Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Colorado "Joker" shooter - drugs, mind control, and dissociation

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Colorado "Joker" shooter - drugs, mind control, and dissociation
Posted By: JediShaman [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2012 08:20:42

James Holmes appears to have used drugs and trance induction to facilitate his mass killing attack as the "Joker" persona... was this his original idea or was he programmed and manipulated by others?


Anonymous said...

Look, the CIA is laughing at us, they pulled off this con-job and even with the numerous blunders and mistakes, and obvious evidence of their "fingerprints", no one says, what about the CIA? I have met a few agents in my life, and seen the declassified stuff about Monarch and MK-Ultra, and this screams of Monarch. I wonder why no one else either is willing or able to put these pieces together. I wonder why?

brando9000 said...


Anonymous said...

OK, I guess this is also Obama's fault too. lol Some dummy is gonna say it.
CIA is laughing at us, give me a break. They are laughing at you for this
suggestion. Listen to what the young man's own mother said about him.

Anonymous said...

nope. cia is laughing at us. eat it up and take it in already anonymous, how does it feel to be a sheeple? the truth is nice to ignore, isnt it? ignorance is bliss, am i right?