'Shifting focus to West' but U.S. cities not prepared for attacks
Mar 25 2016
The Muslim Brotherhood and its various offshoots have chosen 2016 as the year they will turn their focus away from the Middle East and toward the Western democracies seen as ripe for revolutionary activity, says a former FBI counter-terrorism specialist and Islam expert.
The revolutionary jihad movement that swept through the Middle East and North Africa as part of the “Arab Spring” is starting to take root in Europe with attacks already carried out on Paris and Brussels" said John Guandolo.
"This movement will eventually spread to the United States", said Guandolo, a former Marine and instructor at the U.S. Army War College who now provides training to law enforcement agencies that want to learn more about the jihadist network in the U.S.
"That network is operated", he said, "by the International Muslim Brotherhood through its many front organizations. Among them are the Muslim-American Society, or MAS; Muslim Student Association, or MSA; Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR; Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA; and North American Islamic Trust, or NAIT."
Guandolo, author of the book “Raising a Jihadi Generation,” said "the Muslim Brotherhood is teaming up with the Black Lives Matter movement to create violent events that will surprise many police agencies in cities across the U.S."
He said parts of the strategy leaked out at the annual convention of the Muslim-American Society on Dec. 28, 2015, in Chicago.
Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, was very upfront about the U.S. Muslim community’s embracing of Black Lives Matter. “We have direct evidence of Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas working with anarchists and Black Lives Matter,” Guandolo told WND. “You have Nihad Awad saying, ‘Black Lives Matter is our matter,’ and ‘2016 is our year to make our mark.'"
At that same convention, another Muslim Brotherhood operative, Khalilah Sabra, the executive director and project developer for the Muslim Society of America’s Immigrant Justice Center, was even more blunt. “We are the community that staged a revolution across the world,” she said. “If we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?"
"Guandolo sees a further coming together of the Muslim Brotherhood entities and the forces of radical revolutionaries associated with Black Lives Matter.
The revolutionary jihad movement that swept through the Middle East and North Africa as part of the “Arab Spring” is starting to take root in Europe with attacks already carried out on Paris and Brussels" said John Guandolo.
"This movement will eventually spread to the United States", said Guandolo, a former Marine and instructor at the U.S. Army War College who now provides training to law enforcement agencies that want to learn more about the jihadist network in the U.S.
"That network is operated", he said, "by the International Muslim Brotherhood through its many front organizations. Among them are the Muslim-American Society, or MAS; Muslim Student Association, or MSA; Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR; Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA; and North American Islamic Trust, or NAIT."
Guandolo, author of the book “Raising a Jihadi Generation,” said "the Muslim Brotherhood is teaming up with the Black Lives Matter movement to create violent events that will surprise many police agencies in cities across the U.S."
He said parts of the strategy leaked out at the annual convention of the Muslim-American Society on Dec. 28, 2015, in Chicago.
Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, was very upfront about the U.S. Muslim community’s embracing of Black Lives Matter. “We have direct evidence of Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas working with anarchists and Black Lives Matter,” Guandolo told WND. “You have Nihad Awad saying, ‘Black Lives Matter is our matter,’ and ‘2016 is our year to make our mark.'"
At that same convention, another Muslim Brotherhood operative, Khalilah Sabra, the executive director and project developer for the Muslim Society of America’s Immigrant Justice Center, was even more blunt. “We are the community that staged a revolution across the world,” she said. “If we can do that, why can’t we have that revolution in America?"
"Guandolo sees a further coming together of the Muslim Brotherhood entities and the forces of radical revolutionaries associated with Black Lives Matter.
While Brussels was one of the most unprotected and jihadist-friendly cities in Europe, other cities are also vulnerable, not only in Europe but in America, he said.
Making the same mistakes
Guandolo said the U.S. is probably less than 10 years behind Europe in terms of the advancement of Islam. "You have a different situation here. We're much larger than any of the countries in Europe, and we have some significant cultural differences but we are making the same mistakes," Guandolo said.
"We have Jewish and Christian leaders falling over themselves to kiss the asses of Muslims, and they clearly have no clue to what Islam teaches -- when Muslims are teaching one another -- nor do they understand the jihadi network here and that almost all the major U.S. Muslim organizations are dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood."
Guandolo is advising several states right now on security issues and has uploaded a wealth of information, including original source documents from the Muslim Brotherhood, on his website, Understanding The Threat.
"I do get a lot of these questions from state leaders, and I tell them, 'You're going to see individual acts of jihad,' but you should think in terms of one precipitating event," he said.
For example, in California a couple years ago, there was an attack on the power grid. "And if they had not been able to shut that down quickly, you would have had a large portion of California without power for up to a year," Guandolo said. "We still don't know who did that, but it was a handful of individuals armed with weapons and wire cutters, and that could have been a huge precipitating event followed by riots and shootings. You just can't make this stuff up. They are preparing the battlefield in every way, and we are asleep at the wheel."
Guandolo still works in law enforcement and once commanded a SWAT unit in Washington, D.C. "I can tell you most SWAT teams are in no way prepared for what is coming," he said. "And I'm not talking about their equipment. They are just not mentally prepared for real, raging battle, a battle that can last eight to 10 hours on the streets. They're not prepared for that, but that's where we are heading."
10,000 ISIS fighters ready to launch attacks?
While the Islamic movement is still largely focused on the Muslim world – trying to get Muslims to be Shariah compliant and to support jihad in places like Egypt, Syria, North Africa and Asia – that is getting ready to change. "Formerly more moderate countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey and Jordan," he said, are being pressured to become more hardline. "So their focus, per their stated strategy by leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood since 2010, really was focusing on the Muslim world. But this is the year that their strategy is supposed to turn," Guandolo said.
"They're entering that time where they turn focus to the West." "So just imagine that instead of 400 fighters in Europe ready to launch attacks, just imagine if it were 10,000 of them going into Italy and storming Rome," he added. "We think that's incomprehensible but I would say we need to prepare for that. That day is coming."
"Our leaders have no clue about the history of the West's battle with Islam. The West has fought nine wars with Islam. It's getting ready to happen again. Among the presidential candidates, Guandolo sees some who he considers a work in progress and some who will never wake up to reality because they have too many ties to the wrong people."
None of the candidates are schooled in the strategies of the Muslim Brotherhood to the extent that is needed, he said, but Ted Cruz and Donald Trump offer hope that they can get up to speed based on some of their early choices as foreign-policy advisers.
Walid Phares
In an interview Thursday with WND and Radio America, Phares, a Lebanese Christian scholar and Fox News terrorism analyst, said the fight against Islamic terror needs to be waged at the ideological level, not just with aggressive law enforcement.
Cruz's choices of former Pentagon official Frank Gaffney was mocked by Politico, which said Cruz was drawing "from the anti-Islam fringe." If the establishment media are lambasting the choices by Trump and Cruz, that's good news for conservatives who have been unhappy with the weak response of 'president' Obama, who refuses to even utter the words "Islamic terrorism."
Guandolo said Trump's selection of Joe Schmitz is particularly hopeful. "I know he understands Shariah and how it doesn't work in our system, and he certainly understands the Muslim Brotherhood is all over this country and he understands their network," Guandolo said.
"But then you have Mrs. Clinton who just came out and said 'we have a few extremists' in Islam'. Really? How many is a 'few'? I don't even know what that means at this point."
States grappling with Muslim influx
Guandolo said even the most well-prepared, most conservative states, like Texas, have yet to fully grasp the extent of what they are up against. Texas has received more Muslim refugees than any other state other than California since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"In a state like Texas it's interesting to look at the dynamics. There's a huge jihadi presence there but you have a huge problem with false pride," he said. "People are of the mindset 'this is Texas, we'll kick their butts,' but the people they're working with in the Muslim community are all jihadis. There's also a huge number of people in the security community that understand what's going on, that get it, but they fear they won't be allowed to take action."
Part of the Muslim Brotherhood strategy is to cast any criticism of Islam as "Islamophobic," thereby pitting Americans against Americans. "That strategy is working", Guandolo says. "A lot of the problem is you've got communities battling themselves, as far as identifying the threat and what to do about it," he said
"Humans will long tolerate great abuses, but there's going to come a tipping point. The problem is that the tipping point for Americans – if it comes too far after the bad guys have had an advantage – we're in trouble. That's what's happened in Europe. You're dealing with leaders that are just psychotically disconnected from reality."
The Brotherhood's "Explanatory Memorandum" captured by the FBI in a 2004 raid lays out a strategy to use America's own leaders and its own liberal policies to destroy the U.S. from within. "The Muslim Brotherhood says it will destroy America ... 'by our hand,'" Guandolo said. "And so if they can get the leaders on their side while at the same time the people are waking up to what is really happening, it is their goal to destroy our faith, not just our faith in God but faith in our system, in our leadership, in our security apparatus. When citizens lose that faith and their leaders become so corrupt – not in the sense that they're stealing money but in that they are not fulfilling their duties to protect – then you have set the stage for exactly what the Islamic jihadis want. So when they strike there is not an adequate response."
The Explanatory Memorandum also revealed that nonviolent "civilization jihad" and later violent jihad will be launched from the mosques.
The U.S. now has upward of 2,500 mosques, and Guandolo says at least 75 percent of them are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood through NAIT and other organizations.
The coming tragedy
"So think about a Paris-type scenario in your town or city, where you have two or three explosions and grenades going off. Then you just marry up two or three other events around the country. They don't have to be big events, just two guys going into a school with grenades and start sawing people's heads off," he said. "You will have Americans losing their minds. Government will say, 'Simmer down, we don't know what this was,' when everybody who still has a functioning brain knows exactly what it was."
Guandolo says the Brotherhood has been developing its network of mosques in the U.S. since the 1980s. He said the key to understanding Islam is to listen to what the top Islamic thinkers and imams are saying to other Muslims, then disregard what they say to non-Muslims.
"Islam is what Islam says it is. When Muslims teach Muslims, when they teach one another, they say jihad is obligatory and Muhammad is the perfect example of a man and he is Allah's messenger and he just went out and did jihad," Guandolo said.
'The worst of all creatures'
Is there a peaceful, mystical form of Islam? Guandolo says there is, but you won't find it preached in any mainstream American mosque. "It's in the homes of people who may self-identify as Muslims and are teaching their children there is a way to live outside of Shariah, but the fact is that is not taught in any mosque or Islamic school. And what they teach is what Islam is."
He points to Surah 98:6 of the Quran.
"Allah said in Surah 98:6 that non-Muslims are the 'worst of all creatures.' That does not mean everyone who self identifies as a Muslim is living according to Shariah, but that is not Islam as taught in the mosque.
When someone seeks to impose Shariah on someone else, they're a threat and we need to be aggressively pursuing them and we are not."
In "Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance," renowned activist Pamela Geller provides the answer, offering proven, practical guidance on how freedom lovers can stop jihadist initiatives in local communities.
If you support WND's fight to expose CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, please consider a donation to the WND Legal Defense Fund for court fights like this one – which must be won if America is to remain free – and safe
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