Saturday, November 19, 2011

Dinar Intel - 11-18 -11

11-18-2011 Guru TonyTNT great news told to me that this was done in Iraq and this is great...they read this info all morning long to their people: [1. Iraq is now a sovereign nation. 2. Iraq's military is now fully in charge of their country. 3. Iraq is now a secure country and no longer has to worry. 4. The IQD along with many other currencies were just revalued and the IQD is now the strongest currency in the world.]...…Not going be, IT IS NOW the strongest currency. Also have not one, not 2, 3, BUT 7 separate confirmations that Iraqis were paid in RV'd dinar today. The banks are closed. They went to their accounts, looked at their numbers, significantly different from what they've been getting. They are excited over there. SOME FOLKS say (US release of revalue) it may happen today –it is NOT scheduled for today, again its not scheduled for today, they could do it…. but it is scheduled for the very near future being MONDAY...Ministers will be formal on Sunday along with HCL. All votes have been taken, all formalized on Sunday...our time is coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...........sources: ...for more...