Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Monsanto Plunging Your Future Into DARKness

Monsanto Plunging Your Future Into DARKness - Stop Them
Dr. Rima Truth Reports
Monsanto Plunging Your Future Into DARKness. Stop Them!
GMO Labeling: More American Than Apple Pie!

USA Goes DARK If You Let It!

"If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994

You've heard the DoD predictions: a devastating EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) attack could devastate the US, plunging it into darkness as our communications, air traffic controller, nuclear and conventional power stations, respirators, food production, refineries and just about everything else fails.

We are told this will be courtesy of Russia, or Iran or North Korea or ISIS or....

And it really might happen. Or it really might not. (The General's guess is not: that's another story). There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent it.

But there is another DARKness heading our way, courtesy of the US Congress and this is one that you absolutely CAN do something about: you can stop it, once and for all.

How? With your Freedom Mouse.

You see, Monsanto and their despicable ilk have used their corruption and disdain for the democratic process (or anything else that gets in their way, like science or safety or decency of any kind) to bring forth an Act, now moving through the process toward a Senate vote THIS WEEK, to deny you, once and for all, of your right to know if your food has been genetically manipulated.

Mis-named, in a move that would make George Orwell a proud man, the Safe And Accurate Food Labeling Act or S.A.F.E Act is better known as the D.A.R.K. Act, Denying Americans the Right to Know.

DARK would make it impossible, in fact, illegal, for states like Vermont to demand that GMO foods be labeled before they can be sold in that state.

Why? Read Norman Braksick's quote again: "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." 
 As it happens, more Americans want to know what is in their food, the way Europeans do, for example, with a label, than like Apple pie!

But Congress works for Monsanto, not you. Their dollars elect them and their dollars keeps them in line.

IF you let them.

We have just a few days to rally to this cause and a [shortened] life time to regret not springing into action.

This horrid bill has been wandering the corridors of power and is about to destroy your food supply. Stop it NOW!

Keep The Light Shining in the US:

1. Demand GMO Labeling Now:
2. Share the link to this email with your Circle of Influence to multiply your impact:
3. Support our efforts to protect your rights:

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

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