Sunday, March 20, 2016


TZX Intelligence Report
March 19, 2016
Posted on March 16, 2016
The quiet weekend has begun. In our previous TZX Intelligence Report (LINK), intel stated that sources and contacts are going dark. This is still the case at the moment. All personnel are ready and awaiting.
Awaiting what?
The RV cannot be done until the New United States Notes (USN) has been activated. Currently, the USN is already in circulation and in the banks digitally but not activated. The activation of the USN is essential prior to the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and currency redemption within the US. It is in agreement that the USN will be the first asset-backed currency in the world thus initiating the Global Currency Reset.
What’s the hold up?
Sources say a window has been opened for the coming week.
In reality, the situation in the country is still unstable. The corporate government known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is still operating and illegally governing the country. Operations to remove the corporate government are still underway. State by state, the country is being liberated through common law by forces of the Republic movement. The upcoming elections are set to conclude the fate of the country. Rumors state that Paul Ryan will become President and will dump the corporate government. Only time will tell if Paul Ryan will prove to be a true patriot and restore the Republic. If not Paul Ryan, Donald Trump will be the only legitimate candidate remaining and will assume office.
Another scenario is that a Pentagon and US Military resistance movement, also known as the “New Republic” will commence mass arrests nationwide and restore the Republic prior to the elections. Which explains why sources say the USN will be activated during the coming week.
Ultimately, November is the given deadline to conclude the fate of the united States of America and its sovereign people. Time will tell if we shall see change prior to the given deadline. In the mean time. the rest of the world is waiting and watching.
Why is the world waiting on the USN?
It has been agreed upon 200 nations to have the US lead the Global Currency Reset with the USN. Although, China has Plan B on standby which is for the Yuan to become the world’s first asset-backed currency instead of the USN and lead the GCR. Plan B was created if the situation in the US does not conclude.
USN scheduled to activate this coming week. Situation in the US must be concluded prior.
N.E.S.A.R.A. scheduled for implementation.
Currency redemption in the US to begin once USN activated.
Global Currency Reset to initiate after currency redemption.
We are still immanent.
This has been TZX Intelligence, ending report.


Anonymous said...

If you're talking USN, as in US NOTE, then nothing will have changed. A NOTE is a debt instrument no matter what else you put in front of it. Debt is debt and you can't pay for anything with debt.

Anonymous said...

Trump is a good guy! Pray he gets in and they do not try to take him out. Pray for his safety and the safety of his family.

Anonymous said...

Not Exactly true. A FRN is a debt note that is by law backed by nothing but the full faith and credit of the United States. Older notes before 1933 were backed by substance and could be redeemed in substance. See

Therefore, a note which promised hard metal redemption was the same as paying with hard metal (until it is proved irredeemable).

Unknown said...

Gee, how many deadlines does that make now? And I thought mass arrests were happening two weeks ago (for the umpteenth time) and that Obama was no longer POTUS (again, for the umpteenth time).

You know, I am beginning to lose confidence in your "Intel" and your predictions. However that also gives me some comfort, for as, in my humble opinion, your predictions are always wrong, that means Trump will lose to Hillary.