Britain is in talks of breaking off of the EU, and Obama is not happy about it. But what Obama doesn’t realize is that he doesn’t own the world. Anything he touches goes up in flames.
The Queen refuses to come to London to meet President Barack Obama next month.
Instead, accompanied by his security circus, he’ll trundle to Windsor in his bomb-proof, seven-ton limo for lunch. (Can anyone substitute another limo for the bum - one not so 'proof'ed?)
He’s due to stand alongside the PM and urge Britain to stay in the EU.
‘But he’d be well advised not to give a pro-EU sermon over lunch after the row about the Queen supporting Brexit,’ says my source.
Princess Anne will be at Cheltenham today to present the Gold Cup, sprinkling royal stardust on the festival’s incontinent punters.
Unlike Ascot, where the Gold Cup was renamed to honour the Queen’s 90th birthday, this royal milestone is ignored in Cheltenham, in what is temporarily known as Chavshire.U.S. relations with all of it’s allies is in shambles. Obama and his (handlers - the PTB) polices have been the death of trust and friendship. (Perhaps the next president of the restored republic will develop new 'allies' for our nation that will stand with us for freedom and human rights, and will not agree to war plans, nation destruction and genocide)
When the next guy gets into the office, let’s hope (and pray) things can be repaired.
Should make all those that call him a bad guy, say the queen is the good guy, or those that say he's not doing what they want, make him not the bad guy.
What message is this original poster wanting the rest of us to get from this.
London is it's own sovereign state, the Queen has certain claims, the Pope does too, what makes the Pope meet with him and the Queen to avoid him?
No one is asking questions, but let them see an accusation and it's O's fault. Heck the fukishima, O's fault, badly constructed nuclear plants, O's fault, Yellowstone, O's fault, Solar flares O's fault, Oregan O's fault.
At some point people will see, he did things to escalate the demise of the very thing that has put us in bondage, and then they get mad with everything built on our bondage goes up in flames.
Double minded or simple minded or short term memory disease, whatever it is, which ever the accusations flow, it's O's fault.
Decide which side of this new heck, can't even say the word world or someone will add the word order or order out of chaos or some other nonsense to it.
Which side of the 'new' do you want then?
Cause a lot of us do not care if they don't want to play in the same sandbox.
They are probably mad at each other that they are not the Creator of all things and do not have the powers they thought they had when they put out the words 'powers that be' for the rest of us to think it was true.
Powers that wanted to be has always been what I called them, because I do not see what they want me to see, and I can recognize they have people posting here pretending to hate things as sort of a reverse psychology, and some people are easily led whether they admit it or not.
And off topic, it'll be something that for some reason they want everyone to run to gold, when it was the very thing they confiscated. All of a sudden we are supposed to believe it's scarce and at the same time the people that have it are willing to part with it for fiat, all the fiat you can give them and they will part with it and give it to you, the price of it is what you are willing to pay them in fiat to have it.
And Canada said 'f' that shite, we don't want it, and no one can see the irony.
When I saw them pushing gold, I thought of the Pirates of the Caribbean. They sure wanted the 'shiney', didn't they, and what did owning it do to them? There is something when as a nation some warehouse pretends to want to store it and is willing to ship it off shore and get rid of it too, and they are willing to build a massive fort for it and not let anyone see anything in it.
Pirates of the Caribbean. I hope those that have it find out what's going on before it's too late. Even the giant in Jack and the Beanstalk could smell gold. Some'n ain't right but those paid to push it ain't saying.
I'm asking questions, and if they say it's good, I'm running in the opposite direction. Nothing they say is good, is good, immunizations, pharma, gun control, patriot act. But for some reason Gold is not part of that?
I can't read O', so I don't know what he's doing, and maybe I can't read him because the O we see is not real, who knows. But you better start asking and stop running hither and dither based on these kinds of postings.
Geezz! If you don't like the postings, go some where else guy! Never saw a Disney or Simpson series post here and don't think they're going to start now because of your critique. This is just a 'post' - it's not meant to go to Congress for approval - or for your approval. You definitely got up on the wrong side of the bed. Go back and try again. Give these people a darn break - they work hard to provide a safe and informative website to go to. If you can do better, set up your own and let us know about it. Maybe we will check it out.
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