Tuesday, January 31, 2017



He did it in an incredibly efficient way, without saying a word about Soros. This is how Trump will operate, and this is GOLDEN. Trump announced he is going to run for President in 2020. What does that mean? It means that he's now a candidate for 2020, which is something that has never been done before - no incumbent President has ever announced candidacy this early before, EVER. What did this accomplish? SOROS, who does everything with NGO's has been shut up, because it is illegal for any NGO or foundation to speak or act against a candidate because that is interference with an election. So they can only do it against a president, who is not a candidate. If he'd done this before the marches that took place, Soros would be toast even now.
So by stating he's a candidate this early, he has shut up Soros for 4 full years! HA HA HA, that's a good one! The details are HERE and keep in mind, this also badly stifles a lawsuit Soros is trying to push through with one of his foundations, which claims Trump should be impeached because he is receiving money from foreigners via rents paid on properties he owns. That is an obvious mis-application of the law, which now cannot be done with a foundation, Soros has to do it directly.

President Trump NOT sucking up to Russia!

President Trump has announced the creation of safe zones in Syria, which was also something Obama tried to do, and something Russia disagrees with. Russia is upset that Trump did not consult them first. Trump's reason for the safe zones is to allow Syrians a place to live in safety so they don't have to become refugees in Europe or America. Let's see how well that works out.

A few good messages


Anonymous sent: The reason the arab states don't take them, is because America controls all the ones you mentioned....saudi, egypt, jordan, libya, iraq, afghanistan....and america and europe WANT a refugee crisis in the US, because they are scapegoats for "ISIS" to do false flags.

2nd reason...America should take them because AMERICA is behind EVERY war in the middle east....I personally have first hand account, and you can use your own research, that the CIA started Syria, and Libya, and obviously Afghan and Iraq.....all the oil countries who were anti-US, are always the ones in a civil war. Coincidence Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE dont have arab spring civil wars? Because the US already gets their oil and controls their governments. Trump is playing this "Muslims are terrorists" game because he is Zionist Elite bullshit like obama and bush. He knows they didn't do 9/11, or any attack."

My comment: A lot of this is true, and I am bothered by Trump not calling out the Jews on 911 yet. However, that may not necessarily mean he's dishonest or playing a game, because try discussing 911 in the break room at work. It might get you fired if you don't go along with the official lie. Many people are still so fooled you'll get canned for it and you can bet Trump has received some first class handling. This is why my main focus is specifically on what he is doing directly for America, which is perfect so far, and on whether or not he actually attacks a Muslim country. I doubt he will. Maybe he knows and is going along with that "first class handling" to avoid instant death or impeachment. That is another possibility.

Free energy

Anonymous sent: "FREE ENERGY TECH IS REAL, BUT VERY DANGEROUS.The man who invented the water fuel cell, and PATENTED IT, died of poisoning in a restaurant shortly after he tried to get funding for manufacturing. It's very probable that this was a form of assassinination by the zionists who didn't want the fuel cell on the market. His name is Stan Meyer, and his plans are readily available for those who search for them. In a nutshell, water fuel cells aim to generate H2O2 gas by the most efficient process, and at fast enough rate that you can run a tube into the air intake of a normal combustion engine, and it will run. 

(Basic Chem: H2O2 Burns back to water upon ignition, especially at the 2-1 ratio of H to O.)
The black-ops obviously are on continual lookout for those who try to not just build them, but especially for those who try to SELL THEM. Designing it is an engineering challenge, but not impossible. After a design is verified to work, then building it properly PER THE PROPER INSTRUCTIONS is not too difficult, but requires patience and a few thousand dollars in material and energy. The truly dangerous part is revealing it to the public and getting them mass produced, because the black ops WILL FOR SURE NAIL YOU UNLESS YOU OPERATE IN ABSOLUTE SECRECY. That's the real reason why free energy tech "does not exist", because if it were allowed, it would destroy the zionist's #2 prime resource they have absolute control over, with the #1 resource being the ability to conjure currency out of thin air by the central banks."

My response: That's a good recap of salient facts anyone who is alert should know about.

Franken food

Alarix sent: If Trump really want to make a positive difference, than he should ban all patents on genes. Corporations like Mosanto are gaining control on seeds via patents, and with those patents the firm could sue farmers that do not have any GMO crops. Ultimately, it could lead to starvation for many people. When some business men complain about loss of profit without patents, then we must remember them that no corporation a ever created a gene. Genes are only transferred from a specie to a other specie when someone is working on a new GMO. You see, if a corporation own the gene of an homo sapiens then it could eventually own him or her, you or me. Regards, Alarix"

My response: If I was Trump I'd skip the politics, raid Monsanto and the other GMO outfits, jail everyone including the janitor and then try to quickly, over the period of a couple weeks, sort out those who are involved in the actual genetics, separate them, and then let everyone else go. Under interrogation I'd then get the answers to why GMO corn is "not substantially equivalent" to real corn, and why it gives rats tumors and makes them sterile after a few generations. NO ONE would leave until every question was answered. Many would get life in prison for even thinking about screwing nature that way. If they were honest and benign, there is no way they'd have produced something that even a rat can't metabolize correctly. We won't even know what that garbage is doing to us for at least 100 years due to our longer life spans and I have no doubt delayed realization is part of the plan to destroy us. And every last seed produced would be destroyed and at a minimum the companies would be permanently disbanded. That would be the only correct and responsible move, considering what they have already done.

Infiltration of Islam

This message is long, but it is accurate, so I'll post it.

Anonymous sent: I will tell you why the Arab states are all a*holes. Crypto Jews have infil-TRAITORED Islam and leadership positions. Long ago the House of Saud originated from an imposter from London who masqueraded as a "Royal" family member. The first attempt failed. Later he tried again, and that is when the coup took place. The Rothschilds plan long term and are relentless.

London is also origin of Balfour letter, so Rothschilds illegitimate child Hitler could help bring them their Israel. They planned all these events centuries ago, knowing it would bring them their "greater" Israel, which is planned to span from the Tigris to the Nile. Rothschilds accomplish goals through multi-generations. They think they reincarnate into their own bloodlines. They practice Sabatean-Frank Typhonian sex magik and other dark occult rituals. But I digress.

Jews have a long history of by way of deception, infiltration, wearing false masks, posing as Christians (Maranos of 14th century Spain) the Crypto Sabatean-Frankist Jews who pretended to be Muslims, long before house of Saud came to be. ( Regarding the Sabateans, I doubt they "converted" by force however. True Islam and sincere Muslims KNOW there can be NO COMPULSION, otherwise faith has zero value. MY INSERT: That is confirmed fact, which is why the entire "they hate us for our freedoms terror memes are such PATENT B.S. IMO, this "historic" claim [His-story written by you know who] is just more Jewish projection. And of course there are the Donmeh- crypto jews, the Khaz-ARYANS or Ashke-NAZIs. And furthermore lets not leave out the Yezedi/Kurds who are not Muslims either, but are mistaken as such. In truth they are an occult group devoted to lucifer. That explains A LOT why they and Israel get along so well. It's all out there hidden in plain sight, if one does a little digging, the dots all connect. They do not practice the religions they invade, rather it is a mask. Wolves in sheeps wool to deceive the credulous.

As a Muslim I grow weary of the Jews, largely political Zionists who pull the wool over everyones eyes. I am weary of people not seeing ISIS praying in TWO SEPARATE DIRECTIONS, yet think these are Muslims? And the toyota truck from Texas, that reveals much. Served up to gullible people who take scripted "news" as gospel, who are conditioned like Pavlovian dogs to associate every false blame with Muslims as a group. Who runs hollywood anyway? Who spews scripted propaganda lies through all MSM? Who really was behind 911? Who has the Motto: By Deception Thou Shalt Do War? Who CELEBRATES The bombing of the King David Hotel ANNUALLY. ( NOT MUSLIMS) Who Shares the high holidays with nazis, satanists and witches? ( NOT MUSLIMS) There is one group that does all this. The same group that has influence in all high places. Who spy and get dirt on world leaders or threat with nukes. And I do not doubt some are part of the cousinhood which is the "royal" [IN-BRED] club of the PTSB.

Synagog of satan is the only real enemy. The strawman, boogy man, the FALSE enemy is true Islam. I know you know this Jim. But many of your readers may not. Pity still too many people fail to get to know Muslims. Not unlike judging books they have never read!
The assholes, asshole leaders in the M.E. are all on the sayanim team. (Not the regular citizens, I would never blame the little civilian guys. Their leaders are the ones with no compassion for Palestine.) The cousinhood factors into this big picture, as do the crypto Jews. And their damned sayanim/free masonic cult networks. THEY WEAR MASKS. COSTUMES. And they hire contracted mercenaries or actors, such as those at ISIS.HQ BTW- thanks for revealing that Jim! Too many proven examples of such. Too many failed false flags. And we ought not forget U.S.S. Liberty! Israel/ Rothschilds from London to the M.E. and beyond. There is much more from these quarters, but this should suffice for those curious enough to investigate and verify what I am saying.

I hope this helps answer the question regarding the assholes in the M.E., which are Zionists (Crypto) just like the assholes everywhere else. Inbreds all. God Bless you Jim!"

My response: Well said. I'll summarize detail on a few points: The Toyota truck that somehow landed in ISIS hands proved that the ISIS videos were not filmed in the middle east, instead they were filmed in Texas and a lie about an old truck making it from Texas to the middle east was hatched to cover for it when in fact The ISIS plumber truck never left Texas and was purchased at auction to be used in a psyop, filmed in the U.S.A. That fits perfect, since ISIS mercenary corporation has headquarters in El Paso, Texas, which has been posted on this site with clear proof many times.

I have no knowledge of who the Kurds really are, so I'll post what you said without comment.

It is a basic pillar of Islam that there is no compulsion in religion. This undermines the meme that "they want America dead because it is Christian" badly. FACT: Muslims in Palestine often held the keys to the Christian churches for centuries, and guarded the churches from vandals when they sat vacant for long periods of time, only to allow Christians to have the churches back when they wanted them. Most of these historic churches bit the dust after 1950, demolished by Israel, not Muslims.

All the rest of the stuff about the Jews false fronting as Muslims is so true it makes my blood boil. That is the heart of the issue. They do it to EVERYONE. And obviously the Jews infiltrated the house of Saud, when every Saudi university is now focused on ONE THING: Making sure Saudi Muslim women hate men absolutely, to destroy the family in Saudi Arabia. So what if they have to bundle up to go outside, every single one of them is a bloodletting feminazi, and it is a disaster that is wiping Saudi society completely off the map. They'll be gone by 2035. There is a DAMN GOOD reason why Trump did not put Saudi Arabia on the ban list. And if Saudi Arabia was involved in 911, it is only because the Jews own the place, lock stock and barrel. The type of "owned" that put a sex toy store 1 block away from the grand mosque in Mecca. Figure that! IMPOSSIBLE in an Islamic country, yet there it is, within sight of the Grand Mosque. Clear proof of who runs the place.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Donald Trump MAKES Worthless CIA Chief Resign -

Donald Trump MAKES Worthless CIA
Chief Resign 

January 20 2017



Published on Jan 19, 2017
The honorable Donald J. Trump has just been inaugurated while Obama appointed lying treasonous, NWO, Islamist CIA MOLES lie & leak fake news regarding Donald Trump's alleged Russian connections to try to DELEGITIMIZE his election as a fraud. Rep. John Lewis & 70 other Congressional sore losers have joined forces with left wing-Islamist alliance of Obama, Hillary, Kerry, CIA DIRECTOR JOHN BRENNAN, limp wristed paper posher "General Michael Haydn & other anti- nationalist, unamerican traitors to destroy Donald trump before he is even INAUGURATED! TREASONOUS SLAP IN THE FACE TO 67 million American voters. Muslim Obama & his Muslim appointees (over 600 Muslims in key security positions!) - with lying JOHN BRENNAN at the helm - over saw ans allowed the wanton slaughter, genocide & displacement of millions of innocents in the Middle East creating millions of refugees now invading Europe & the USA.

JOHN BRENNAN, BARRY OBAMA & their Islamist sympathizing friends are furious that their shoe in NWO establishment candidate Hillary Clinton, did not get elected and thus their Islamic treason thwarted by the election of anti-globalist, pro- Israel & Christian AMERICAN patriot nationalists! They are beside themselves as they continue to plot the destruction of Trump's new pro Christian, pro strong military, pro business, pro American worker - policy agenda as Obama's sick, treasonous, globalist regime of tyranny is about to end. The white House is completely bugged with microscopic surveillance gear and the foul aroma od Muslim oblations in the Blar House & White House. Pence & Trump need to clean house technologically and spiritually to win our beloved nation , Constitution and economy back! John Brennan is a liar & a traitor unsurpassed even than Crooked Hillary. Jeff Sessions and the new law & order DOJ need to look into these situations and help Donald DRAIN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY SWAMP IN WASHINGTON D.C. immediately.

Time is running out on freedom in America. The Islamist cells are here- armed and dangerous. The Muslim Obama & Brennan were so close to succeeding and destroying our Republic ( Obama last press conference - as usual --so slick & smooth talking in covering his treason's, treacheries and duplicity against the American people! The American people need to SEE JUSTICE SERVED on these moles & traitors. NEVER FORGET the innocent victims of Benghazi and the fact that these evil US leaders presided over the greatest mass genocide of Catholics, Coptics, Evangelical Christians and Yazidis SINCE THE TIME OF CHRIST! They allowed embedded ISIS terrorist to migrate into lovely Western Europe - the blood of innocents in San Bernardino, Orlando, Paris, Nice France, Paris, Brussels, London,Berlin etc. all cry out for JUSTICE! (Federico Cardella)

Remember Pizzagate and the slaughter of children? PIZZAGATE KILL ROOM FOUND!

PIZZAGATE  KILL  ROOM  LOCATED  at  the  Pegasus  Museum  in  D.C.

Notice the “kill room” at the building on the right with no windows on the ground floor.

Laurent Freeman

State of the Nation
The worldwide Pizzagate Citizens Investigation has been in a bit of a doldrums these past couple of weeks.  Most of us, however, knew it was just a matter of time before the investigation broke wide open.  And so it has. 

Two major happenings have just taken place.  First, the infamous KILL ROOM built by Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis was located with absolute precision.  The following video breaks it all down.

Pegasus Museum owned by Alefantis Mirror

Then, the investigator who did the excellent P.I. work made contact with Alefantis and was subsequently threatened along with the life of his mother (and family). 

The video below has recorded the entire affair with email chains and other testimony.
   Pegasus Video Removed Because of Alefantis Threats 


We’re not sure it gets any bigger than this.  You got the Kill Room identified and matched up perfectly with the photos posted by jimmycomet on Instagram.

And, you have the exact location at the Pegasus Museum at 3518 11th St. NW in Washington, D.C.

Big Picture Understanding

Everyone ought to understand that Pizzagates and Pedogates have been going on forever. Those who direct these child exploitation enterprises have, by and large, never been exposed.  Over time they have gotten very lax.  Others have gotten downright sloppy.

After 8 years of Obama’s Sodom & Gomorrah, the pedophiles and pedophobes became very arrogant and full of hubris. It is in this environment, also known as the Obamanation, that much evidence has been left everywhere, all over the Internet.  None of them ever thought that Hillary would lose.  Hence, they all got very careless and complacent, inattentive to crucial details and extraordinarily irresponsible with damning information.

The upshot of this awesome “Kill Room” development is that there will be many other HUGE breakthroughs that will ultimately compel the proper authorities to investigate Pizzagate. This is the main purpose of the global citizens movement and function of the 5th Estate—to reveal so much hard evidence about Pizzagate that both local and national law enforcement agencies have no choice but to prosecute these heinous crimes.

Let’s get busy! 

State of the Nation
January 6, 2017

Addendum… the perfect match :


Suicides by Chicago Police Officers Skyrocket


A new report finds that the Chicago Police Department has a suicide rate 60 percent higher than the national average.

The study found that of the 10,000 officer force up to three CPD officers per year commit suicide, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

The CPD’s suicide rate corresponds with the extreme level of violence seen in the Windy City. Last year Chicago’s murder rate was higher than that of New York and Los Angeles combined.

“There is a problem, and nobody’s doing anything about it,” Ron Rufo, a peer support counselor, told the paper. “Supervisors don’t talk about it. The rank-and-file don’t talk about it. And it’s like the administration does not want to admit it’s a problem.”

Psychologist Alexa James also noted that CPD officers are living in what many might consider a “war zone” but aren’t getting the mental health treatment they need.

“It is a hard, hard job, and police officers get very little support,” she insisted.
The Times reported that there are only three full-time counselors for the entire 10,000-officer force. In contrast, the LAPD has 11 clinicians on staff for an even smaller force.

One problem identified is an Illinois anti-gun law that prevents anyone who has had mental health issues from being able to gain a firearms license. Because of this law many officers feel reticent to engage a mental health provider for fear of losing the license they need to remain a police officer. Illinois is one of the few states to impose such a law on mental health patients.

“But that’s the Catch-22,” psychologist Marla Friedman said. Police “are afraid if they go to counseling, they’ll lose their job forever. But if they hold it in, they can stay on the job. And then they snap. Which is safer?”

“This is a real problem,” Friedman added. “Police officers are the only class of citizen in the U.S. who is going to lose their job for seeking mental health care.”


Protests and marches aren’t coming ‘out of nowhere’

Commentary: Don’t be fooled — protests and marches aren’t coming ‘out of nowhere’


It feels like the marches and protests are everywhere, and have been since President Donald Trump took office a little over a week ago. 

For some reason, the progressive left, undoubtedly the organizers of these events, wants the public to believe these gatherings are organically springing up, born of the  natural outrage over Trump’s recent executive orders and, frankly, the fact of Trump himself. But nothing could be further from the truth.

The Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and other cities across the country, happened the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated 45th President of the United States and was openly a protest. The protests against Trump’s executive order, which halted travel into the U.S. from a number of Muslim-majority countries, are explicitly protests and have been happening in cities around the country, including New York (where it began), Washington and Chicago.

And there are more to come, with the Science March already being organized and a number of others reportedly on the horizon. In fact, a site called Bustle offers a handy primer on five protests/marches that “need your help to organize,” including the Immigrants March (slated for May 6) and the Trump Taxes March (to be held, of course, April 15).    

And yet, mainstream news outlets for some odd reason are trying to push the idea that these are organic gatherings that spring up quickly and are not centrally organized.
The New York Times, for example, ran a piece when the protest began at John F. Kennedy airport in New York after immigrants coming back into the country were detained. Their headline? “Protest Grows ‘Out of Nowhere’ at Kennedy Airport After Iraqis Detained.”

"This is the humanity, this is the soul of America. This is what pushed me to move, leave my country and come here."

The article gives the source of the “out of nowhere” quote as progressive activist, filmmaker and Democrat personality Michael Moore, who routinely makes television appearances and, in fact, recently called for “100 days of protest” against Donald Trump:
Just past 3 p.m., a man with a social media megaphone gave it a blow. “Everybody in NYC area — head to JFK Terminal 4 NOW!” Michael Moore said on Twitter. “Big anti-Trump protest forming out of nowhere!”
According to The Washington Post, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) added to the call for rallies on Saturday when he gave an interview in which he said “opponents of President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and refugees should oppose them in the streets.”
“It’s time for people to get active, to get involved, to vote and to organize,” said Ellison, who was in Houston to campaign for chairman of the Democratic National Committee. “Trump must be stopped, and people power is what we have at our disposal to make him stop. We need mass rallies. We need them all over the country. We need them in Texas. We need them in D.C. We need them in Minnesota.”
One would have to be blind not to see that these rallies, marches and protests are being organized, something the progressive left is known for, and has been since the days when the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, better known to most as ACORN, was a major player in progressive circles. 

A series of undercover videos proving ACORN was peddling some pretty ugly advice forced that organization back into the shadows. But it appears the organizing efforts live on. How else could the Women’s March become a multinational event without some pretty serious organizational skills pulling the strings? And, in fact, there were. They even created a pretty slick website with those skills.

So the progressive left is continuing to do what it has always done in the way of organizing protests and rallies to speak out about what they see as injustices. It’s not out of character. They put community organizer Barack Obama in the White House for eight years after all. They obviously see the power in organization on a mass scale and find it meaningful.

Which begs the question: why are they trying to hide it now?

Trump’s Order That Will DEPORT Over 11 MILLION Illegals

REVEALED: Here is Trump’s Order That Will DEPORT Over 11 MILLION Illegals

Trump promised that he was going to clean up the immigration system in the United States and he has already begun, to every patriot’s deep relief!

Trump recently signed an executive order called “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States,” which calls for those illegal immigrants who have broken further laws in our country to be deported, via ABC News.

In a 2014 Pew study, it was estimated that there are 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. That is an enormous number considering we have laws on the books to prevent them from entering and remaining here.
Unfortunately, the previous president did not believe in enforcing laws passed by Congress on this matter.

In his order, Trump said, “Interior enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws is critically important to the national security and public safety of the United States.” He’s right.  Story after story shows that many immigrants come here to bring in drugs and commit crimes.

“Many aliens who illegally enter the United States and those who overstay or otherwise violate the terms of their visas present a significant threat to national security and public safety. This is particularly so for aliens who engage in criminal conduct in the United States,” he added.

The order specifically says that illegal immigrants are going to be subject to deportation if they have engaged in “fraud or willful misrepresentation”. This means that if you enter the United States without a visa or if you overstayed a valid visa, then you could be subject to deportation.

It’s amazing that liberals are upset by this, because Trump is merely enforcing laws that are already on the books. It’s clear that Liberals simply want people to be able to come here whenever they want despite the risk of potential terrorist attacks. There is a name for that: anarchy.

If immigrants are willing to break the law to get into the country, what would stop them from breaking the law when they are inside of the country? Nothing. We know that many illegal immigrants bring drugs and crime to our country.

Trump is probably not going to be able to deport all of the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants that are currently in the United States, not under this order alone. But, cracking down on new illegal immigrants and enforcing the law on the books may start to ease the burden on the American people.

Nothing that Trump has done indicates that he is in anyway anti-immigrant. He just wants people to come here legally so that American citizens are safe, as his own wife did! A country has every right to control its borders because without them there is no country at all.

Americans want to have an application system where people can be vetted properly, to ensure that they do not intend to harm a single American. Mostly, we want to make sure that no one is coming here who intends to commit acts of terrorism. That’s not racism– that’s being responsible.


BREAKING: Trump Has Been Planning His Whole Life To Take Down NWO

You don't think the enemy is the only one with sleeper cells do you?

Caution About News

It doesn't matter if you believe American State Nationals should be in the drivers seat and that Trump is only the CEO of the Corporation, What he does still will effect you greatly and the globalists know it.  Sorry but that is just how it is. Maybe not how it's supposed to be, but how it is.

This comment is by one of the people who was kicked out of the John Birch Society with me back in the 60s for being too political.
We all need to make the most of Donald Trumps actions across this country as long as he keeps walking the line to freedom.

Thanks Bill,

Paul Stramer

----- Original Message -----
From: Bill Baker
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2017 8:58 AM
Subject: Caution About News

Don't get up set by all the bad new spread by the leftist news media about the so call catastrophe  being caused by President Trump's current ban on people trying to get into the USA. Gorge Soros, one of the most powerful and wealthiest communist in the world, is funding much of the so called spontaneous demonstrations at air ports and else where in the US. He has been funding many such demonstrations and backing many far left political candidates including Hillary Clinton. He has even placed add offering $15.00 per hour to demonstrate.

What you are seeing on your TV is a massive highly funded and organized campaign to negate the efforts of President Trump to preserver and restore  our constitutional republic as originally intended and protect the citizens of the US from people outside this nation.

The political left in the media, entertainment industry and in public office are going to use every means at their disposal to stop President Trump's efforts to reverse our nation's slide into a socialist state.

Communist George Soros and others of great power and wealth are working hard to destroy individual national sovereignty of all nations in the world because of their goal of a one world government controlled by the communist controlled United Nations. For those of you who do not know, the original founding charter document for the UN was written by Alger Hiss. Alger Hiss was later identified as a communist agent in FDR's administration. You can look him up in Wikipeda if you don't believe me.

What you are now seeing and will continue to see will be a fight for the survival of this nation as originally constituted. President Trump loves this nation and has taken it upon him self to help restore it. Power forces are going to bring great pressure to defeat his efforts. 

President Trump will need the help of every God fearing and loyal American citizen who believes in the US Constitution in order to accomplish his goal. With God's help he will be successful.




This is step one prior to Martial Law --
They have underground tunnels and several have been turned
into prisons aka/ Concentration Camps..
They do "facial recognition" on everyone !



Published on Jan 13, 2017
Every AMERICAN Must watch this. Action is required.

5 secrets the media won’t say - does that surprise you?!

5  secrets  the  media  won’t  say  about  Trump’s  immigration  order

President Donald Trump is vigorously defending his immigration restrictions, as angry protests spread throughout the country (EXPECT the left to DENY this and other reports:   https://youtu.be/ZIxhcvBbty8 ; http://thefreethoughtproject.com/soros-funding-hiring-anti-trump-protesters/ ; http://abcnews.com.co/donald-trump-protester-speaks-out-i-was-paid-to-protest/ ;
https://www.conservativeoutfitters.com/blogs/news/proof-protesters-are-paid-2-500-to-disrupt-trumps-inauguration) saying “this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”

Trump released a statement Monday asserting, “To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban as the media is falsely reporting.”

He’s right.

Despite the mainstream media outcry, the administration’s move is totally legal.

In fact, it’s actually very standard… and that truth is what the media is hiding in their condemnation of Trump.

Actually, it’s five truths. Because five out of the last six presidents of the United States have done almost the same exact thing.

Where was the media outrage when former President Barack Obama banned Iraqi immigrants in 2011 for six months, and in 2012 barred the entry of persons that have worked with the Iranian and Syrian government?

Where was this fury when former President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton each used the authority six times; Clinton banned Haitians in 1991 and residents of Serra Leone in 1998, if they were related to anyone involved in that country’s ruling government – where were the accusations of racism from Democrats?

Former President Ronald Reagan used this same authority five times; the media won’t mention that, of course.

And in 1980, former President Jimmy Carter used it to ban Iranians from entering the United States. His executive order suspended “all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States,” and said the U.S. government “will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires.”

Trump’s order, which also suspends refugee admissions for 120 days and indefinitely bars the processing of refugees from Syria, has sparked widespread protests and denunciations from the same Democrats and talking heads in the mainstream media that cheered Carter and Obama and Clinton’s actions.

And they’re ignoring the truth – this has been done many, many times in the past.

It’s totally legal, according to section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 which states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

To their credit, the Trump administration has remained unfazed by the unfair coverage.

“America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression,” Trump said, “but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border. This is not about religion — this is about terror and keeping our country safe.”

“I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria,” he said. “My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as President I will find ways to help those who are suffering.”

In a background call with reporters Sunday, a senior administration official declared the order’s implementation “a massive success story,” claiming it had been done “seamlessly and with extraordinary professionalism.”

The Associated Press contributed to this article


Frame shop turns away lady for being pro-Trump; here’s what happens when she refuses to be bullied

But he’s our president!
A Colorado business reportedly turned away a customer because of her support for President Donald Trump.

Clip via Fox News Channel
Katie Richter took some photos and memorabilia from Trump’s inauguration into Suitable For Framing, an Aspen business, to have them mounted and framed.

As she was looking down at the mementos, she asked the clerk for her recommendations. The clerk told Richter that she couldn’t help her.
Federal judge overrides Trump’s executive order, grants stay to refugees
When she asked, “Is it because of my political affiliation?” Richter was told yes.
“I was a little befuddled,” Richter Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends.”
Richter said that as she left the shop, she gave the clerk a parting shot.
“I respect your freedom of speech but am happy my vote canceled yours out.”
Trump cracks up the room and British PM May with witty response to BBC reporter’s question
When the story blew up on social media, the shop attempted to walk back its original reason for turning down Richter’s request, claiming that there was because of a crease in a photo making it unsuitable to frame.

No one was buying it, however, and posted numerous comments on the store’s Facebook page.

“I hope that your narrow-minded attitude towards the Trump voter causes your business to fail.” wrote Kenneth Quinn. “You do have the right o serve who ever you want but the public also has the right to boycott your business.”

It wasn’t that long ago that another Colorado business, Masterpiece Cakeshop, was sued for refusing to cater to a same-sex wedding ceremony. The business lost its case and appealed all the way to the Colorado Supreme Court, which refused to hear the case.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Obama came up with the list of Muslim countries to ban

Donald Trump didn’t come up with the list of Muslim countries he wants to ban. Obama did.

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday that would impose a 30-day ban on entry to the United States for visa holders from seven Muslim-majority countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

After word of Trump’s pending executive order spread, the administration faced a lot of pushback — especially the early stages of his Muslim ban.

How, though, did the Trump administration choose these seven Muslim-majority countries? The truth is it didn't: The countries were chosen during Barack Obama's presidency. 

According to the draft copy of Trump's executive order, the countries whose citizens are barred entirely from entering the United States is based on a bill that Obama signed into law in December 2015.

Obama signed the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act as part of an omnibus spending bill. The legislation restricted access to the Visa Waiver Program, which allows citizens from 38 countries who are visiting the United States for less than 90 days to enter without a visa.

Mark Elliott @markmobility
As we ban refugees from Muslim-majority countries, I'm reminded of this from 1939.

Though outside groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and NIAC Action — the sister organization of the National Iranian American Council — opposed the act, the bipartisan bill passed through Congress with little push back. 

At the initial signing of the restrictions, foreigners who would normally be deemed eligible for a visa waiver were denied if they had visited Iran, Syria, Sudan or Iraq in the past five years or held dual citizenship from one of those countries.

In February 2016, the Obama administration added Libya, Somali and Yemen to the list of countries one could not have visited — but allowed dual citizens of those countries who had not traveled there access to the Visa Waiver Program. Dual citizens of Syria, Sudan, Iraq and Iran are still ineligible, however.

So, in a nutshell, Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — and now, Trump is looking to bar immigration and visitors from the same list of countries. 
Kevin Allred @KevinAllred
sean spicer just said if you are from a predominately Muslim country you have a "predisposition" for terrorism. he used that exact word.
Trump's use of a list created with Democrats' support is obviously geared toward a more nefarious end. A total visa-issuance moratorium is more severe than restricting visa waiver access. But the guilt-by-association of having a higher burden for entry at all underlies the bill Obama signed, too.

And one of the criticisms of Trump's reported proposal for the early stages of his Muslim ban — that it is security theater — is true of Obama curtailing visa wavers. 

Those restrictions were an early response to the San Bernardino shooting and Paris attacks, but in both cases the assailant were nationals of the countries in which they carried out such violence.

When the Trump administration announced its plans to issue the executive order, Sean Spicer told the White House press pool that people coming from the Middle East and Africa have a "predisposition" for terrorism. The visa waiver restriction, a bipartisan bill Obama signed into law, reinforces that same xenophobic sentiment.



'Very Dangerous' Obama Directive

Gingrich  warns  U.S.  of  'very  dangerous'  Obama  directive

Last-minute  move  leaves  America  vulnerable  to  devastating  attack

January 29 2017

The day before President Trump was inaugurated, a Democrat-controlled commission set new standards to protect the America’s life-sustaining electric grid that will leave the U.S. vulnerable to a devastating electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack from a hostile nation such as North Korea or Iran.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s directive, issued Jan. 19, will protect the nation only from an EMP caused by solar activities.

The move was condemned by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a top adviser to Trump during the presidential campaign.

“There’s a very, very dangerous decision being made today by the energy commission on how we protect ourselves from electromagnetic pulse,” Gingrich said in a “Fox and Friends” interview Jan. 19.

“It is being designed as stupidly and as destructively as possible. … If I were [President Trump], it’s one of the things I would literally repeal late tomorrow.”
WND reported Jan. 16 the warning of William R. Graham, the former director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and science adviser to President Ronald Reagan. Graham said FERC’s ruling, which came three days later, “is likely to have far-ranging, seriously counter productive national security implications.”

Graham was chairman of the 2008 congressionally mandated EMP Commission.  He said FERC’s inadequate action would “have a “significant near-term impact on our national security, especially in view of recent moves by North Korea to establish an EMP attack capability with (intercontinental ballistic missiles), nuclear missile-carrying submarines and satellites.”

Former Ambassador Henry Cooper, who was President Ronald Reagan’s chief representative in the “Star Wars” initiative negotiations with the Soviet Union and SDI director under President George H.W. Bush, agreed that should Trump repeal the directive immediately and appoint new FERC commissioners “who will represent him by putting America first — not the electric power industry.”

Cooper said in a commentary for Family Security Matters “the short sighted FERC rule means that when the ‘powers that be’ ever get around to addressing the more threatening problem, they will have to start all over again in upgrading whatever they do in response to the less threatening threat.”

“The ‘man made’ EMP threat includes a much higher amplitude low frequency component and contains high frequency components that are not part of the ‘natural’ EMP threat,” he said. 

Cooper explained that protecting the grid from the man made EMP threat also protects it from the natural EMP threat, but the converse is not true.

He noted the new Department of Homeland Security secretary, John F. Kelley, promised during his confirmation hearing to address the issue.

Kelly was asked for his assessment of the threat posed by electromagnetic pulse, ground-based missile defense, cyber attack and physical attacks to the nation’s critical infrastructure.

“All these threats, in addition space weather, pose potentially catastrophic dangers to U.S. infrastructure, particularly our energy, transportation and telecommunications networks, which are the life blood of our economy,” Kelly said.

“Mitigating these risks to an acceptable level is vital. The department has a critical role to play.”  He promised, if confirmed, to “pay particular attention to these threats.”

‘Unprecedented cascading failures’

Because of the continued threat of an EMP not only from a natural solar storm but also from a man made high-altitude nuclear detonation, Congress last year renewed the EMP Commission in section 1089 of the 2016 National Defense Authorization Act.

As chairman of the commission, Graham warned in 2008 that the United States is especially vulnerable since its critical interdependent infrastructures rely more than most other nations on electronic components.

While the electrical grid and electronic components have given the U.S. major economic, industrial and societal advantages, Graham previously has testified to Congress that these critical inter-dependencies also create the potential of multiple, simultaneous disruptions and failures.

An EMP event, whether natural or man made, would cause “unprecedented cascading failures of major infrastructures,” Graham said.

The critical, life-sustaining infrastructures that depend on the vulnerable national grid include banking and finance, telecommunications, food and water delivery, automated control systems, petroleum and natural gas, transportation, emergency services and space systems.  

Obama appointees

Graham pointed out the FERC is dominated by three Obama administration appointees. “It may not be an accident that this action is being addressed on the last full day of the Obama administration rather than at a time when the Trump administration can influence the ruling,” Graham told WND on Jan. 16.

He said Trump, as president, will have the authority to appoint three new FERC commissioners between January and July 2017, giving the regulatory board a Republican majority by mid-summer.

“A rebalanced FERC could mandate integrated protection against both [natural] and nuclear EMP, with substantial cost saving and major infrastructure survivability improvement that would significantly strengthen national security,” Graham said.

“A Nation Forsaken” warns of the growing threat from an EMP, either from a natural solar event or an attack from America’s enemies. Threatened are not only the nation’s power lines, but its banking, fuel supply and even food distribution systems.