Saturday, October 8, 2016


October 8 2016


Ok, this is big. It is a story with several facets.
1. The U.S. government issued an accusation against Russia (with no proof whatsoever) that Russia did the latest hacks, which netted over a million documents that prove massive corruption within the democrat party.

2. This was done after the democrats said the documents were not real. PROBLEM: IF THEY WERE NOT REAL, THEN THE HACK WOULD NOT BE REAL, AND RUSSIA WOULD NOT BE THE SOURCE, AUTOMATICALLY. Problem. BIG problem. The U.S. government, from the highest levels, just told the entire American public that these documents now being released ARE REAL by accusing Russia of releasing them.

3. The documents are more than spicy. Already one of them proves that Bill Clinton, as President, accepted a million dollar bribe for approving the Keystone pipeline. That's huge. And there is lots more.

4. So what did the Clinton team do? It released a recording of Donald Trump "talking lewd" about women. In the recording, trump said "I just start kissing them..Just kiss. I don’t even wait,' "Grab them by the pussy" "And when you’re a star they let you do it." So Trump fired back with some of the things Bill has said on the golf course. One that stands out is "Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have". Ouch. That stings. I'd like confirmation on that, but apparently Bill really did say that.

So this is backfiring badly on Hillary, and she's having her troll team - "Correct the Record" - go online with a blaze of comments saying the Republican party is going to cancel Trump's nomination, that Trump is dropping out, and that this is all so horrible, all the while Hillary and Bill are guilty of so much worse it's laughable.

5. All of this is happening against the awful back drop of what is going on in Syria, and Hillary's desperate need to start a huge war with Russia. They were hoping that releasing this against Trump would destroy him. It backfired. And when war is the only other option, that's spooky. -so-

Keep your ear to the rail, something huge might be coming soon.

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