Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Leaking word of looming arrests

Leaked word of looming arrests for some of the top operatives in the Banking Cabal has hit the wires...

EXCLUSIVE: Prosecutor, Regulators Close to Making LIBOR Arrests

The language used in this article makes it clear that THERE WAS A GRAND CONSPIRACY AMONGST THE LARGEST BANKS IN THE WORLD!

"charging them with colluding to manipulate global benchmark interest rates"

"traders at major banks allegedly sought to influence the London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, and other global rates that underpin hundreds of trillions of dollars in assets."

"financial regulators are focusing on a ring of traders from several European banks who allegedly sought to rig benchmark interest rates such as Libor"

"regulators are checking emails among a group of traders and believe they are close to piecing together a picture of how the suspects allegedly conspired to make money by manipulating rates"

"More than a handful of traders at different banks are involved"

"There are also probes in Europe concerning Euribor, the Euro Interbank Offered Rate"

"more than a dozen current and former employees of several large banks are under investigation"

"documents released by the New York Federal Reserve Bank this month that show regulators in the United States and England had some knowledge that bankers were submitting misleading Libor bids"

"banks face a growing number of civil lawsuits from cities, companies and financial institutions claiming they were harmed by rate manipulation"


The "hits" on my 2012 Timeline article are greatly increasing as the pressure builds. I will be revising this article in the next few weeks to get a better up to the minute take but the major themes are all coming true:

2012: Timeline on the Road to RootA(for paid Private Road Members)

Timing is EVERYTHING on our Road and you should be braced for a major blow to the Global Fiat Monetary System.

A blow that will be UNRECOVERABLE.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir


Anonymous said...

So if they are found guilty, then what a slap on the wrist! Maybe a 10% fine! Maybe life behind bars would help. If you smoke pot you are put away, if you run a red light if can get put away, but heaven help you if you dont pay "their" taxes you can lose everything, time for common law justice to pervail. WAKE UP, STAND UP and FIGHT

Anonymous said...

NO WHERE in the Reuters article does it state "top operatives in the banking cartel"! It just mentioned the same scenario we have read before. That a" ring of traders" are being pursued!

Yes, it's the "lowly trader" that set up the most historic fraudulent financial rigging that history has ever witnessed. Lord knows it wasn't a select few of degenerate bloodline elites at the top that would ever do such a thing.

Those damn lowly traders!

Anonymous said...

ever who arrests the bad guys are also the bad guys themselves!!!!!

Doran said...

While it is somewhat refreshing to see at least SOMEBODY get arrested.

These kinds of arrests are pretty much useless without Full Disclosure.

The people need to be awakened to the whole gammut. Arrests need to happen to most of Congress and ALL the alphabet agencies....The Federal Reserve...Big Pharma..Big Oil...the whole enchalada.

The "Families" that ultimately run "everything" need to be removed from power and put in a placed in a place with cold cement floors and no windows.

Anything short of all that, is a pointless excersize.

RagtopRoadster said...

I want to be excited by this but if you read between the lines here is both the Prosecution and Govt. are aligning to be SURE that that pick some small set of Pawn Traders and throw them under the bus to PROTECT the Bank Leadership and the Govt. Regulators.

There is NO CHANCE they did not know this was going on. Both camps knew and colluded and they are running like map to set up the Scapegoats!

We The People cannot let this happen and end with a few arrested "Soldiers of Fortune" without getting to the Cabal Leadership!!

Anonymous said...

I remember a few years ago when traders were caught trading oil that never existed. They made billions. The economy lost trillions. There was a $50 million fine. The bankers still run the show.

Anonymous said...

Folks, Reuters??? Come on, we all know who owns this rag tag news outlet!!!! If this were a real talking head spreading this manure you would at least be able to see its lips move while it lies!

Anonymous said...

Yes...look at Clinton after being found "guilty" of perjury! He is still strutting around acting like the Senior Statesman in all his glory instead of the cheap, common criminal he is. And that's the crime he got "caught" at! Forget the others that were deliberately overlooked and/or hidden...like the Vince Foster murder, the boys on the railroad track at Mena, the reporter/investigator named Danny (Casolaro?) found suicided in a bathtub in a motel and on and on and on!

Anonymous said...

@ Doran - I agree! You're precisely ""RIGHT ON!""

Anonymous said...

One way or another justice needs to be served...

Anonymous said...

Be a army of one!!!!!!! RESIST!!!!! The system is f///ed!!!!!!!! there is no justice unless We do it our selves!!!!!!!!!! Prepare to RESIST!!!!!!!! the scum that shows up at your door or at your car!!!!!!!!!!! RESIST!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bix Weir is just another shill trying to make a buck off the sheeple. Nothing he has ever said has come true. Where's the $100 an ounce silver he claimed would happen last year? Don't buy into this snakeoil salesman.

Anonymous said...

Not all messages are for everyone. Take what you can use and toss the rest instead of bickering about how screwed we are.