Long Form Birth Certificate Question - Who are you?
Thursday, March 17, 2016
by Anna Von Reitz
There are two certificates -- The Certificate of Live Birth and the Birth Certificate (Short Form) ---- BOTH are securities and BOTH are bonds.
The difference is that the Certificate of Live Birth shows your given name in Upper and Lower Case and tells the day you were born and where you were born.
The short form shows a "birth date" and a birth place and everything is in all capital letters.
The Certificate of Live Birth belongs to the State of _________ corporation issuing it as an indemnification receipt --- that is, an insurance receipt guaranteeing that you shall come to no harm as a result of their use of your given name to profit themselves.
The Birth Certificate on the other hand is issued by the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE which seizes upon your given name against the interests of the state where you were born and uses your given name to create a PERSON --- which is not "born" but is "birthed"---- with the "birth" of this PERSON you, the baby, are declared "civilly dead" and your name and estate are deemed "granted" to the British Crown --- the banks and the judiciary as chattel property --- the "cargo" of a "vessel" in commerce.
This unholy and clandestine "system" results in your enslavement.
And it goes on worldwide wherever the banks and bar associations are tolerated.
The Certificate of Live Birth is proof that a baby was born and given your name on the land of a state of the Union.
The Birth Certificate is proof that your natural political status was changed without your knowledge or consent and that you and your estate were seized upon by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in criminal malfeasance and act of war against an innocent non- combatant "vessel" that is owed protected status.
These vile, despicable claims are against all law of the land and human dignity and against all treaties and international laws including all the United Declarations these scum have signed and hidden behind.
The other thing that people need to to grasp is that they themselves are the only source of this supposed "wealth"---- bonds are debts. They are promises to pay. Your work and your labor and even your body has been pledged by these bastards so that they could borrow virtually unlimited credit "in your name"---- and so they have. Just like any identity thief, they have used your name and borrowed assets from others using you, your labor, and your land, your homes, and your business as collateral.
They have claimed that your Mother gave you up knowingly and voluntarily as a baby and left you a "ward" of the "State". Later when you came of age you did nothing to free yourself of this despicable presumption because of course you were never told anything about this and neither was your Mother--- so the vermin "presumed" again that you were incompetent and should remain a "ward" of the STATE even as an adult because no sane man would tolerate the status of a slave and dependent surviving on whatever crumbs the criminals choose to give him as a "beneficiary" of the "PCT"--- the Public Charitable Trust which was set up as welfare relief for indigent Negroes displaced from the plantations after the Civil War.
This is your thanks for fighting for the Union and standing by the British Monarch through Two World Wars.
If you are not angry yet, coldly, bitterly, intractably angry with all of it, and highly motivated to put an end to it--- you should be. You should in fact be willing to crush all such "presumption" under your outraged feet and ready to see these "governmental services corporations" put out of business --- permanently--- and replaced by honest vendors of "public services".
This requires the liquidation of the World Bank, IBRD, FEDERAL RESERVE, IMF, WELLS FARGO, and numerous other major banks which have operated the "governmental services corporations" as store fronts.
The FEDERAL RESERVE is operating THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC and the French-based IMF is operating the insolvent UNITED STATES, INC.
Both are crime syndicates engaged in armed racketeering, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, identity theft, credit fraud, probate fraud and impersonation of public officials.
These criminals have borrowed vast sums of money against you and your public and private assets, used the borrowed money to benefit themselves and their cronies, pushed the "credits cards" as far as they will go, then bowed out and sought bankruptcy protection for themselves---- while leaving you named as the "secondary" responsible for paying back all that money they borrowed and gave away or squandered or reinvested for their own benefit.
You see, they claimed to "represent" you like any flim-flam man. They offered your "registration" as proof. They claimed to own you and neither you nor anyone else was the wiser until the credit cards were maxed out and the bills came due.
That is what happened last March. The UNITED STATES, INC. run by the IMF didn't pay even the interest on its debts, couldn't even qualify to continue reorganization under Chapter 11.
So now they are being liquidated by mostly Swiss, Getman, and Chinese creditors who THINK that they are owed most of the land and mineral wealth of the western United States because these loathsome criminals behind these bank-run governmental services corporations--- "pledged" you, your private property, and your public property to pay theirs debts without your knowledge or permission.
People think that these "Birth Certificates" are "worth millions"----- yes, millions of DEBT. Your supposed debt. And the people who owe you all the money and assets they received by pledging your labor and good name and credit? Why, they are either bankrupt, running, or nowhere to be found.
The thieves have in recent days tried to gag their accusers and made plans to murder their creditors so that they won't have to pay back what they owe and so that they can claim the "leftover property" --- everything that belongs to the victims -- as "abandoned" property, just as they did to the Jews in Germany.
Time to wake up and put these vermin under the bus. Time to call up the Pope and the Pentagon and Secretary Ban Ki-Moon and Queen Elizabeth and all the others responsible for this circumstance and point out that the "derivative insurance" of the banks amounts to huge life insurance policies on the Americans and all the hapless people on this planet.
It is worse than a BAD Grade B Movie where the straying husband quietly takes out a million dollar life insurance policy on his wife, then kills her so he can run away with his mistress to the South Seas.
This is what these sickos think they can get away with, with nobody noticing--- not even the other banks and insurance companies on the hook for this.
Everyone and I DO mean everyone needs to wake up and start bitching to the local politicians and documenting their family records and recording affidavits regarding their identities and natural birthright status and complaining to the Highest Heavens about this outrageous, immoral, criminal fraud scheme which has been played upon the whole world.
These vermin need to be tracked down, hunted as the criminals they are, all their assets seized for malicious tort fraud, identity theft, personage, barattry, probate and securities fraud, inland piracy, unlawful conversion, and FRAUD, FRAUD, FRAUD---which vitiates all claims and all contracts and for which there is no statute of limitations.
As for your "Certificate of Live Birth" get and Authenticated copy -- authenticated at both the State Secretary of State and the U.S. Secretary of State. Record with the local land recorder's office to prove you were born on the land and are a living American, not some "PERSON" and then "Return it for value" to these felons in suits--- if you can resist the impulse to wad it up and shove it up their asses.
Buy no stories of free gold or vast riches or something for nothing. Take no wooden nickels. Sign nothing without a reservation of all rights. Study, study, study and realize that this "thing" that appears to be your government is NOT your government. It is a corporation --- a "governmental services corporation" run by corrupt banks, having no more granted authority than JC PENNY or SEARS to run your life, extract your labor, make false claims against your property, harass you, indebt you, or make demands upon you based on statutory military common law.
Tell the "Members of Congress" that they don't represent you and never have; tell them that instead, they are nothing but spokesmen and flunkies for a bank run governmental services corporation that is in commercial and administrative default and which needs to do away with Section 17 of the Trafing With The Enemy Act as amended by the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933 and stop pretending that we -- their employers, benefactors, and priority creditors -- are "enemies"--- or we really will become enemies and start liquidating "government" corporations and laying off millions of "givernment" employees and liquidating the assets of the banks and the bank owners and operators-- tell them that millions of people now know the truth. There is no escaping it now.
So they might as well come clean and do the right thing because everyone is tuned in and watching and we will all know what to think and do if they don't.
Sorry this became such a long explanation but I have all these people wandering around thinking that they can get rich off their birth certificate when all that certificate has ever done for them is allow thieves to charge against their credit and rack up debt against them.
I hope that this explanation has made the situation clear--
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
perfect explaination of the facts. I am very angry and want some pay back big time... thanks for the recap... j.t.
Click here for your proof!
Click here for the article and explanation!
First of all, it is not a bank note because it has American Banknote Company on it.
From Wikipedia:
Today, following a variety of financial transformations, the American Banknote Corporation produces a wide variety of secure and official documents. With operations in Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, South Africa, Czech Republic, England and France, its products range from currencies and credit cards to passports, driver’s licenses, and birth certificates.
American Banknote Company is just the printer/engraver. So that does not prove what the article says.
Also, the number on the sample birth certificate is 234322. The article says everyone is given a number. So you are saying this guy born in 1974 is only number 234322 since this scheme began?
Your proof totally contradicts what the article says. And other than that, the article is totally anecdotal without any supporting proof. To state something as serious as what this article says, you need convincing proof, or it is as much fantasy as your idea of a "corporate" government.
I wish you would explain it to those tyrants in the black robes! You can preach it to me all you want, they are the ones who need to be corrected as one of those black robed creeps told me that I am contracted under adhesion because that certificate is bank property!
After 30 years of fighting legal issues with these black robed creeps, none has ever come out and addressed this issue, much less made the claim you state. Based on what I have read here about law posted on this blog, I am wondering if you jumped to a conclusion about what was said because these ideas are so ingrained in you they will not be pried out now, no matter what anyone can disprove. I am not so much talking to you as I am hoping those who read here will not fall for these misdirected ideas without solid proof. Solid proof is what I am after.
PS. If he actually told you the bank owned the certificate and you were under contract of adhesion, post the actual transcript for all to see here. Also post what steps you took to counter this claim. I think we would all be interested in seeing this.
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