Monday, March 7, 2016


Should we not give the following some very serious consideration in light of the continual dead end 'intel' reports regarding the GCR/RV and even Dunford?  How long are we going to pass around these false 'intel' reports of an RV and exchanges going on, and of a restored Republic? As much as we all would like to have these things happen for us - and NOW - nothing has changed in the past five years except more false 'intel' reports - more lies. How long are we going to continue to stand on the RV train track waiting on the promised train ride only to find that we are being run over by that train and that the 'ride' is continual lies? All a powerful diversion while the enemy within puts their final plans in place for our literal demise.

March 7 2016


When you stack up LIES, one upon another, what do you have – a LIE sandwich?  Since the purpose of LIES is to provide you with something “tasty to swallow,” don’t you think a LIE sandwich would taste good?

Children, you are not using your discernment and you are not consulting my Word. It should be very clear to you what constitutes faithfulness, holiness and good fruits. So many people and institutions are producing foul tasting fruit, yet the masses trudge on oblivious, as if certain words and behaviors were of no consequence. How can you expect a good end result if you are following those who are producing bad fruit?

I have said before my Son returned there would be a famine of my Word. [Amos 8:11-12; 2 Tim. 4:2-4]  This would be followed by a real famine of real food. [Matt. 24:7; Rev. 6:5-8; Rev. 18:7-8]

Who is going to come out of this morass* and follow me? How many LIES are you going to swallow? Enough for a quadruple-decker club sandwich?

You are to be my lights shining in the darkness. You are to reflect ME, not the world. You are to be a song in the night. You are supposed to overcome the darkness, not let it overcome you.

Be alert. Be wise, not foolish. Just because something sounds good and goes down smoothly does not necessarily mean it is the truth. You need to be doubly alert and have your wits about you. Soon the man of sin – the son of perdition – will be revealed. [2 Thess. 2:1-13] He will be very persuasive and a liar of the first magnitude. Many of the gullible will fall for him completely.

You will know them by their fruits. His words and fruits will be completely opposed to my Word, no matter how he spins them! THE ANTI-CHRIST WILL BE THE ULTIMATE SPIN DOCTOR.*2 You should not be taken in. Don’t eat his sandwich!

Your Daddy 

*Morass : 1. An area of low lying, soggy ground; a bog or marsh  2.any difficult or perplexing situation

*2 Spin Doctor: A public relations person who tries to forestall negative publicity by publicizing a favorable interpretation of the words or actions of a company, political party or famous person; a person employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public


slaveman said...

... all I really want to say is that they don't really care about us....

change_is_comming_are_you_ready? said...

“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.” Mark Twain

Anonymous said...

As long as there are politicians, there will always be suffering, misery, death and wars PERIOD!