Judge Anna von Reitz
Judge Anna von Reitz has eloquently answered this question for her own
constituents. I share her answer and re-post it here. Thank you, Anna.
State Superior Court Judge, Anna von Reitz – Judge of the actual
Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental
United States.
On Apr 28, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Anna von Reitz <avannavon@gmail.com> wrote:
To answer that question and give you the fair full depth of it, you have to learn a lot of history and learn it right now. I am sick and tired of having people say I am not a judge and asking me in what sense I am a judge and coming up with all these silly suppositions and accusations, so I am going to answer you and then I am going to post this letter and let everyone else read it to their heart’s delight.
Please bear in mind that if you feel stupid or overwhelmed at the end, that’s normal, and we all go through that in the process of waking up. Just realize that you were intentionally defrauded and kept uninformed, so it isn’t your fault that you never knew any of this. You simply weren’t told. So let’s begin.
From the founding of this country onward the jurisdiction over the land was split from the jurisdiction over the sea.
The Continental United States — the actual geographically defined states with physical borders, etc.,– were given jurisdiction over the land, and their Citizens known as American State Citizens are the ones protected by The Constitution for the united States of America and vested with all powers of the civil government on the land.
The Federal United States was created (and limited) by The Constitution for the united States of America and given jurisdiction over the international jurisdiction of the sea. Circa 1868, the Federal United States started operating as a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc., and published its corporate charter as a look-alike, sound-alike “Constitution” we are all familiar with as the Constitution of the United States of America.
This is a different kind of document (a corporate charter) as well as being a different document in and of itself. As part of this reorganization the Federal United States created “State franchises” for itself. These are “States of States” such as you find described in the Uniform Commercial Code’s Definitions section. They exist only on paper and are corporate franchises in the same sense as your local Dairy Queen is a franchise of the national parent corporation.
Thus, you have the Ohio State (land jurisdiction) and you have the State of Ohio (sea jurisdiction) operating side by side, one being the natural jurisdiction owed the living people on the land, the other being a corporate franchise in the business of delivering governmental services and administrating the affairs of the Federal United States, its employees, and service contracts– all operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
The Continental United States is under the plenary (complete) control of the living People– the so-called “birthright” American State Citizens. We each have more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.
The Federal United States is British-controlled and always has been.
All those “courts” that you think are your courts are not your courts, if you are an American born on the land of the Continental United States. They are a mish-mash of corporate administrative tribunals and martial law courts operated by the Federal United States and the Washington DC Municipality, all operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.
For example, THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA is run by the ALASKA COURT SYSTEM, INC., which is a federal corporation doing business as the “THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT” — a privately owned and operated for-profit corporate franchise which is under contract to act “FOR” the STATE OF ALASKA which is another private, mostly foreign-owned corporate franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., which is owned and operated by the IMF, which is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, INC.
Got that?
Now, does the local Burger King franchise have any right to haul you over to the side of the road and demand that you produce a license? No? Not unless you are a Burger King employee. Does the local Sears franchise have authority to foreclose upon you and kick you out of your house? No? Not unless you have a valid fully disclosed contract with Sears allowing them to do that.
It’s the same with the situation above. The fraud is that these yahoos are merely local franchises of national-level governmental services corporations—not the actual government at all, yet they are pretending to operate as public institutions.
How do you know that what I am telling you is true— that these really are nothing but private, for-profit corporations? They are listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. They have Employer Identification Numbers. The “laws” they use in these “courts” are all under private copyright. Just open up one of their “State Statute” books and look. Since when are public documents subject to copyright? They aren’t. If these crooks represented the actual State, all the documents would be Public Domain.
So, what kind of Judge am I?
I am their worst nightmare. I am a Judge of the actual Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental United States. I occupy the actual public office and operate the actual Alaska State Superior Court.
Note the difference:
Alaska State = actual State on the land, actual public office, using actual Public Law and operating under the American Common Law, which is the law of the land.
State of Alaska, STATE OF ALASKA, ALASKA = all various corporate franchises, private offices, operating under either administrative (purely private in-house corporate “laws”) or international law in the jurisdiction of the sea.
On Apr 28, 2015, at 7:02 PM, Anna von Reitz <avannavon@gmail.com> wrote:
To answer that question and give you the fair full depth of it, you have to learn a lot of history and learn it right now. I am sick and tired of having people say I am not a judge and asking me in what sense I am a judge and coming up with all these silly suppositions and accusations, so I am going to answer you and then I am going to post this letter and let everyone else read it to their heart’s delight.
Please bear in mind that if you feel stupid or overwhelmed at the end, that’s normal, and we all go through that in the process of waking up. Just realize that you were intentionally defrauded and kept uninformed, so it isn’t your fault that you never knew any of this. You simply weren’t told. So let’s begin.
From the founding of this country onward the jurisdiction over the land was split from the jurisdiction over the sea.
The Continental United States — the actual geographically defined states with physical borders, etc.,– were given jurisdiction over the land, and their Citizens known as American State Citizens are the ones protected by The Constitution for the united States of America and vested with all powers of the civil government on the land.
The Federal United States was created (and limited) by The Constitution for the united States of America and given jurisdiction over the international jurisdiction of the sea. Circa 1868, the Federal United States started operating as a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc., and published its corporate charter as a look-alike, sound-alike “Constitution” we are all familiar with as the Constitution of the United States of America.
This is a different kind of document (a corporate charter) as well as being a different document in and of itself. As part of this reorganization the Federal United States created “State franchises” for itself. These are “States of States” such as you find described in the Uniform Commercial Code’s Definitions section. They exist only on paper and are corporate franchises in the same sense as your local Dairy Queen is a franchise of the national parent corporation.
Thus, you have the Ohio State (land jurisdiction) and you have the State of Ohio (sea jurisdiction) operating side by side, one being the natural jurisdiction owed the living people on the land, the other being a corporate franchise in the business of delivering governmental services and administrating the affairs of the Federal United States, its employees, and service contracts– all operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea.
The Continental United States is under the plenary (complete) control of the living People– the so-called “birthright” American State Citizens. We each have more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.
The Federal United States is British-controlled and always has been.
All those “courts” that you think are your courts are not your courts, if you are an American born on the land of the Continental United States. They are a mish-mash of corporate administrative tribunals and martial law courts operated by the Federal United States and the Washington DC Municipality, all operating in the foreign international jurisdiction of the sea.
For example, THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF ALASKA is run by the ALASKA COURT SYSTEM, INC., which is a federal corporation doing business as the “THE SUPERIOR DISTRICT COURT” — a privately owned and operated for-profit corporate franchise which is under contract to act “FOR” the STATE OF ALASKA which is another private, mostly foreign-owned corporate franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., which is owned and operated by the IMF, which is an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, INC.
Got that?
Now, does the local Burger King franchise have any right to haul you over to the side of the road and demand that you produce a license? No? Not unless you are a Burger King employee. Does the local Sears franchise have authority to foreclose upon you and kick you out of your house? No? Not unless you have a valid fully disclosed contract with Sears allowing them to do that.
It’s the same with the situation above. The fraud is that these yahoos are merely local franchises of national-level governmental services corporations—not the actual government at all, yet they are pretending to operate as public institutions.
How do you know that what I am telling you is true— that these really are nothing but private, for-profit corporations? They are listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. They have Employer Identification Numbers. The “laws” they use in these “courts” are all under private copyright. Just open up one of their “State Statute” books and look. Since when are public documents subject to copyright? They aren’t. If these crooks represented the actual State, all the documents would be Public Domain.
So, what kind of Judge am I?
I am their worst nightmare. I am a Judge of the actual Alaska State, one of the Several States of the Continental United States. I occupy the actual public office and operate the actual Alaska State Superior Court.
Note the difference:
Alaska State = actual State on the land, actual public office, using actual Public Law and operating under the American Common Law, which is the law of the land.
State of Alaska, STATE OF ALASKA, ALASKA = all various corporate franchises, private offices, operating under either administrative (purely private in-house corporate “laws”) or international law in the jurisdiction of the sea.
Once again, her letter is purely anecdotal with no prrof of anything she says. She is a judge in her own delusional fantasy.
March 5, 2016
Dear Judge Anna von Reitz,
Thank you for clearing that part up for us. I'm sure it becomes extremely tiring to be questioned constantly about "being a real judge" but you must take into consideration that the people have been seriously "duped and double crossed" for many many years. Some are just now waking up to that fact. So is it any wonder they would question your judge status? They would be fools NOT to ask and want answers. This is a GOOD sign from the people.. they ARE WAKING UP.
Judge Anna, we still have one more step to go...and I'm sure
you will understand WHY we are also asking THIS question which has never been addressed.. or if it has, we have not see the answer.. That question is: WHO ARE YOU?
We have found out that all presidents are related, they are tied to Draco's and Reptilians..and on and on... and recently we have found out that TRUMP is connected to the
Knights of Templar, which could be a good thing or a bad thing.. see>> https://youtu.be/2SI2WIyqoA8 ( The Knights of Templar started out as a Christian group - please listen to entire video.) ( We also understand that this entire election process ( Trump or no Trump - Carson or no Carson )
is just another ACT -- and is totally fraudulent...as NO ONE
should be running for anything.. and what they ARE running for is to become the next CEO of U.S. INC. and NOT our ON LAND legal standing.. which still leave us in NO WHERE LAND.
So Judge Anna, I respectfully request,for the sake of the people of America, that you disclose your bloodline, heritage and connections..verifiable please..This will enable
the people to start getting involved in doing what is right for ourselves and our country...and feel good about it.. feel
that we have real help through you and you are not the "front person" for some other organization, etc We can then move forward.
I love what you have written and proved. There are many things you have suggested that we DO NOW.. but since most have been in a deep slumber we also need " specific guidelines" to do these things.. like baby steps.. example:
to file THIS document, ( here is a sample copy of how document needs to be written ) YOU take it here ( be specific) and see ( be specific) and sign it this way ( be specific ) See what I mean..? Otherwise these things we should be doing NOW will never be done.. too many unanswered questions with regard to HOW to do them.
I, and all of America THANK YOU as you have been a refreshing "breeze" but when you tell us who you are...we can then become " A MIGHTY WIND"... following your instructions across America.
Thank you
If she is a judge in her own delusional fantasy, then what would all the other so called judges, (black robed devils be? Actually, they are AHO's, (Administrative Hearing Officers.
Have you ever made a decision? To take the left path or right path? To eat at home or a restaurant? Everyone is a judge in their own right unless they are brain dead.
Now as for being a Justice of the peace.. That's a different story. Those do not make decisions or judgments. They read verdicts of a grand jury and keep peace in a court room.
The fake judge says:
"Circa 1868, the Federal United States started operating as a corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc., and published its corporate charter as a look-alike, sound-alike “Constitution” we are all familiar with as the Constitution of the United States of America."
So the constitution that is on display at the National Archives is not the one ratified 1787-90? Did someone forge all the signatures from the 1700's on a different constitution? I demand proof or admit being a liar.
Lets see.. Do you know that there are 4 separate Constitutions "of" the United States? Give you a clue on one of them.. Billy boy Clinton was responsible for the last one!
Anonymous 7:53pm, prove she is fake!
I was created in my creator's image. Got that?
Nobody can tell him what he can and can't be!
Therefore same applies to me!
Reference the 10th Amendment for where the noted powers reside.
Who has the power? Who does not have the power to say otherwise?
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