:
Here are some related articles:

Video - Accidential Moment Of Truth

Interesting Statistics about Vietnam and the Vietnam Memorial Wall

A little history most people will never know.
Interesting Statistics about Vietnam and the Vietnam Memorial Wall.

"Carved on these walls is the story of America, of a continuing quest to preserve both Democracy and decency, and to protect a national treasure that we call the American dream." ~President George Bush

SOMETHING to think about - Most of the surviving parents are now deceased.

There are 58,267 names now listed on that polished black wall, including those added in 2010.

The names are arranged in the order in which they were taken from us by date and within each date the names are alphabetized. It is hard to believe it is 36 years since the last casualties.

Beginning at the apex on panel 1E and going out to the end of the East wall, appearing to recede into the earth (numbered 70E - May 25, 1968), then resuming at the end of the West wall, as the wall emerges from the earth (numbered 70W - continuing May 25, 1968) and ending with a date in 1975. Thus the war's beginning and end meet. The war is complete, coming full circle, yet broken by the earth that bounds the angle's open side and contained within the earth itself.
The first known casualty was Richard B. Fitzgibbon, of North Weymouth, Mass. Listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as having been killed on June 8, 1956. His name is listed on the Wall with that of his son, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Richard B. Fitzgibbon III, who was killed on Sept. 7, 1965.

· There are three sets of fathers and sons on the Wall. 

· 39,996 on the Wall were just 22 or younger.

· 8,283 were just 19 years old.

The largest age group, 33,103 were 18 years old.

· 12 soldiers on the Wall were 17 years old.

· 5 soldiers on the Wall were 16 years old.

· One soldier, PFC Dan Bullock was 15 years old.

· 997 soldiers were killed on their first day in Vietnam .

· 1,448 soldiers were killed on their last day in Vietnam .

· 31 sets of brothers are on the Wall.

· Thirty one sets of parents lost two of their sons.

· 54 soldiers on attended Thomas Edison High School in Philadelphia. I wonder why so many from one school.

· 8 Women are on the Wall. Nursing the wounded. 

· 244 soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor during the Vietnam War; 153 of them are on the Wall.

· Beallsville, Ohio with a population of 475 lost 6 of her sons.

· West Virginia had the highest casualty rate per capita in the nation. There are 711 West Virginians on the Wall.

· The Marines of Morenci - They led some of the scrappiest high school football and basketball teams that the little Arizona copper town of Morenci (pop. 5,058) had ever known and cheered. They enjoyed roaring beer busts. In quieter moments, they rode horses along the Coronado Trail, stalked deer in the Apache National Forest . And in the patriotic camaraderie typical of Morenci's mining families, the nine graduates of Morenci High enlisted as a group in the Marine Corps. Their service began on Independence Day, 1966. Only 3 returned home.

· The Buddies of Midvale - LeRoy Tafoya, Jimmy Martinez, Tom Gonzales were all boyhood friends and lived on three consecutive streets in Midvale, Utah on Fifth, Sixth and Seventh avenues. They lived only a few yards apart. They played ball at the adjacent sandlot ball field. And they all went to Vietnam . In a span of 16 dark days in late 1967, all three would be killed. LeRoy was killed on Wednesday, Nov. 22, the fourth anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination. Jimmy died less than 24 hours later on Thanksgiving Day. Tom was shot dead assaulting the enemy on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

· The most casualty deaths for a single day was on January 31, 1968 ~ 245 deaths.

· The most casualty deaths for a single month was May 1968 - 2,415 casualties were incurred.

For most Americans who read this they will only see the numbers that the Vietnam War created. To those of us who survived the war, and to the families of those who did not, we see the faces, we feel the pain that these numbers created. We are, until we too pass away, haunted with these numbers, because they were our friends, fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. There are no noble wars, just noble warriors.

Please pass this on to those who served during this time, and those who DO Care.

10/24/11 CLS Military Action Report Anniversary Dreams Underground SW US England Kuwait Bases Andromedan Pleadian

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

10/24/11 CLS Military Action Report Anniversary Dreams Underground SW US England Kuwait Bases Andromedan Pleadian
Posted By: mroxygen [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Oct-2011 12:36:03
10/24/11 CLS Military Action Report Anniversary Dreams Underground SW US England Kuwait Bases Cleared The Andromedan and Pleadian Questions
Codename: “Grey Skies“ is a joint military operation combining Creation Lightship and Earth Defense Forces utilizing a combination; bring the invading UUTs (Unwanted Universal Alien Travellers) down by destroying their ships, rout them out by destroying their hidden bases, and destroy all of them where they came from by tracing them all back to their planet, planetoid, fleet, or other origin, and eliminating every last one of them at their source. “Operation: Grey Skies” celebrates its’ one year anniversary this month.
Begun one year ago, Grey Skies kicked off with the showcase downing and dissolution of a large cloaked invader alien mothership over New York City. Our Constitution loving U.S.A. Earth Generals were invited onto one of the CLS bridges so they could witness firsthand the awesome military capabilities of the Creation Lightship Forces and take hope renewed they would have a powerful ally instead of being subservient to advanced invaders.
After the ultimate in firepower and defensive capability demonstration, the Creation Lightship Forces were naturally invited to join forces with our own original U.S.A. military time travelling chrononaut Earth defenders. CLS is from the Original Source Light Universe in the Now, and beyond time, while the Earth Defense Forces are made up of normal human Earth soldiers trapped within time, and recruited from throughout and across time, regardless of their nationality.
If you are/were/will be a soldier from Earth; a Roman Legionnaire, WW1, or WW2, from 2050, recruit, etcetera, you can volunteer and be picked up off your timeline and trained to defend your home world by being transported through time and equipped with the most sophisticated weaponry and tactics in existence. One of the perks of the job is that if you are hurt or killed while in this service, CLS simply employs Source Creation Energy to re-assemble, re-vitalize, and heal you so you can go right back into service.
Why does the CLS Defense Fleet side with we humans? Because Earth has been "illegally" invaded. Earth was created as, and is supposed to be only a beautiful place in a free will zone. Any Spirit created on the Light Ship was supposed to be able to come here and enjoy experiencing this place for one “lifetime,” and then freely leave.
Earth was exactly like that once, until multiple races of invading darkness sponsored aliens decided to come here and create all these dimensions and timelines to take over with, and to enslave all the Spirits here in human bodies, and force us onto their timelines so the invaders could harvest our human thoughts, emotions, and feelings for food. So now when you check in, you can’t check out.
Think of going to sleep and dreaming. How many dreams have emotions in them, close to 100%? That’s calculated enhancement of more emotion harvesting. They tell us we are simply “releasing” emotions in dreams, but that’s a lie purposely designed so we don’t figure out how they use us.
They create a timeline, pull our Spirits out of our bodies and place us on it, and then manipulate the play action so we get all worked up while sleeping, thinking its' all real at the time. Access to these seemingly real dream events is even sold between alien races in common ET commerce. They don’t have their own Spirits, so they use ours as projecting generators.
Scene: cloaked interdimensional deep space mall out of our range of human sight. Short, fat, tall, & skinny aliens of many genetic types in various modes of dress (Star Wars bar, Deep Space Nine Promonade) are filing into the electro-holo-tent as the barker drones on, “Hurry! hurry, hurraaay. Step right this way, we have only the best of the prime human dreamers emoting in our stables! Come experience swimming in their delicious emotions that you don’t have. Synch into them and recharge while feeling fear, anger, love, or whatever you prefer! Only the best scenes, scripts and holo actors are used!”
Starting out originally as pure Source Energy Spirits created on the Lightship, we have been memory wiped and reduced in awareness only to become unaware slaves duped into feeling somewhat free as mind controlled subjects ever since, but this won’t go on for much longer.
CLS simply states about the aliens, “They aren’t supposed to be here,” as the Lightbeings come every 2,000 years and eliminate the invading races, one by one. This time it is a major cycle that never happened before. When Ascension hits this time, the games are over. This is why it is vital to each get ourselves cleared and healed first, meaning right now, while the Lightship is here and available to do so for us. Limited time offer. Word.
Some alien races are peaceful, and do not control others. So they are left alone. Only those attacking or controlling are eliminated, recently including going all the way back up the line to their originating planets. This happens in a lesser form every 2,000 years when the Creation Lightship routinely manifests here to do a cleanup, and activates the Ascension Process, then the Lightship leaves, and after a while some of the creation/existence templates are re-activated and life all starts over again, in the same or a new form.
Before termination, the evil controlling aliens, some who nonchalantly enjoy eating live humans hanging on meathooks - like we would have a Sunday barbecue and toss aside a chicken bone - are first offered the chance to come into The Light, but they always attack instead - as that is all the Spiritless controllers being controlled have ever known. Then they no longer exist. The dangerous to all Life darkness cosmic trash is instantly taken out.
For the past few weeks/months the combined Earth and CLS Defense Force has been continually clearing and working its way through European and other underground tunnels, as in way under England where they found a large base/den full of 100 foot long ET alien “snake” types, which were promptly sliced up into foot long parts that then instantly became unto the shapes of alligators. Sharp teeth, long snouts, razor scales, long claws, obviously these shape shifters were meant to kill. All terminated.
CLS and Earth also especially included taking out big bases occupied by invaders under Kuwait during October 21st, & 22nd. These particular invaders were Andromedan in origin, and this base was located 20 miles deep under the surface. Just like the mysterious earthquakes we had under Washington, DC and Denver Colorado, in this case, a day later, Turkey reported a big quake as the resulting battle energies worked their way up to the surface.
The term “Andromedan” for a race has many sub classes and types even spanning differing dimensions and times. They may even have good-guy bad-guy factions like we do. We can't judge a book by its cover. Presently I am uncertain, as my friend Andromedan conscious physical contactee Alex Collier has done some fine work helping humans under his lifelong tutelage by one of the Andromedan 8D factions from 800 years in the future .
I can’t explain it. Was Alex’s lifelong physical good guy contactee work (unknown to him) being used as a fake good guy cover operation, or are his contacts from 800 years in the future and 5 dimensions higher than us actually different Andromedans, and actually good guys? I don’t know.
As stated, starting around Friday October 21st, 2011, the concentrated upon negative Andromedan bases and ships were, and are, being eliminated. One of the Andromedan motherships was huge – larger than the state of Texas, and stationed above it, with many floors – and was being used as an airborne clone factory. It was terminated.
Yet, again consider, this particular enormous Mothership clone factory and faction here in our time and dimension was Andromedan, and still did deserve elimination. Imagine the size of the factory, its output, and how many humans have been and would have been replaced. Imagine the size of the clone army if there was one. We should keep thankfully cheering that we have been pulled from this fire by our brave chrono soldiers and the CLS Lightbeings.
During Saturday the 22nd of October, Andromedan and other underground tunnels and bases were found spanning Utah, California, Mt. Shasta, San Diego, Southern California, and deep into Mexico. They were all cleaned out and the occupants terminated. During these heated battles many Earth chrononaut soldiers had to be rematerialized, reanimated, and healed by Source Energies under the control of the Light Beings that created us all to begin with.
What is odd, is that a (different than Alex Collier) Andromedan contactee is now reporting the Andromedans are saying to him they just took out Draco and Orion bases under the Middle East. I have delayed publication of this issue awaiting more clarification...
10/29/2011 The present day Andromedans are involved in darkness, uninvited bases, clone factories, and apparently taking credit undeserved, for the purpose of saying these things to rally more followers to their cause.
Perhaps the ones from the future and 8th dimensionality may have learned their lessons and are assumed to be more in The Light. Perhaps being from and on different timelines is also involved. Both factions are human appearing with some having slightly light purple skin.
Remember, I always say any race from within time is suspect, because they have to mix with darkness to be here, just like us. We’re lucky CLS doesn’t take us out, considering what we’re capable of! They do know we have real Spirits, however, and have been seriously messed with, and mind controlled, so that cuts us some slack. Whew.
“Take away the programming, and they’re all my brothers.”
Other ET races are not invited to be part of, or to help out the CLS/Earth Forces, as CLS employs the ultimate weaponry and anyone else is not needed or wanted in the fray. They would just end up getting in the way and being more casualties needing repair. Sort of a too many cooks spoiling the stew affair. Besides, Earth needs to finally do this unbeholden with only Source on their side.
The Earth Spirit’s Light is averaging being 43% here at present. Quite good compared to previous, but still has a way to go.
Remember our last CLS report about Dr. Fred Bell whose topside clone died while he was working with the Pleadian researchers being attacked under El Salvadore? After his dramatic rescue from the (now terminated by the joint Earth & CLS forces) space criminals during the weekend of September 30th and October 1 & 2, we can now report the rescue also included the rematerialization, healing, and reanimation of the previously killed 500 Pleadian lab researchers by CLS Lightbeings using Original Source Creation energies.
This is interesting, as some Pleadians are also lost to the darkness, but CLS helped this group anyway. Why? The principal is simple, when the space gang attacked on Earth, in the Now, by being aggressors here they became targets of the CLS.
The scientists were researching, working with humans, and not attacking. And so even though they are imperfect, like us, they were helped in this case. In a sense humans were responsible for saving them! I do not know if they have Spirits. CLS forces discern from their pure hearts/Spirit, only, to sort out identities quickly in battle.
Ron Amitron, the Earth Ambassador from the Creation Lightship, was driving back home to Mt. Shasta from LA through the Mojave desert towards the 29 Palms area the Monday following the Expo. For about 30 seconds, an older “Billy Meier photo” type Pleadian ship with the domed top, and cloaked in clouds appeared above Ron’s car. The Pleadians were signaling a “thank you” to Ron. Perhaps some are now more of The Light.
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Health - One Food You Must Never Eat

One Food You Must Never Eat

Hi John
I have a story to share from my youth about the Bryce family.
The Bryces lived about 10 houses down the street from me when I was growing up. The mother and father owned a successful restaurant and when they weren't working, they liked to socialize a LOT.  That was a golden entrepreneurial opportunity for 12 year-old Sherry who was far from being born with a silver spoon in her mouth.
You see, the Bryces had two young girls. And I used to babysit them when their parents went out, which was practically every weekend and at least once during the week.
Susie and Steffie were their names.
Actually, Lucifer and Beelzebub would be more fitting for those kids.
They were hell on earth. Got into everything their parents said was off limits. Never listened to me. Fought constantly.  They would have strung me up like a pinata and whacked me with a stick if they could have gotten away with it.
I used to tolerate those demons in girl's clothing because I needed the lousy 75 cents an hour. And it was EXACTLY 75 cents an hour. Mrs. Bryce would cut a penny in half if she could have.
But believe it or not, the demon girls were not the worst part about babysitting for the Bryce's...
It wasn't Mrs. Bryce, whose perfume was so strong it could knock over a horse...
It wasn't Mr. Bryce either, who was always picking his nose. (Thank God he wasn't the chef in their restaurant.)
It was what they had me prepare for dinner EVERY SINGLE TIME I babysat...
Even as a 12 year-old kid I thought they were nasty. But Lucifer and Beelzebub LOVED them. So every time I arrived, there sat a big can of them on the kitchen countertop, ready to greet me.
I'll never forget that "Uh-oh, Spaghetti O's!" jingle their ad agency permanently cemented into the society's collective unconscious in the 70s.
I was reminded of this "fun" time in my childhood when I saw an for Spaghetti-O's that actually touted their healthiness because they offer a "full serving of vegetables" per one-cup serving.
Vegetables from what PLANET?
What's in "the neat spaghetti you can eat with a spoon?"
While it may be true that somehow Spaghetti O's can count as a measly 1/2 cup of vegetables (presumably from the sauce), but in what form and with what cost?
"Uh-oh! I bet you don't know."
The tomato sauce in Spaghetti O's is actually watered-down tomato paste (a processed form of tomatoes). And even though you might be getting 4% of the RDA of vitamin C from this "sauce," that doesn't come close to the 32% that you'd get from a REAL tomato.
(Never mind that the tomato is technically a fruit. That's another discussion.)
Plus a real tomato has only 7 milligrams of sodium.
Spaghetti O's? 600 milligrams of sodium per one-cup serving!
Uh-oh! Future high blood pressure patients in the making. The pharmaceutical companies are shaking with excitement.
And here's the best part. The part you'll NEVER see in the cutesy little commercials.
One of the major ingredients in Spaghetti O's is SUGAR. Sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup -- the worst form of sugar on the planet and possibly the single worst food additive known -- to the tune of 11 grams!
Official US Guidelines advise a maximum of 40 grams of sugar for every 2000 calories consumed. Spaghetti O's pack 11 grams of sugar in a tiny 170 calorie portion.
Uh-oh! Fat, sick kids will become fat, sick adults.
And they're touting this as a healthy choice for kids (and adults). Seriously?
My 12 year-old taste buds were right on.

Listen, what's best for your body (and what will help you and your kids live disease-free well into your golden years) is REAL food--food that is not processed or just minimally processed.
Jack LaLanne lived to the ripe old age of 96, and even shortly before he died, he looked better than many people in their 40's and 50's.
He had one rule of thumb:
"If man made it, don't eat it."
I think everyone ought to listen to Jack...
And use the Great Taste No Pain health system.
The Great Taste No Pain manuals teach you more about the short- and long-term dangers of processed foods (like Spaghetti O's) and show you how easy it is to prepare and enjoy delicious REAL foods.
Once you get away from processed foods, you (and your kids) will lose your taste for them and end up craving REAL food.
Here's a perfect example. We were out to dinner recently to celebrate my daughter's birthday. When my 13 year-old son ordered broiled chicken and roasted asparagus, I thought the waiter would fall over. But it was no big deal to Mick -- that's what he loves to eat.
The waiter even stopped me when I went to the ladies room and said he's never seen a kid that age that chose to eat so healthy.
The recipe book in the Great Taste No Pain system is filled with delicious dishes that will help make you LOVE eating real foods. You'll wonder why you ever settled for anything less.
When you exist on nutritious real foods, your body can naturally become more alkaline. All of your systems can work like they're supposed to. Excess pounds begin to slide off. Aches and pains dissipate. You may need less or no medication.
You'll have increased energy. Your skin may get clearer, as well as your thinking.
You'll be able to sleep better -- maybe better than you have in years.
And you will help add healthy, productive years to your life (and your kids').
Start today. Say goodbye to the sneaky, empty promises of the processed food manufacturers and hello to a healthier new you.
Great Taste No Pain will help you every step of the way.
To your health,
Sherry Brescia
PS: Dottie thought she'd be dead in a few years, but not anymore!
Hi Sherry,
I have followed your Great Taste No Pain plan to the 'T'. So far after 3 days, I have lost a total of 5.3 lbs. I had tried everything for the last 5 years to lose weight but could not. I just kept slowly gaining more even though I severely limited my diet.
It turns out that the only thing I have not been doing is combining my foods properly. I have been a health food 'nut' for over 40 years and I have never heard of this concept.
I am now pain free for the first time in years. No more severe stomach cramps, no more leg pains, no more back pains. I am so encouraged!
I am 68 and had resigned myself that I would be dead in the next few years. Now I can see my way clear to reach my former goal of attaining 100.
Thanks Sherry for your wonderful plan.
In addition, I am eating more food per day that I have for years!
Dottie Thomen
PPS: Got low energy? Brain fog? CRS disease? You just may be low in in just one vitamin. One out of four people are. Read more about this deficiency and how you can help turn that around FAST:
Want case studies?  Here are a few thousand health turnarounds for you to marvel at.

Haven't taken the Great Taste No Pain test drive?  Why not?  Atsamattayou? You like pain or something?  I've heard about people like that!
Want to read past articles? Here they are.
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(c) copyright 2011 Holistic Blends

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**The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. The contents of this email are not to be considered medical advice and are for educational purposes only. If you are experiencing health challenges, always consult your doctor for medical advice and follow it even if it contradicts the contents of this email.**
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"Tens of Billions in Fiat FRN's Were Shipped to Iraq Since the 2003 invasion..."

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

"Tens of Billions in Fiat FRN's Were Shipped to Iraq Since the 2003 invasion..."
Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Saturday, 29-Oct-2011 11:09:55
...most of it 'lost' or 'stolen'. Sure.
Look in Paraguay. You will find it there.
Source: Unfiltered News
Iraq: The Pentagon conspired with the New York Federal Reserve to ship over $40 billion to Iraq to fund aspects of the war not intended for public knowledge.
[The Pentagon says the money was lost or at least that there is no accounting for it, but it is more likely that they do not want to disclose who got it and how it was used.]
AntiWar 2011 Oct 25 (Cached)
Source:Activist Post
Billions Lost in Secret Federal Reserve Funding of Iraq War
Tens of billions were shipped to Iraq since the 2003 invasion, most of it lost or stolen. And we're not allowed to know about it.

by John Glaser, October 25, 2011
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Since the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003, the New York Federal Reserve has been shipping tens of billions of dollars to the government and central bank of Iraq, ostensibly for reconstruction and resumption of governmental services after the fall of Saddam Hussein.
Between 2003 and 2008, over $40 billion in cash was secretly shipped in trucks from the New York Federal Reserve compound in East Rutherford, New Jersey to Andrews Air Force Base outside of Washington, where they were then flown by military aircraft to Baghdad International Airport.
In just the first two years, the shipments of dollar bills weighed a total of 363 tons.
But much of that money was stolen, misappropriated, and simply lost. Despite Congressional hearings and reports, official inquiries from Washington to Baghdad, an investigating special inspector general’s office and Department of Defense, nobody knows exactly what happened to the bulk of the money.
Likely destinations of the stolen fiat, secretly printed out of thin air to fund the US government’s illegal war and occupation in Iraq, went towards intricate contracting schemes, corrupt Iraqi and American officials, and brash, blanket appropriations in war torn Iraq.
The shipments followed a detailed route, documenting by the minute who was in custody of the money, until it reached the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) official in Baghdad who arranged for them to get to the Central Bank of Iraq in downtown Baghdad.
That responsibility was fulfilled by one man, a naturalized American citizen of Lebanese descent who was born in Saudi Arabia working as a civilian contractor for the US military.
Only his first name has been released: Basel. He was the last to see the bales of cash before they entered the Central Bank of Iraq.
The flow of money between the Iraqi government and central bank and the New York Federal Reserve did not end in 2008. Rather, it continues to this day, albeit reportedly in smaller amounts.
“We don’t have access to the Federal Reserve account to know how much money actually came out of the Fed,” said Jason Venner, the inspector general’s chief auditor. “They won’t tell us.”
The government of Iraq continues to pour portions of the profits from its renewed oil industry into its accounts at the Fed in New York, called the “Oil Proceeds Receipts Account” that serves as a cash reserve for the Iraqi Central Bank. Just this passed April, the Iraqi government informed the UN security council about a new account it is setting up with the Fed to replace the Development Fund for Iraq account established at the beginning of the war.
The issue of the tens of billions of dollars – at least that portion of the total which has been made public – being sent to Iraq for what the US and Iraqi governments call reconstruction and then being lost, stolen, unaccounted for, etc. is indeed a criminal level of recklessness and negligence.
But another aspect of these shady giveaways is perhaps more fundamental.
At the beginning of the Iraq War, the US government secretly commissioned the New York Federal Reserve to create money in order to covertly fund the war and the newly-crafted client regime in Iraq.
The American people were not informed, Congress was in the dark, and the total amounts and the beneficiaries involved are to this day being kept secret.
This clandestine collaboration of unaccountable public-private institutions colluding to facilitate warfare and secure profits in the process understandably leads to questions of the legitimacy of these institutions.
The Federal Reserve system has long been tied to the most egregious genre of violence perpetrated by the state, that is war.
Yet hardly any support in Congress exists to impose restrictions and accountability on the Federal Reserve, and the institution itself seems entrenched beyond the grip of those most affected by its policies. Both Americans, and Iraqis.