Saturday, October 8, 2016

Obama request just got DENIED by the Supreme Court!

Obama  request  just  got  DENIED  by  the  Supreme  Court!

Obama was hoping to get a do-over on his illegal amnesty that the Supreme Court split on earlier this year after the death of Justice Scalia. 

When the court split on the decision earlier this year, it thus upheld the lower court decision that Obama didn’t have the constitutional power to execute this illegal amnesty. 

Now Obama’s attempt to get a do-over just failed, as the Supreme Court denied his request to rehear the case.
REUTERS – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to rehear a bid by President Barack Obama’s administration to revive his plan to spare from deportation millions of immigrants in the country illegally, a case in which the justices split 4-4 in June.
In a brief order, the court rejected the administration’s long-shot request, meaning the justices’ June 23 decision is final. That ruling left in place a lower court decision that had blocked the plan, which Obama announced in 2014 but never went into effect. The court remains one justice short following the February death of Antonin Scalia.
Obama’s plan was designed to let roughly 4 million people – those who have lived illegally in the United States at least since 2010, have no criminal record and have children who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents – get into a program that shields them from deportation and supplies work permits.
In a July 18 filing, Obama’s Justice Department had asked the court to take a second look at the case once it had a full complement of nine justices.
Obama slapped down by the court again. Can’t say I don’t enjoy this. 

Only problem with this:  WHY is this criminal 'administration' continuing to bring into this nation thousands of wrongly labeled 'migrants' and 'refugees' who the Justice Department claims cannot be properly vetted, and thus those coming in are of military age, between 15 and 50, and are muslim only and training in CIA sponsored camps throughout the nation to fight Americans.

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