George Soros fingerprints rile voters
Sen. Ted Cruz walked away from Utah with the state’s 40 delegates, but some voters left disillusioned due to billionaire George Soros’ ties to the process and fishy behavior at caucus sites.
The battle between Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Cruz in Utah ended with the Texan winning in a landslide. Cruz captured 69.2 percent of the vote compared to Trump’s 14 percent, but the businessman’s supporters suspect foul play.
A forum on the website Godlike Productions included a conversation between voters who said caucus sites were ripe environments for dishonesty.
“My head is still spinning,” wrote a user identified as Pirate Monkey. “I’ve never seen turnout like this. Got my credentials, but no presidential ballot. They said those would be delivered to our caucus room. … I counted about 120 people there (no idea how many were actually registered and credentialed). … Someone shows up with a stack of probably 250 ballots."
“The precinct chair splits them up, and starts handing stacks of them out and tells people ‘take one and pass it down.’ No checking credentials, IDs, nothing. I’m sitting at the end of a row and people start handing me stacks of extras. I literally had over 50 ballots in my hand. … There were no apparent controls … and ballots [were] being handed around like napkins.”
The battle between Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Cruz in Utah ended with the Texan winning in a landslide. Cruz captured 69.2 percent of the vote compared to Trump’s 14 percent, but the businessman’s supporters suspect foul play.
A forum on the website Godlike Productions included a conversation between voters who said caucus sites were ripe environments for dishonesty.
“My head is still spinning,” wrote a user identified as Pirate Monkey. “I’ve never seen turnout like this. Got my credentials, but no presidential ballot. They said those would be delivered to our caucus room. … I counted about 120 people there (no idea how many were actually registered and credentialed). … Someone shows up with a stack of probably 250 ballots."
“The precinct chair splits them up, and starts handing stacks of them out and tells people ‘take one and pass it down.’ No checking credentials, IDs, nothing. I’m sitting at the end of a row and people start handing me stacks of extras. I literally had over 50 ballots in my hand. … There were no apparent controls … and ballots [were] being handed around like napkins.”
“My experience was similar,” added a user identified as Anonymous Coward. “They had us write our choice on a small blank piece of white paper. We then placed them in a tin can. Half the people left, then a woman walked in and yelled, ‘You need to re-do your vote on the official ballet!’ Half the people’s vote didn’t count. She said they were not on the official ballet and would be cast out.”
Utah’s primary election also featured a first: Residents who registered by March 15 were allowed to vote anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. Individuals were given an identification number that needed to be entered before voting. Smartmatic, the firm in charge of running the electronic voting, is tied to Soros.
'Lord' Mark Malloch-Brown, chairman of Smartmatic’s board, serves on the board of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, Breitbart News reported Sunday. The website also noted that Malloch-Brown sits on the board of the International Crisis Group, a Soros-financed international crisis-management organization.
Trump voters are upset over the arrangement because Soros-funded groups have also been linked to anti-Trump protests, including a March 11 effort in Chicago, Illinois. A rally at the University of Illinois-Chicago Pavilion was halted due to security concerns.
Four people were arrested and two Chicago cops suffered injuries trying to restore order. “Right now Cruz is confident he will with over 50 percent of the state,” wrote Breitbart reader PB on Sunday.
“Nothing is going to make me believe this new venture is on the up and up! … Someone is telling Cruz he’s got it made. He’s gonna win. We should all be questioning that!"
Trump supporters who were upset over Utah’s results were at least comforted by the billionaire’s win in Arizona. All of the Grand Canyon State’s 58 delegates went to Trump, which brings his total count to 678.
The Republican front-runner is trying to secure the 1,237 delegates needed to outright win the party’s 2016 presidential nomination and avoid a brokered convention.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s campaign came away empty handed in both Utah and Arizona on Tuesday. His only win came March 15 in his home state of Ohio. “You can’t lose every state and expect to be the nominee,” Cruz told CNN on Wednesday. “Right now, Kasich’s role is really being a spoiler. Kasich benefits Donald Trump.”
Donald Trump
1 comment:
A teenage gal went to her first Gynecology check-up. While examining the sweet young thing, the Dr. asked her if she was having relations. The lil gal replied, “Yes, I have sex with my boy friend”.
The Dr. than asked, “Are you using protection?” “No,” replied the girl, “we only do anal sex.”
The Dr. looked at her sternly and said, “You can get pregnant from anal sex!” “Really”, the girl responded. “Sure” said the Dr.,”Where do you think politicians come from?”
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