NEW: BIGGER THAN WATERGATE :Unwanted Publicity Intelligence - 1934 - 2009 Africa - Americas - Asia - Europe - Oceania
watcher51445 -- Friday, 3-Sep-2010 17:26:07;read=182160
To understand the deceptive practices of the Federal Reserve Banking Banking "shell game/ponzi scheme' you must read Dr. Eugene Mullins investigation on
Which will help you to understand the Investigative Report of UnWantedPublicity as follows:
United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Richmond, Virginia; United States Federal Reserve Bank Of New York, New York; and, United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, Illinois Federal Reserve Notes / Bonds (aka) U.S. Federal Reserve Notes (aka) FRN (aka) FRB; January 2004 photos of 1934 Series United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Bonds (aka) 1934 Treaty Of Versailles Bonds (aka) Morganthau Bonds (aka) M-Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Notes (aka) 1934 FRN personally held by Vance Howard Paul Shafer of INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ) and INTERSILVA BENELUX ( Antwerp, Belgium ) during advance fee schemes in The Republic of the Philippines with Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) that involved FRNs valued at $1,200,000,000,000 (USD) Trillion plus an INTERSILVA AG Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ( HSBC ) Standby Letter Of Credit ( SBLC ) valued at $55,000,000 (USD) Million; and, Philippines MRT III Bonds valued at $273,730,000 Million involving the Philippine Bank Of Communication with INTERSILVA AG; plus, nearly $8,700,000,000 billion ( USD ) worth of Union Bank Of Switzerland ( UBS ) gold bullion Certificates Of Deposit and Bank Guarantees held during 2000 as assets of the now defunct independent offsahore bank First International Bank Of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) via joint venture agreement contracts brokered through Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) and Robert Earl Palm ( Canada ), et al. Also found, are those surrounding: Sheila Sklar ( Naples, Florida, USA ) of Capital Resources International ( CRI - Langley, British Columbia, Canada ), Steven Van Rooyen of AFRICOR INC. ( Florida, USA ), Dallas Maxwell James Drake ( Australia ), Dr. Arnoldus Mauritius Van Eck, The Palace Group ( United Kingdon Network ); and, 09JUN05, 10JUN05, 16JUN05 affidavit and complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren ( Windhoek, Republic of Namibia ) naming TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ), Vance Howard P. Shafer, et al. circa 2003-2004 in the Republic of the Philippines; ship Captain Peter Flanagan ( South Africa ) contracted by TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), CAPITAL RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL (aka) CRI ( Langley, British Columbia, CANADA & Naples, Florida, USA ), United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Richmond, Virginia; United States Federal Reserve Bank Of New York, New York; and, United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago, Illinois Federal Reserve Notes / Bonds (aka) U.S. Federal Reserve Notes (aka) FRN (aka) FRB; January 2004 photos of 1934 Series United States Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Bonds (aka) 1934 Treaty Of Versailles Bonds (aka) Morganthau Bonds (aka) M-Bonds (aka) 1934 Federal Reserve Notes (aka) 1934 FRN personally held by Vance Howard Paul Shafer of INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ) and INTERSILVA BENELUX ( Antwerp, Belgium ) during advance fee schemes in The Republic of the Philippines with Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) that involved FRNs valued at $1,200,000,000,000 (USD) Trillion plus an INTERSILVA AG Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ( HSBC ) Standby Letter Of Credit ( SBLC ) valued at $55,000,000 (USD) Million; and, Philippines MRT III Bonds valued at $273,730,000 Million involving the Philippine Bank Of Communication with INTERSILVA AG; plus, nearly $8,700,000,000 billion ( USD ) worth of Union Bank Of Switzerland ( UBS ) gold bullion Certificates Of Deposit and Bank Guarantees held during 2000 as assets of the now defunct independent offsahore bank First International Bank Of Grenada Ltd. ( FIBG ) via joint venture agreement contracts brokered through Craig Leonard Hubner ( Australia ) and Robert Earl Palm ( Canada ), et al. Also found, are those surrounding: Sheila Sklar ( Naples, Florida, USA ) of Capital Resources International ( CRI - Langley, British Columbia, Canada ), Steven Van Rooyen of AFRICOR INC. ( Florida, USA ), Dallas Maxwell James Drake ( Australia ), Dr. Arnoldus Mauritius Van Eck, The Palace Group ( United Kingdon Network ); and, 09JUN05, 10JUN05, 16JUN05 affidavit and complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren ( Windhoek, Republic of Namibia ) naming TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), INTERSILVA AG ( Switzerland ), Vance Howard P. Shafer, et al. circa 2003-2004 in the Republic of the Philippines; ship Captain Peter Flanagan ( South Africa ) contracted by TRANSBORDER PACIFIC COMPANY INC. ( Philippines ), CAPITAL RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL (aka) CRI ( Langley, British Columbia, CANADA & Naples, Florida, USA ), et al.; and, Vatican, Daniele Dal Bosco, INTERPOL, Joseph Bendana ( USA ), Neil Keenan ( Bulgaria ), Federal Reserve Board System - FED Code: Dragon Family, Dragon Fund, Akihiko Yamaguchi [ DOB: 23DEC54, Japan passport number TF4658848 expires: 15JUN09 ] of the Dragon Family, Don Mitsuyoshi Watanabe (aka) Mitsuyoshi Watanabe [ DOB 12MAR48 Japan passport TF4688855 expires: 04OCT09 ] of the Dragon Family, Xavier Mateu Bertomeu Blay (aka) Xavier Bertomeu Blay [ DOB 10NOV52 Spain passport 8300019 vs Y474060 expires: 25FEB09 ], Japan, government, reconstruction, Series 57 Bonds, 500,000,000,000 Billion Yen, 1,000,000,000,000 Trillion Yen, KOBE, KOBELCO, KOBE STEEL, Ibrahim Mohammad Abdel Baky Ghonaim [ DOB 28JAN56 Egypt passport 863512 expires: 16OCT09 ], $1,000,000,000 Billion, Kennedy Bond, United States Federal Reserve Bank, $500,000,000 Million, United States Federal Reserve Notes ( FRN ), United States Federal Reserve System Bonds, United Strates Dollars, etc., et. al.
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[ NOTE: Scroll down webpage and to select a document to view simply click on each thumbnail size image to enlarge view. ]
United States Federal Reserve 1934 series A bonds inside box.jpg
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United States Federal Reserve 1934 series A bonds box.jpg
United States Federal Reserve 1934 series A bonds box.jpg
United States Federal Reserve note bonds inside box number 00745140.jpg
1934 Series A U.S. Federal Reserve Bonds Box No. D-2340-5A.jpg
22JAN10 Series 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve Note Boxes 1.jpg
22JAN10 Series 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve Note Boxes 2.jpg
22JAN10 Series 1934 U.S. Federal Reserve Note Boxes 3.jpg
Graham Halksworth $2.5-Trillion in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes.jpg
Graham Halksworth $2.5-Trillion U.S. Federal Reserve Notes.jpg
1934 U.S. Treasury Chest container for 6 inner Federal Reserve Bank Bond boxes.JPG
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bonds chest box hasp and lock.jpg
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bank Bonds six pack chest with dual lid covers Treaty of Versaill
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bonds chest inner lid cover U.S. Seal.jpg
1934 US Treasury Bonds Treaty of Versailles era 6 metal box sets for 1 chest.jpg
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bonds 6 internal boxes Treay of Versailles era - spine.jpg
U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Series Of 1934 Treaty of Versailles Morganthau Bond individual boxes.jpg
1934 US Treasury Bonds internal metal boxes ( 6 ) with dual face inscriptions Treaty of Versailles e
U.S. Federal Reserve Bonds Series Of 1934 Treaty Of Versailles era Morganthau Bonds box -
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds era Treaty of Versailles era Morganthau Bond
1934 U.S. Treasury Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston Bonds era Treaty of Versailles era Morganthau Bond
1934 Federal Reserve Bank Of Boston $250 Billion Morganthau Bond box.JPG
23JAN04 Vance Howard Paul Shafer with 1 Morganthau Bond box of 6 in Philippines.JPG
Vance Howard Paul Shafer circa 2004.JPG
13NOV03 Vance Shafer in PI condominium.JPG
left Walter Porter & right Vance Howard Paul Shafer in Switzerland.JPG
1934 U.S. Treasury Bonds metal boxed ( 6 sets ) cover sheet denoting Treaty of Versailles era 1.jpg
1934 U.S. Treasury Bonds metal boxed ( 6 sets ) cover sheet denoting Treaty of Versailles era 2.jpg
Federal Reserve Bank Of Chicago Series 1934 Notes Box.jpg
20FEB02 US Federal Reserve Bonds captured in Philippines by US Secret Service.JPG
07SEP83 SKR re Intersilva AG in Switzerland conversion of $8.7 Billion UBS gold certificate client C
08JAN03 PB Comm Intersilva DG Consulting PI MRT III Bonds Page 1.JPG
08JAN03 PB Comm Intersilva DG Consulting PI MRT III Bonds Page 2.JPG
08JAN03 PB Comm Intersilva DG Consulting PI MRT III Bonds Page 3.JPG
06MAR03 St Anthony's Loving Care Foundation Inc in Philippines delivery receipt to Vance Howard Paul
10MAR03 HSBC SBLC letter re Intersilva AG.JPG
25APR03 pg 1 Africor Inc. arms dealer Steve Van Rooyen.jpg
25APR03 pg 2 Africor Inc arms dealer Steve Van Rooyen 25APR03.jpg
12JUL03 Standard Chartered Bank to Vance Howard Shafer of Intersilva AG in Switzerland re United Fil
22AUG03 pg 1 Letter Of Instruction Dela Cruz to Sentral Bangko ng Pilipinas.JPG
22AUG03 pg 2 Letter Of Instruction Dela Cruz to Sentral Bangko ng Pilipinas.JPG
02SEP03 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Central Bank Of Philippines re Intersilva Benelux BVBA & Gold Ce
02SEP03 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Central Bank Of Philippines by Armando Tetangco re Intersilva Be
02SEP03 Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Central Bank Of Philippines re Intersilva Benelux BVBA in Belgiu
$1 Million Dollars Wells Fargo US Federal Reserve Bond Series 1928 Sealed Box.JPG
$1 Million Dollar US Department of the Treasury Inventory List for Bond numbers A 00031000 - A 00031
10SEP04 U.S. Federal Reserve Note Bonds Seized In San Diego California from Philippines 1.jpg
10SEP04 U.S. Federal Reserve Note Bonds Seized In San Diego California from Philippines 2.jpg
30OCT04 Peter Flanagan affidavit delivering MAM2 240-lb box to Vance Shafer in PI.JPG
09JUN05 pg 1 complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren.JPG
09JUN05 Pg 2 complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren.JPG
09JUN05 Pg 3 complaint of Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren.JPG
10JUN05 Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren affidavit of complaint.JPG
Dr. Christoffel Johannes Jansen van Vuuren.JPG
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Dr. Arnold Mauritius Van Eck United Kingdom Network The Palace Group.jpg
Capital Resources International CRI of Naples Florida & Langley British Columbia Canada with Shiela
U.S. Federal Reserve Notes & Box Numbers List.jpg
$500 Million Dollar USA Federal Reserve Note Benjamin Franklin & Chang Kai Shek Seals.JPG
03JUN09 US FRN coupon bonds etc seized in Italy - Bst.jpg
Federal Reserve Note Cleveland Ohio Coupon Bond D 45183601 A seized at Chiasso, Italy near Switzerl
$500 Million Dollar 1934 Federal Reserve Note Cleveland Ohio Coupon Bond "D 45183601 A" - Reverse
$500 Million Series 1934 Federal Reserve Note Cleveland Ohio Coupon Bond D 45183850 A - Obverse
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System Packing List for Bond numbers D 45183601 A -
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve Certificate for Bond numbers
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System 2500-MT Gold Bullion Certificate for Bond num
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System $125 Billion Treasury Certificate for Bond nu
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System $125 Billion Insurance Certificate for Bond n
$500 Million Dollars Federal Reserve System Global Immunity for Federal Reserve Bond issued by Phila
$500 Million Dollar Series 1934 Federal Reserve System Inventory List for Bond numbers D 45183601 A
$1 Billion Dollar Kennedy Bond - 1.gif
Japan Series 57 Series Japan govenment Bond number A05721 - Lower Coupon.jpg
09JUL04 Mitsuyoshi Watanabe pg 1 to Xavier Bertomeu Blay re Japan Series 57 Bonds conveyance.jpg
09JUL04 Mitsuyoshi Watanabe pg 2 to Xavier Bertomeu Blay re Japan Series 57 Bonds conveyance.jpg
09JUL04 Mitsuyoshi Watanabe pg 3 to Xavier Bertomeu Blay re Japan Series 57 Bonds conveyance.jpg
09JUL04 Mitsuyoshi Watanabe pg 12 to Xavier Bertomeu Blay re Japan Series 57 Bonds description.jpg
Don Mitsuyoshi Watanabe - Photo circa 04OCT99.jpg
04OCT99 Don Mitsuyoshi Watanabe DOB 12MAR48 Japan passport TF4688855 exp 04OCT09 ID doc Malaysia.jpg
Akihiko Yamaguchi - Photo circa 05OCT99.jpg
15JUN04 Akihiko Yamaguchi DOB 23DEC54 Japan passport number TF4658848 ID doc HongKong China.jpg
Xavier Mateu Bertomeu Blay - Photo circa 26FEB99.jpg
26FEB99 Xavier Xavier Mateu Bertomeu Blay DOB 10NOV52 believed fake Spain passport 8300019 vs Y47406
Ibrahim Mohamd Abde Baky Ghonaim - Photo circa 17OCT02.jpg
17OCT02 Ibrahim Mohamd Abde Baky Ghonaim DOB 28JAN56 Egypt passport 863512 exp 16OCT09 ID doc Malaga
Tags: 57, federal, dragon, bonds, gold, 1934, notes, japan, keenan, china
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