Monday, March 7, 2016

Ruby Ridge Female Sniper

Ruby Ridge Female Sniper...

This is the female sniper who killed Vicki Weaver, and also likely shot Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris.  Lon Horiuchi did not shoot Vicki Weaver, or Randy or Harris.  His testimony in federal court as being the sniper who shot Vicki Weaver were lies contrived by FBI heads as a smokescreen to protect the identity of the female sniper.

What were the reasons Horiuchi agreed to be the patsy.

Horiuchi could not have been charged or prosecuted for killing Mrs. Weaver, as he -- like all federal agents -- are immune from prosecution for acts committed while performing 'official duties'.

Horiuchi was a crack shot FBI and Marine Corps sniper... he wouldn't have missed a kill shots on Randy or Harris at mere yards away.  The female shooter lacked the marksmanship and the nerve-steady coolness to make effective shots, which is why she only winged Randy and missed Harris as they were outside by a shed, and again shot at Harris as he ran for over into the doorway of the house entering behind Vicki Weaver as she held the door open -- the shot hitting Vicki Weaver in the face, the bullet exiting and then wounding Harris.

Witness(s) statements made personally to me, who were present during the siege at Ruby Ridge, state that Vicki Weaver was shot by a female sniper, and not by Horiuchi.

This photo was taken in front of the 'birthing shed' and obviously shortly after the siege ended.  Why is a photo taken of a female ATF-FBI sniper appearing as celebration photo in front of the Weaver birthing shed?

Note the sniper holding her issue, scoped .308 bolt-action rifle, smiling and appearing to be engaged in dialog with her observer who is holding what appears to be a range finder.

Why the ATF-FBI cover-up?  Who is this feminist killer?

This is the MURDERER of Vicki Weaver... She needs to be hung right along with the folks that murdered LaVoy Finicum... along with ALL their bosses right to the top dogs that ordered them to do so...
Does anyone know who this woman is and have any pertinent information on her?


Anonymous said...

Where is the picture of this female sniper? This link you put on here don't get it.

Popeye said...

Just posted how to get it to pull up!!! Go back to just above link....

Anonymous said...

When I click on it it goes to gmail.?.

Anonymous said...

You posted an gmail link

I get open a gmail account page. no pic.

Anonymous said...

Hang em all and hang em high

Freewill said...

Here is a good article on Vicki Weaver and Ruby Ridge...

justin turner said...

wow pretty amazing story. hope they get her.