Monday, March 7, 2016

Ron Paul Raises Red Flag

Ron Paul Raises Red Flag About This Rising Candidate

Ronpaul1   Ron Paul started The Tea Party revolution and rise of the conservative ranks within the Republican Party.

Now, Ron Paul has some serious concerns about a rising GOP Presidential candidate:

Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul went after Texas Sen. Ted Cruz Friday, warning his devoted followers that he is no member of the libertarian movement.
“You take a guy like Cruz.  People are liking the Cruz — they think he’s for the free market, and he’s owned by Goldman Sachs,” Paul told Fox Business host Stuart Varney.
“I mean, he and Hillary have more in common than we would have with either Cruz or Trump or any of them. So I just don’t think there is much picking,” he said.
Dr. Paul nails it.

Both Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz are owned by Goldman Sachs.

Neither are champions of liberty and protecting our freedoms.
Check out The Blaze report of Dr. Paul’s warning regarding Ted Cruz:

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