Donald Trump has a huge heart when children are harmed and /or in need. I remember several times Donald Trump has graciously helped children without being asked. I remember specifically 2 times. One was the little girl on the Maurey Show that Donald Trump gifted with a large check with many zeros. A second time when a young girl in California needed dire medical attention from a New York hospital and nobody would fly her. Donald Trump sent his plane to do it at a cost around $93K if I remember right. Donald asked for nothing in return.
I believe Donald Trump is furious about the school shooting and he KNOWS who and what is behind it. You just have some patients because Donald will put a stop to this and mark my words! The fur is going to fly! The deep state is in trouble.
I would not be surprised if he goes as far as removing all restrictions to guns and makes sure all Americans are armed.
Do not doubt Donald Trump. He is a master at chess and he has a plan brewing. Justice will be served and it will be served very cold.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
The Americans Are Coming! The Americans Are Coming!
By Anna Von Reitz
Forgive me a little tongue in cheek, but I figure that raising the alarm
is appropriate. America: Some Assembly Required is available on
little monograph is being promoted and reviewed as "explosive"---
"Intellectual C4 for the patriot movement" and "a powerful indictment of
world government gone mad."
Not what I expected to accomplish when I set out to give Donald Trump a
blow-by-blow sound-bite version of the business history of America. I
just thought that, being a business man, he would more likely understand
things in terms of business names and relationships, contracts,
mergers, hostile take-overs, frauds, identity thefts, bankruptcies, and
other concepts already in his professional tool-box.
I also knew that he needed to get it fast, so I de-constructed it all
into small bits that build up like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle forming
the overall picture. Big concepts, but small bites.
For those who are prepared to consume it in 30-second bites and wait for
the overall picture to snap into view, this is turning out to be far
more successful than I could hope.
I have people all over the world digesting the real history of this
country and understanding it----quickly, often in only an hour or two.
Considering how many years it took to delve out the information, that's
totally amazing. And gratifying.
Time for a personal moment, a kick-back in the old office chair, and
think--- the number of people who truly understand what went on here,
has taken an exponential leap, a geometric progression is in engaged.
Thousands upon thousands of people are learning the business history of
our country in the quiet of their own homes. They are putting the pieces
together for themselves. They are "getting a handle on it".
Thanks to this most recent exercise, America: Some Assembly Required, they are doing so in record time.
Names, Capacities, and Jurisdictions
By Anna Von Reitz
People keep stumbling over certain
issues related to identity and function in society, yet we are or should
all be pretty familiar with these concepts.
A true Proper Name in the English
Language can only have two parts for grammatical reasons: John Doe.
Prior to the late 18th and 19th century people used either this two-part
Proper Name, like John Doe or John Adams or Benjamin Franklin--- or a
descriptive name: Anne of Green Gables, Sydney McClure (equals "Sydney
of the Clure Clan"), Anna von Reitzensten (equals "Anna from
Reitzenstein"), Ole Johnson (equals "Ole John's Son"), Mick the
Fishmonger, Emil the Stout, Mark the Younger Scribe, and so on.
In the late 1700's and 1800's the
world began to change and the scope of travel and business dealings
enlarged. Suddenly, or so it seemed, you could have ten John Browns all
living within ten miles of each other, and then what is a poor merchant
to do, when he can't tell one "John Brown" from another? The answer
was the creation of the Trade Name, which we are all familiar with as a
name with one or more middle names: John Michael Doe.
In the rush to very explicitly and
uniquely identify themselves, it became fashionable for royals and
nobles to have several middle names, usually chosen to honor dead family
members or to give equal billing to the maternal line of the family:
James Wilmington Clintwood-Smythe, Lorian Faythe Blair, William Perry
Pennesfield, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Wilkes Booth, Louisa Sophia
Margaret Olafson, and so on.
John Doe is a Proper Name.
John Michael Doe is a Trade Name.
The Trade Name is the first example
we have of a "Capacity Name"--- a name, which when used, indicates the
"social capacity" in which one is acting. The use of a middle name
expressed in Upper and Lower Case indicates that one is engaging in
trade -- unincorporated business of some kind, either local or
international. It has also been called the "Public Name" in that this
is the name used to identify you for public purposes, as opposed to
"Winky-Stinky-Dinkums" or whatever your Mother used to call you at home.
Capacity can be thought of as an
occupational or functionary label. The use of a Trade Name identifies
you as a Trader, in the same way that using the title "Mister"
identifies you as a warrant officer or midshipman in the Queen's
Merchant Marines or Navy, respectively, or the label "Bartender" pegs
your job at a party.
And as you saw yesterday, other
styles of NAMES have been used to indicate other capacities: JOHN
MICHAEL DOE is a foreign (Puerto Rican) GRANTOR TRUST, JOHN DOE is a
NON-PROFIT CORPORATION (Ward of the State) and JOHN W. DOE is a Domestic
(Territorial United States) Transmitting Utility---- all of them
feeding off of your natural estate, and none of them belonging to you.
Every time they lay another "moniker" on you, you have a choice, to accept or to refuse "service".
Now, what I suggest is that you add a
new Certificate of Assumed Name to the pile every time the crooks come
up with a new variation of Name or NAME for you, and you will be seeing
plenty of variations as they desperately seek to "get a handle on
you"--- as in a Citizen's Broadband "handle"---a radio nickname.
Just keep on claiming up those
variations of your name and keep on smiling. Sooner or later the rats
in Whitehall and Washington will realize that their scheme is not being
allowed anymore and the cost and burden of constantly trying to dream up
and file new paperwork on even a few million names will become utterly
They won't be able to continue on
with their fun and games and false legal presumptions and meanwhile,
millions more people will wise up and realize what the vermin are doing
and take action to defend themselves and their families from this sneaky
form of identity theft.
Other than the cost and irritation
of adding another Certificate of Assumed Name to your pile of
intellectual property assets all properly and permanently domiciled on
the land and soil of the state where you were born, there is no cost to
you and each time this happens, you gain control of another valuable
The style of the name also indicates
the jurisdiction in which it is operating. The Upper and Lower Case
Names operate on the International Land Jurisdiction and operate in
International Trade. The all-capitals NAMES are all foreign (with
respect to us) and are all incorporated franchises of one kind or
another, operating in international commerce.
The way to think of this is that
Trade Names are "corporate" in the same way that a private business like
"Taylor and Jones Clothiers" is "corporate" without being
"incorporated". Such businesses operate under complete liability and are
privately owned and as such have no obligations and no privileges owed
to the public, because they have no public charter.
The NAMED entities by contrast are
all franchises incorporated under public charters issued by parent
corporations like the "STATE OF ALASKA" and "USA, Inc." and "DEPARTMENT
OF DEFENSE", and they are publicly owned and owe public duties in
exchange for public privileges and benefits --- until such time as they
are returned "home" to a permanent domicile on the land and soil of your
native birth state, at which time they are "converted" ---this time
lawfully-- to the ownership of the actual states and people.
Maxim of Law: "As a thing is bound, so it is unbound."
Your Estates were unlawfully
converted into public trust properties. It's up to you to convert them
right back to being private property.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
Gun Grabbers Are Idiots; Pay Them No Mind
By Anna Von Reitz
sorry, but it's true. These people have no grasp on real life at all,
and if they did, they would already be down at the gun shop, signing up
for gun safety courses, buying their own guns, buying ammo, and
preparing to protect themselves, their families, their children, and
their neighbors.
would be attending School Board and City Council Meetings and banging
their fists and demanding funding for Security Guard contingents in every school in America.
But instead they want to take our guns away from us, and "infringe" upon our rights to protect ourselves and our families.
personally think that every Democrat and Progressive and Communist in
America who wants to give up their guns should be allowed to do so. And
they should be made to pay a hefty tax for leaving the responsibility
for their own protection up to our police and to their more intelligent
Think about just HOW stupid these people really are and where the logic of what they are saying goes.....
outlaw chain saws. Why not? They have been used to commit murders.
Plenty of them. Also nail guns, flame throwers, gas cans, kitchen
knives, shovels, coffee creamer, straws, Coke bottles-- no, stop, ALL
glass bottles have to be outlawed, because criminals have used them to
cause mass death in bar brawls for over two hundred years.
realistic solution to school shootings is to: (1) give them NO
publicity and (2) put retired military and police to work guarding our
schools. Period. End of story. A few hundred thousand added to most
school budgets is peanuts to pay to protect our kids and put an end to
this fad.
is not about gun control It's about people control--- and until we can
guarantee 100% sanity in every community across America, the only way we
can keep our children safe at school is by guarding them.
Ever notice that these shootings NEVER take place in locations where there are armed security guards? Never.
why is that? Because the vermin would be dead before they lit the place
up. That's why. It's that simple. They know enough to stay away from
places that have armed security guards. They may be crazy, but not that
Come on, folks. We learned this lesson a long time ago, back in the Wild West.
arm everyone. Teach everyone how to shoot. Give everyone a handgun and a
rifle. Just like they do in Switzerland. And then if anyone starts
shooting up your town or your school, you pull out your iron and plug
the Crazy Coot in the head or wherever else you can hit him. You come at
him from all sides and you make a pin-cushion out of him.
if he survives, you bring him to trial and the jury hears the evidence,
and they declare him guilty, and the judge declares that he shall be
hung by the neck until dead in the public square next Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Bring your picnic baskets.
And your shooting irons. Please.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Crisis Actors in the Florida 'Shooting'
The TRUTH About Crisis Actors
in the Florida 'Shooting'
Published on Feb 21, 2018
Alex Jones and Milo expose the truth behind the claim that children have been coached, such as crisis actors, after the Florida shooting to manipulate media reports and push anti-gun, anti-Trump politics.
Good News from Friends in the Territorial/Municipal Trenches
From Anna Von Reitz
This announcement just came in from Rod Class -- he has won his Supreme Court Case which was argued October 4, 2017 by Jessica Amunson of Jenner and Block, Washington, DC. Court case ID: 16-424 Class v. United States, decided today, February 21, 2018.
It was a six to three decision with Breyer, Roberts, Ginsburg,
Sotomayor, Kagan and Gorsuch vindicating, Alito, Kennedy, and Thomas
The Dropbox Link to today's Supreme Court Decision is here: yn80b6i6vcs/0000_18.2.21_Class _v_United_States_Case_16-424_6 -3_Favorable_Decision.pdf?dl=0
The Link is in this Folder: pg5alst1rkle/AAAk8Q2pePW5PBoWj gdsIMnOa?dl=0
As many of you may recall, Rod Class was arrested in DC, simply for having firearms in his car. Things got nasty and convoluted, as such things tend to do, and finally distilled into this Supreme Court action
And here is the Dropbox link to the transcript of the oral arguments for those of you (like me) who prefer to read it and/or have a copy in written form.
The Link is in this Folder:
As many of you may recall, Rod Class was arrested in DC, simply for having firearms in his car. Things got nasty and convoluted, as such things tend to do, and finally distilled into this Supreme Court action
And here is the Dropbox link to the transcript of the oral arguments for those of you (like me) who prefer to read it and/or have a copy in written form.
17.10.4_Rod_Class_Supreme_Cour t_Case_16-424_Hearing_Transcri pt l2jwzwdo8uu/17.10.4_Rod_Class_ Supreme_Court_Case_16-424_Hear ing_Transcript.pdf?dl=0
Rod has been on the forefront of the effort to limit government
over-reaches and get to the root of the problem of mis-administration
for many years now. He has also trained many Private Attorney Generals
to defend people who have been improperly addressed and attacked in
federal and federated state courts.
It's too early for me to assess the impact of this latest win as I
haven't had time to review the transcript and think it through, but
given the background, we can guess that it will lend substantial
credence and strength to individual property rights claims, including
gun rights, and may also underscore freedom to travel.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
The End of the Great Fraud Begins Here and Now
By Anna Von Reitz
The institutionalized fraud we are all wrestling with started in earnest in 1933-34 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt arbitrarily allowed foreign powers to presume that all our Trade Names were instead US Foreign Situs Trusts, and subject to salvage for the debts of the bankrupt United States of America, Inc.
pretend you are an American race horse called "Yankee Flyer" and some
sharpies decide to pretend that you are a donkey called "Yankee Flyer"
these same con men are responsible for caring for a donkey named
"Yankee Flyer" but that doesn't imply that they actually own the donkey
or the horse, either, does it?
FDR did was make a false claim of ownership by induced assumption of
both the donkey and the horse. And all he was, was a stable boy.
am publishing a diagram with this article, and I have to admit that I
don't know the source of the diagram---which is absolutely excellent
teaching aid, so I hope the creator will forgive me and agree with the
Fair Use Clause.
diagram shows that your Trade Name, also called your Given Name, which
your parents gifted you with when you were born, is smack-dab in the
center of the whole fraud scheme and that the spin-off NAMES that have
been created since then all derive from it---and all infringe upon your
natural Common Law Copyright.
will also note that this Trade Name is listed as "lost at sea". It's
"lost" because it hasn't been claimed and its permanent domicile on the
land and soil of the state where you were born hasn't been declared.
Once it is declared and entered upon the public record of the land
recording office as a Deed of Re-Conveyance your Trade Name is no longer
"lost at sea" but stands proudly on the land and soil of your literal
nativity for all to see.
Why a Deed of Re-Conveyance?
FDR dragged all our names into the international jurisdiction of the
sea and trafficked us to his creditors. He placed our names in
international jurisdiction of the sea, so we have to go through the
turkey trot of returning, that is, re-conveying, our Trade Names back to
the land and soil jurisdiction we are heir to.
For example:
the living man known as Jonathan Taylor Smyth, hereby acknowledge,
accept, and re-convey all right, title, and interest in my given Trade
Name, and all derivative NAMES in all variations, styles, permutations,
and punctuation(s) to their permanent domicile on the land and soil of
Georgia, one of the unincorporated and sovereign states belonging to The
United States of America, Unincorporated, as of my actual day of
nativity July 4, 1955. So witnessed, signed and sealed by my hand this
5th day of April 2018: Jonathan Taylor Smyth" --(with a red-ink right thumbprint touching but not obscuring the autograph).
correction of the public record establishes the identity and political
status and provenance of the "vessel" called "Jonathan Taylor Smyth" and
leaves absolutely no room for legal presumption otherwise.
course, you have to plug your own Trade Name into this formula, and
substitute your own names and dates and places. You also need to know
that for the purposes of a Deed you will have to identify the Grantor
and the Grantee and give a return address outside of the Territorial
United States on the cover sheet accompanying the "Acknowledgement,
Acceptance, and Deed of Re-Conveyance".
all cases, the GRANTOR is going to be the ESTATE name and the Grantee
is going to be identified as the American State Grantee. In the example
it would be:
FOREIGN GRANTOR TRUST: JONATHAN TAYLOR SMYTH and the American State Grantee: Jonathan Taylor Smyth.
am including an example of the Recording Cover Sheet I use. You will
note that the top half of the page is left blank for the inclusion of
date stamps and recording numbers that will be used to track the
record. You will also see that I use my unique Coat of Arms as a device
identifying my properly, but you could use any such device that you
have recorded ownership of--- a design of your own making, a cattle
brand that you own, a signet seal that you have recorded ownership of---
or you could just dispense with that and have no design at all.
will also note that my address is "in care of". All the postal
addresses that people commonly use are "within the United States", which
is another trap. So, the convenient answer to this is to convert the
US Mail address to an "in care of" address so that your status as
unincorporated sovereign owner is kept separated from any commercial
status assumptions.
You can now literally see the web that has been woven around your
hapless Trade Name, and you have been given the tools necessary to
reclaim your purloined assets and return them to their natural political
status. This is the beginning of the end of the Great Fraud.
Welcome home!
For those who have had trouble recording your paperwork this should put
an end to that problem. There isn't a land recording office on Earth
that can refuse a Deed of Re-Conveyance, and once this primary Deed is
established, you can add all the other pieces to it as Extensions.
See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
For The Legal Eagles -- Certificate of Live Birth Synopsis
By Anna Von Reitz
the full-boat legalese explanation of the Diagram of the Fraud I
provided to all of you either directly or via my website:
A Certificate of Live Birth synopsis: the COLB is a private placement security for a landed mineral estate in expectancy that became a escheated alien estate initiated from a bifurcation of the title in a co-terminus adoption; this now incidental adoption created an incidental beneficiary/ heir: me, myself and I. To become the protected purchaser as an inevitable necessity as the acting special executer, the alienation/surrender by jus dispondi becoming the spoilated/naked owner to assign the reversionary interest over of the final accounting ledger to execute the livery of the siesen and thus release the expectancy
The "private placement" happened when your Mother was deceived and/or coerced into turning your "landed mineral estate in expectancy" (you were a minor and therefore in expectancy) over for "adoption" by the State of State/STATE OF STATE, which split (bifurcated) title to your "landed mineral estate in expectancy" between themselves, with the State of State keeping the equitable title and the STATE OF STATE keeping legal title to "You". They then created the NAMES to occupy the capacities of "me, myself and I"--- and have run those PERSONS for their own profit. Your Estate is alienated/surrendered to the vermin to become the ESTATE, with your "missing, lost at sea, presumed dead" Trade Name becoming the despoiled owner. In order to assign the reversionary trust interest you have to come back from the dead by re-conveying your Trade Name to the land and soil of the actual state and reclaim your escheated estate.
all this crappola has been going on behind your backs for generations,
all cooked up by the Hired Help, promoted and enforced by the members of
the Bar Associations, and all allowed by the Popes and British Monarchs
operating in Gross Breach of Trust.
Truth is that your states and their union known as The United States of
America were never part of the so-called Civil War. You and your
states and your Union are innocent Third Parties and Protected Persons
who should have been unaffected by all the in-fighting among the Hired
by fraud, by similar names deceits, by unlawful conversion, by
conspiracy against the Constitution(s), by identity theft, by
racketeering against babies, by kidnapping and trafficking, by inland
piracy, by "genocide on paper" the Hired Help has contrived to rob you
of your identity, property, and heritage, while relieving themselves of
their moral and contractual obligations to each and every one of you.
Are you mad yet?
Prepare For Big Anti-Gun Propaganda Push
Prepare For Big Anti-Gun Propaganda Push
Published on Feb 20, 2018
For quite some time we have witnessed the establishment media in concert with tech giants and democratic politicians roll out weaponized talking points. Seemingly organic buzzwords appear to warn of threats to our democracy. Who or what exactly is behind these propaganda campaigns and how can we spot them?
Sheriff Scott Israel Will Not Go Along With A Cover-Up
Published on Feb 15, 2018
Roger Stone says Sheriff Scott Israel is a non-political, by the book man of law with enormous integrity.
FBI, Demo-RATS and Deep State - will they get away with this AGAIN?
After Blaming Trump
School Shooting Survivor David Hogg’s
Dirty Secret Was Just Exposed
Published on Feb 20, 2018
Immediately after the Florida school shooting, the mainstream media was lining up to interview student survivor David Hogg, who condemned President Donald Trump and demanded gun control. However, the media once again prove they’re nothing more than “fake news” now that Hogg’s dirty little secret has been exposed.
As soon as the left-leaning MSM caught wind of an active shooter at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, they immediately began looking for ways to push their anti-gun narrative. Before the bodies of murdered children could even be collected and identified, the leftist media were sniffing out vulnerable student survivors to use as political props in their twisted agenda.
Expectedly, there has been no shortage of impressionable, confused teens to tug at the heartstrings of the masses while demanding the very political scheme that has led to an increase in mass shootings and the number of casualties. At the forefront of this anti-gun call to action is David Hogg, an incredibly articulate, passionate survivor who’s not only advocating for gun control but vehemently placing all blame on President Donald Trump for the school shooting.
Plastered across every major liberal newspaper is Hogg’s face and commentary, which invokes fury at Trump and his supporters as well as a rallying cry for gun control. From the Associated Press to CNN to BuzzFeed to Vox, Hogg has been hoisted upon a platform, echoing the exact rhetoric that ultra-liberal politicians have been spewing for decades. Unfortunately for him, his innocent and spirited demeanor are hiding something sinister.
Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg has been caught not only echoing scripted interviews to demand gun control but has even admitted during one of his tirades defending the FBI and lambasting President Trump that his father “is a former FBI agent.” In a series of videos, Hogg can be seen stumbling over his lines, repeatedly asking for re-takes, mouthing the lines he wishes to recite, and even appearing heavily coached.
A recently leaked early cut from one of his interviews shows Hogg practicing what appears to be a rehearsed script before becoming flustered multiple times at forgetting his exact lines.
One compilation showcases many other instances of interviews in which Hogg seems to be reading directly from either a script or cue cards, while another segment features Hogg delivering passionate slogans, portraying what appears to be a cut-and-diced political commercial.
“I think it’s disgusting, personally. My father’s a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life,” proclaimed David Hogg to CNN. “It’s wrong that the president is blaming them for this,” he added.
“He can’t put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it’s not them,” he said. “He is in charge of the FBI … the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI.”
As soon as the left-leaning MSM caught wind of an active shooter at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, they immediately began looking for ways to push their anti-gun narrative. Before the bodies of murdered children could even be collected and identified, the leftist media were sniffing out vulnerable student survivors to use as political props in their twisted agenda.
Expectedly, there has been no shortage of impressionable, confused teens to tug at the heartstrings of the masses while demanding the very political scheme that has led to an increase in mass shootings and the number of casualties. At the forefront of this anti-gun call to action is David Hogg, an incredibly articulate, passionate survivor who’s not only advocating for gun control but vehemently placing all blame on President Donald Trump for the school shooting.
Plastered across every major liberal newspaper is Hogg’s face and commentary, which invokes fury at Trump and his supporters as well as a rallying cry for gun control. From the Associated Press to CNN to BuzzFeed to Vox, Hogg has been hoisted upon a platform, echoing the exact rhetoric that ultra-liberal politicians have been spewing for decades. Unfortunately for him, his innocent and spirited demeanor are hiding something sinister.
Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg has been caught not only echoing scripted interviews to demand gun control but has even admitted during one of his tirades defending the FBI and lambasting President Trump that his father “is a former FBI agent.” In a series of videos, Hogg can be seen stumbling over his lines, repeatedly asking for re-takes, mouthing the lines he wishes to recite, and even appearing heavily coached.
A recently leaked early cut from one of his interviews shows Hogg practicing what appears to be a rehearsed script before becoming flustered multiple times at forgetting his exact lines.
One compilation showcases many other instances of interviews in which Hogg seems to be reading directly from either a script or cue cards, while another segment features Hogg delivering passionate slogans, portraying what appears to be a cut-and-diced political commercial.
“I think it’s disgusting, personally. My father’s a retired FBI agent and the FBI are some of the hardest working individuals I have ever seen in my life,” proclaimed David Hogg to CNN. “It’s wrong that the president is blaming them for this,” he added.
“He can’t put that off on them. He is in charge of them and these people, what they love to do is push this off on bureaucracy and say it’s not them,” he said. “He is in charge of the FBI … the executive branch is supposed to enforce laws and as such, President Trump is in charge of that and the FBI.”
Florida Victims : What They Watched Get Covered Up !
Florida Victims Just Made Shocking Admission
of What They Watched Get Covered Up !
Libs Cry Gun Control After Shooting
Then Two Survivors Shut Them Up in One Sentence
Published on Feb 16, 2018
Local and national media outlets had barely finished issuing their initial reports on a tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida, on Wednesday when liberals immediately launched into their tired and predictable “we need more gun control and this is the GOP/NRA’s fault” screed that gets trotted out after each incident.
MSNBC host Brian Williams may have thought he could help bolster the left’s gun control narrative with emotional testimonies from two survivors of the mass shooting, but things didn’t exactly play out as Williams may have hoped for.
Williams was joined on his program by brothers Brandon and Aiden Minoff, a senior and freshman respectively at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who instead of becoming emotional during the interview, remained calm and made clear that more gun control wasn’t the answer to prevent future school shootings.
“If you were a lawmaker, an adult in a decision-making position, how would you stop, do you think, the kind of thing that happened today?” asked Williams, according to The Daily Caller. “A kid who’d been thrown out, he comes back with a weapon, and takes out whatever grievance he’s been walking around with in his head.”
“Gun-wise, I don’t think there’s any way to prevent it. You outlaw guns it just creates a higher demand for it,” replied the elder brother matter-of-factly.
“I think it has to do with mental health, though,” he added. “If he’s been expelled three different times from three different schools, I think he needs to be helped out.”
Prior to that statement which totally undercut the narrative Williams was presumably hoping to drive at, Brandon noted how he had been a classmate of the shooter during their sophomore year, how the shooter had bragged about being expelled from two different private schools — he had also been expelled from the public school as well — and that he himself “wasn’t surprised” the “unusual and strange” guy had become a crazed mass shooter, according to Mediaite.
Younger brother Aiden described how he had “heard a few pops” in the hallway that he had initially dismissed only to find out moments later from a frantic classmate returning from the restroom that the “pops” were indeed gunshots. He further described how the door to the classroom was locked and lights turned off as everyone “went into hiding.”
Asked what it feel like when he eventually returned to the school, Aiden replied that it would feel like a “brand new” school, though not in a good way.
“Everyone’s going to walk in knowing what happened and there’s no way of changing that. They’re trying to go back,” Aiden continued. “Really, it’s just going to be a grieving and really depressing time. But we should unify as a community and a society from this tragedy.”
MSNBC host Brian Williams probably thought these two brothers would join in on the emotional pleas for authorities to “do something” about gun violence, as in impose more gun control laws, but that isn’t what happened at all.
Instead, both of the boys remained calm and exhibited a refreshing rationality in regard to the matter, as the eldest noted that the mental issues and known troubled past of the shooter had far more bearing on preventing future tragedies than any sort of stricter gun control measures might.
Sorry anti-gun liberals, but more and more people have realized that your tired and unconstitutional proposals are not the solution to stopping school shootings.
MSNBC host Brian Williams may have thought he could help bolster the left’s gun control narrative with emotional testimonies from two survivors of the mass shooting, but things didn’t exactly play out as Williams may have hoped for.
Williams was joined on his program by brothers Brandon and Aiden Minoff, a senior and freshman respectively at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, who instead of becoming emotional during the interview, remained calm and made clear that more gun control wasn’t the answer to prevent future school shootings.
“If you were a lawmaker, an adult in a decision-making position, how would you stop, do you think, the kind of thing that happened today?” asked Williams, according to The Daily Caller. “A kid who’d been thrown out, he comes back with a weapon, and takes out whatever grievance he’s been walking around with in his head.”
“Gun-wise, I don’t think there’s any way to prevent it. You outlaw guns it just creates a higher demand for it,” replied the elder brother matter-of-factly.
“I think it has to do with mental health, though,” he added. “If he’s been expelled three different times from three different schools, I think he needs to be helped out.”
Prior to that statement which totally undercut the narrative Williams was presumably hoping to drive at, Brandon noted how he had been a classmate of the shooter during their sophomore year, how the shooter had bragged about being expelled from two different private schools — he had also been expelled from the public school as well — and that he himself “wasn’t surprised” the “unusual and strange” guy had become a crazed mass shooter, according to Mediaite.
Younger brother Aiden described how he had “heard a few pops” in the hallway that he had initially dismissed only to find out moments later from a frantic classmate returning from the restroom that the “pops” were indeed gunshots. He further described how the door to the classroom was locked and lights turned off as everyone “went into hiding.”
Asked what it feel like when he eventually returned to the school, Aiden replied that it would feel like a “brand new” school, though not in a good way.
“Everyone’s going to walk in knowing what happened and there’s no way of changing that. They’re trying to go back,” Aiden continued. “Really, it’s just going to be a grieving and really depressing time. But we should unify as a community and a society from this tragedy.”
MSNBC host Brian Williams probably thought these two brothers would join in on the emotional pleas for authorities to “do something” about gun violence, as in impose more gun control laws, but that isn’t what happened at all.
Instead, both of the boys remained calm and exhibited a refreshing rationality in regard to the matter, as the eldest noted that the mental issues and known troubled past of the shooter had far more bearing on preventing future tragedies than any sort of stricter gun control measures might.
Sorry anti-gun liberals, but more and more people have realized that your tired and unconstitutional proposals are not the solution to stopping school shootings.
Look Familiar?
Nicholas Cruz Appears in Court Zombie Like
MK Ultra at work
Published on Feb 15, 2018
Alex Jones presents live video footage of Nikolas Cruz, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter, appearing before a judge for the first time after being arrested for his mass murders.
Brave Kids Just Got Incredible Revenge
Brave Kids Just Got Incredible Revenge
on the Democrats with Stunning Action after Florida !
Published on Feb 21, 2018
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Rebecca Savransky for the Hill reports, A group of third-graders in Missouri are selling raffle tickets for an AR-15 — the type of rifle used in Florida last week. The third-graders are selling the raffle tickets to raise money for their traveling baseball team, The Kansas City Star reported.
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Rebecca Savransky for the Hill reports, A group of third-graders in Missouri are selling raffle tickets for an AR-15 — the type of rifle used in Florida last week. The third-graders are selling the raffle tickets to raise money for their traveling baseball team, The Kansas City Star reported.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2018
5 Reasons To Question The Official Narrative Of The Florida School Shooting
Anytime a shooting happens, it’s a tragic event whether it was a false flag or a legitimate mass shooting by a lunatic; but just because people died doesn’t mean we shouldn’t question the veracity of the events reported. Here are 5 reasons why you should question the recent shooting and remain vigilant.
1. There was a drill planned the day of the shooting.
Coincidentally, earlier on the day of the shooting, teachers at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were told there would soon be a ‘code red’ or ‘lockdown’ drill, to practice their response to an immediate threat, Miami Herald reported.
2. The shooter claims he heard “demonic voices.”
The shooter Nikolas Cruz is claiming to have heard “demonic voices,” like previous mass shooting suspects – Sirhan Sirhan, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, David Chapman, Jared Loughner, Aaron Alexis or any of the other shooters who heard strange voices before carrying out their acts of horror, according to Daily Mail. (See this writer’s article: “I HEAR VOICES: MKUltra? A Worrying Trend Of Mass Shooting Suspects Throughout History Before Committing Horrific Murders.”)
3. The shooter arrived in an Uber and left the scene blending into the crowd then peacefully surrendered.
Cruz, who is alleged to suffer from autism, depression and other significant psychological problems according to his legal team, arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in an Uber ride. He then opened fire at the school, shooting into rooms 1215, 1216, 1214 … he then went back into 1216, 1215 and then to 1213 according to his arrest affidavit.
“The suspect then took the west stairwell to the second floor and shot one victim in room 1234 on the second floor. The suspect then took the east stairwell to the third floor … he then dropped his rifle and backpack containing extra ammunition and ran down the stairs … exiting building 12 and ran toward the tennis courts,” the affidavit continued.
“The suspect then arrived at a Walmart store and bought a drink at the Subway and left the Walmart on foot.”
According to the police timeline, he arrived at Walmart at 2:50 p.m.
“The suspect then arrived at a McDonald’s and sat down for a short period of time around 3:01 p.m. and he left on foot.”
“At 3:41 p.m., 40 minutes after leaving McDonald’s, the suspect was detained at 4700 Wyndham Lakes Drive in Coral Springs, by an officer with the Coconut Creek Police Department,” Sheriff Israel concluded.
Cruz was expelled from the school last year after students said he got into a fight with his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend and was caught with bullets in his backpack.
4. Witnesses claim multiple gunmen, while the media and police report a lone wolf narrative.
Three witnesses claim that there were multiple shooters, while one account is less detailed and based on meeting the shooter in the hallway and hearing gunshots ringing out. Another account of the shooting details multiple shooters where the woman states, “there were three shooters that’s what I heard … I saw some other kid and he was wearing some type of thing.”
5. The shooting is being used to take away our freedoms.
The fifth – and possibly the most important reason – the shooter allegedly posted on some random YouTube channel that he was about to carry out the disgusting mass murder, which the YouTube channel owner Ben Bennight then reported to the FBI and YouTube.
“I’m going to be a professional school shooter,” A YouTube user named Nikolas Cruz commented on a video on Sept. 24, 2017.
As a result of this, the county sheriff Scott Israel in charge of investigating the mass school shooting in Parkland, Florida, pleaded with lawmakers on Thursday to give police and doctors more power to involuntarily hospitalize people for psychiatric evaluation over posts on social media that are deemed “violent and threatening.”
“if they see something on social media, if they see graphic pictures of rifles and blood and gore and guns and bombs, if they see something, horrific language, if they see a person talking about ‘I want to grow up to be a serial killer,” Israel said.Then there are the consistent calls to ban guns and dismantle the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms … like banning firearms, a tool used to aggress or defend is going to do anything. One could argue that if someone in that school had a firearm the damage done could have been minimized.
Meanwhile, besides the shooting being used to attempt to take away Internet freedoms and to dismantle the 2nd Amendment, everyone is ignoring and distracted from the fact that France and many other nations including the U.S. are preparing for war in Syria over another chemical weapons attack.
Additionally, the U.S. has destroyed a Russian tank in “self-defense” as well as blaming Russia for the chemical weapons inching us closer to WW3 with Moscow.
Fun fact: the last time the U.S. was ready to go to war in Syria over chemical weapons, the military stood up and said it wouldn’t fight alongside Al-Qaeda with a hashtag campaign #IdidntJoin … then a shooter shot up the Navy yard. In that shooting, the suspect carved into his gun “MY ELF WEAPON” and filed a police report (below) where he said: “the government was controlling my mind.”
So think of that what you will in light of this recent shooter also saying he heard voices that he described as “demons.” Then calming down and peacefully surrendering like nothing had happened…
With all this information, one should question whether Nikolas Cruz was a Manchurian candidate, a victim of mind control who was set up to be the fall guy in this situation, or at the very least just a shooter being used to eradicate our rights and distract us from an erupting dangerous situation in Syria. Taking advantage of a tragedy? No matter what way you look at this, we lose; as Rahm Emanuelonce famously said “never let a good tragedy go to waste.”
An important note: if this was a false flag attack that doesn’t mean that people didn’t die, as history has proven from many suggestions of false flags such as Operation Northwoods against Cuba, or the false flag to go to war with Russia during the Cold War. In both, deep state groups within the government suggested murdering innocent Americans for political purposes.
Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, and BitChute. Ready for solutions? Subscribe to our premium newsletter Counter Markets.
Image Credit: Indian Express/Associated Press
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Parkland Actor Exposed! Dad FBI! Boom!
David Hogg, one of the darlings of Fake News CNN has just been busted! The guy is a very bad actor! Watch in part of the video while he practices his anti-gun lines again and again! All the while the Fake News producer is saying it's okay David - it's okay! Make sure you get those lines right so we can take their guns! I doubt this guy even goes to the school! He's most likely a Soros paid anti gun activist. The ones screaming the loudest are always paid trolls!
In a blockbuster find by Internet activists David Bogg was just exposed in a California news broadcast over a ridiculous fight between a lifeguard and his friend. David Hogg is hogging the camera again making a big deal out of nothing! Was this where David Hogg was trained? Is this his acting debut? Oh and by the way, his Dad is FBI he claims! This guy is as fishy as Obama's college records and birth certificate! He needs to be fully investigated along with his Dad to see if they are indeed part of this illegal effort to destroy our right to bear arms! Get this out everywhere and keep telling EVERYBODY your news is FAKE! Love Trump or Hate him, Trump is the only one who told the truth about the criminal mainstream media! God bless Trump and God bless the United States of America! Keep up the great work out there spreading the truth!
"In less than a week since they survived a mass murdering gunman attack on their school, two student who quickly became media stars of the Parkland, Florida school shootings are now media obsessed to the point they say they are snubbing an invitation to meet with President Donald Trump this Wednesday in favor of appearing on a televised town hall with CNN’s Jake Tapper. […]
student, in particular, David Hogg has been astonishingly articulate
and highly skilled at propagating a new anti-Conservative/anti-Trump
narrative behind the recent school shooting. Few have seen this type of
rapid media play before, and when they have it has come from
well-trained political operatives and MSM commentators."
Highest Administrative Authority in America Recognizes “We the People,” are Sovereign! -- Anna von Reitz
It is the people resettling their county assemblies across the nation that is being recognized!
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) While so many people were going crazy over Trump's hint about war with Korea during last week's United Nations address, I found different clip as interesting as Anna von Reitz did. If you value truth, justice, and the rule of law, likely you will too.
Trump clearly states the people of "America" (to use Reitz's terminology) are sovereign.
This is accurate given how the constitution was written—a testamentary estate created by the founders—which says there are no titles of nobility in America, and as such, all people are sovereign.
But here's the rub.
Just because we have innate sovereignty, doesn't mean we're sovereign in law—that we have achieved sovereign status.
A sovereign manages their house and affairs precisely, with honor and grace. As sovereigns, we need to work hard to understand the law, know how to conduct our affairs without harming others, to the best of our ability, and most importantly, deal with the defunct criminal system in honor.
In other words, the dream of the founders, as advertised by history, suggests a society based on self-governance, which has yet to be realized.
That doesn't mean Trump's words are meaningless, nor does it mean the idea is worthless. What it means is that we have to live up to our end of the bargain, working hard to gain competence through study and honest truth-seeking. If we did this as individuals, the powers that should not be would quickly lose power.
I'm curious if Trump really knows what he's talking about, or if he's just paying lip-service to constitutionalists.
Given that the Southern Poverty Law center declared sovereign citizens domestic terrorists, I find it puzzling why Trump would make light of the innate sovereignty of Americans. If he really is just another Cabal puppet, why bother mentioning this? Conversely, if he really is working for the good, what might he be suggesting?
I, for one, can't know for certain what Trump's intentions are, or whether he is good or bad. But I find things like this worthy of consideration—something to place on our mental bookshelf for later.
- Justin
Source - Scanned Retina
by Anna von Reitz, September 22nd, 2017
In this one small clip, the undisputed leader of the free world, a man chosen by a mandate of the people, themselves, gave public notice to the world that the true nature and his official recognition of the legitimate and true standing of every American, man, woman and child…
We as the people, have been officially recognized and our “legal,” and “lawful,” standing recognized and authenticated by the only true recognized civil/incorporated, administrative authority in America. Mr. Trump, by the mandate of the American people, was delegated lawful and legal authority to act and speak for the people. Mr Trump also acknowledges this recognition is consistent with the will and direction of the Creator of all men and women.
Broward County Florida - 'Q's strong suggestion to consider this
Listen to this video
It provides information and ties together
the Deep State strategy of dumbing down the public
on what is REALLY going on with the Parkland shooting
Information given that is not in the mainstream media
Information given that is not in the mainstream media
Published on Feb 17, 2018
The Deep State is under the #SPOTLIGHT with this recent MKULTRA School Massacre in uber-corrupt Broward County, FL. Please see my blog for the links:
Please watch this great synopsis by Anti-School You Tube channel on some of the Douglas High School shooting connections. Anti-School also does excellent Q reporting.
Please view my post from 2/15 detailing more of the inside story on Broward County corrupt players:
Please watch this great synopsis by Anti-School You Tube channel on some of the Douglas High School shooting connections. Anti-School also does excellent Q reporting.
Please view my post from 2/15 detailing more of the inside story on Broward County corrupt players:
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