James O'Keefe Releases Raw Video Footage to NH Governor and Attorney General
Submitted by Staff on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 19:40
UPDATE: While delivering a hard drive of the raw footage to Governor Hassan (and on YouTube to the entire world) from all three recent New Hampshire videos, James O’Keefe was served with a Grand Jury subpoena ordering him to surrender the video.
“As far as I’m concerned, we’ve already complied with their demands,” said Project Veritas Action President James O’Keefe. “A better use of New Hampshire taxpayer dollars would be to investigate the people we actually exposed on video instead of the journalists who uncovered the truth about how easy it is to break election laws.”
Video of the confrontation:
New Hamsphire's Dick Tracy Subpoenas O'Keefe
CONCORD – At a press conference on Thursday, Project Veritas Action Fund (PVA) President James O’Keefe released raw footage from three videos PVA distributed in February regarding voter fraud and Federal Election Commission violations associated with the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.
On February 10, 2016, PVA released a video entitled “Out of state voters and non-residents offered ballots in New Hampshire presidential primary.” The video received substantial media coverage, especially in the Granite State.
In a letter dated February 17, New Hampshire Assistant Attorney General Stephen LaBonte sent Project Veritas a formal notice to preserve evidence because of an ongoing investigation, threatening criminal prosecution for non-compliance with his demands. The letter does not specify whether PVA or the subjects of the under cover video are the targets of the AG’s investigation.
On February 18, PVA release the second video of this series, entitled “BUSTED ON HIDDEN CAM: Sanders Staff Illegally Using NH Campaign Office Address to Vote.” A very similar letter from Mr. LaBonte requested PVA’s cooperation in turning over all of the raw footage from that video.
A week later, PVA released a third video, entitled “Australian Labor Party Assisting Democratic US Campaigns in Violation of Campaign Finance Laws.” This video shows Australians talking about how they are here in the United States working for the Sanders campaign at the expense of the Australian Labor Party, which is a clear violation of FEC laws. Again, Mr. LaBonte sent PVA a similar threatening letter.
As a partial result of the videos, the New Hampshire House just passed a bill which would require 10 days of residency in the Granite State in order to be eligible to vote. The bill is now heading to the Senate, but Governor Maggie Hassan vetoed similar legislation last year.
Traditionally, members of the media do not surrender their reporter notebooks, raw audio or video, or other documents relating to their journalism unless subpoenaed. In fact, many reporters have refused to comply with such subpoenas and have been subsequently jailed for contempt of court.
“We are in direct and ongoing communication with the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office regarding its request,” PVA Executive Director Russ Verney told WMUR. “We have expressed our desire to continue to cooperate fully in that office’s investigation and prosecution of the law breakers exposed by Project Veritas’ Journalists during the National primary."
“We also zealously guard the fundamental First Amendment and journalism principles regarding a reporter’s notebook and protected source material. My directive is for my lawyers to find a way to ensure the attorney general can discharge its mission to prosecute voter fraud with our assistance, while protecting the central tenants of confidentiality central to journalism,” Verney continued.
While PVA’s attorney did reach out to Assistant AG Stephen LaBonte offering to cooperate with their investigation, PVA never received a response from the AG’s office.
In order to assist the State of New Hampshire with their investigation of voter fraud and other election-related irregularities, PVA is releasing the raw footage associated with all three videos to Governor Hassan and the Attorney General she appointed, as well as making the footage available to the general public on a YouTube channel.
“When Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said that ‘sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants,’ he probably didn’t envision viral YouTube videos,” said PVA President James O’Keefe. “These videos provide ample evidence of criminal behavior to assist the state in the immediate investigation of electoral malfeasance. Hopefully, those caught engaging in voter fraud will receive the swift hand of justice. Likewise, the videos spotlight a significant legislative problem which could have easily been avoided if Governor Hassan hadn’t vetoed last year’s residency bill."
Project Veritas Action Fund is a 501C4 organization with a mission of furthering the common good and general welfare of the citizens of the United States by conducting investigations into waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing and other misconduct for the purpose of educating the public, stakeholders, policymakers and communities in order to create a more ethical and transparent society.
Raw Footage 1: New Hampshire Voter Fraud
AG Letter 1: Notice to Preserve Evidence
Raw Footage 2: Using Campaign Office Address to Vote
AG Letter 2: Notice to Preserve Evidence
Video 3: Australian Labor Party Assisting Democratic US Campaigns in Violation of Campaign Finance Laws
Raw Footage 3: Australian Labor Party
AG Letter 3: Notice to Preserve Evidence
Politicks seems to make dishonest SOB's out of all that get involved. Ken T.
Corporate Owned Media Desperately Censors Speech By Bernie Sanders- Must Listen!!
I think that TRUMP should pick BERNIE SANDERS as his VICE PRESIDENT as that will ensure that KILLERY does not get in and both truth tellers will be in charge... Bernie tells the truth but his policies to fix the problem are bad. Trump knows the economy. We need to stop thinking Democrat Republican ...left or right IT IS TIME FOR THE AMERICANS FOR FREEDOM AGAINST THE DIRTY FILTHY ELITE FOR SLAVERY!!! That is just my opinion!
I take back my statement about Bernie as the first half he was telling the truth and then the last half he became a democrat again with climate change and the illegal gaining citizenship. Good Lord!
Americans were never intended to nor have they ever 'elected' any president. As long as the Electoral College exists, this is a total waste of time. Millionaires / billionaires flounce & preen, the dance of the powerful that is naught but show. Voting is less important than which toilet paper you use. Where do they find all those people to go to rallies ? Must be libtards, they are only good at imaginary activity. Think about filling this page with something useful, election BS is not it. Chemtrails is worthy.
“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”
~ Mark Twain
Finally!!!! Someone who really understands how this game works!!!
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