Sunday, March 18, 2012

Elite is retreating from the public before our eyes and we don't see anything

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Elite is retreating from the public before our eyes and we don't see anything
Posted By: Steve [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 18-Mar-2012 18:50:44

Do you remember the predictions of how the elite will gradually withdrew from the public life to prepare for an event in 2012 ???
This is happening before our eyes and we don't see anything.
A few examples :
- Pope would like to retire ( assumed in April ) ( never happened in history !! )
- Massive Wave Of Resignations
more with graphs...


Anonymous said...

Apparently there is a lot of BS going on... I don't know about this whole ascension thing, but I do believe there is definitely a higher vibration when one's heart is coming from love. This is a serious issue and probably people need to know so they can do whatever they can to prepare..... NASA 2012 WARNING PUBLIC: SUPER SOLAR STORM WARNING Solar Storm Warning Here is the website this was on: Just in case you don't get picked up in a starship or other space vehicle....(because this may be a psy-ops operation in certain areas...especially where they say Obama is a man of light and going to do good for mankind)

Anonymous said...

The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release March 16, 2012
Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:


Section 101. Purpose. This order delegates authorities and addresses national defense resource policies and programs under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (the "Act").

Sec. 102. Policy. The United States must have an industrial and technological base capable of meeting national defense requirements and capable of contributing to the technological superiority of its national defense equipment in peacetime and in times of national emergency. The domestic industrial and technological base is the foundation for national defense preparedness. The authorities provided in the Act shall be used to strengthen this base and to ensure it is capable of responding to the national defense needs of the United States.

***Sec. 802. General. (a) Except as otherwise provided in section 802(c) of this order, !!!the authorities vested in the President by title VII of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2151 et seq., are delegated to the head of each agency!!! in carrying out the delegated authorities under the Act and this order, by the Secretary of Labor in carrying out part VI of this order, and by the Secretary of the Treasury in exercising the functions assigned in Executive Order 11858, as amended.***

The bell has rung.

Anonymous said...

The elite are retreating because they know Lord God Jesus Christ is about to Return and separate the chaff from the wheat, and the elite think they can hide from God in their underground bunkers or in space, which won't do them any good, for they will be Judged wherever they are.

Anonymous said...

i still believe the dark have something up their sleeve i dont believe were alone in the universe but i do not believe ets are coming to save us i believe when these ships start showing up its gonna be regular people from earth possible nazis dress in some silly space suit posing as an et and the ships are ours im sure. they have had this kind of technology for the last 80 years or so. i believe this whole alien false flag thing is actually the dark playing a silly roll to get all the people to fall for their little stage show. the noises peolple have been hearing all over the world is simply all the technology they have in space and their probably testing it. there gonna come as saviors dont buy into these satanists.

fedup said...

WE cannot confirm the following news but it would be so serious, if true, that we feel we have no choice but to put it out for all to read, in the hope that whether true or false our fellow Intel "Blood Hounds" and "Bull Dogs", will help us get to the truth, and will then report their findings to Fourwinds and RMN for all to read.
The origin of this news is China:
We are now hearing the new Metals Backed Banking System is in use in the Far East and is being blocked from use in the West and this will continue to be the situation as Obama and his allies will allow only FIAT in West in the foreseeable future, at least until after he is re-elected.
Their goal is not a few months delay, it is the permanent extension of Fiat regardless of the consequences to the people.
All hands on deck!
Casper 3-18-12
p.s. Obviously this would also sabotage the R.V. of the Dinar..
pps: Perhaps the GFL will grace us with an explanation for the activities of ‘their man’?

Anonymous said...

If "we be the judge, we say so ourselves...too much BS!"

Read with discernment:
WE cannot confirm the following news but it would be so serious, if true, that we feel we have no choice but to put it out for all to read, in the hope that whether true or false our fellow Intel "Blood Hounds" and "Bull Dogs", will help us get to the truth, and will then report their findings to Fourwinds and RMN for all to read.
The origin of this news is China:
We are now hearing the new Metals Backed Banking System is in use in the Far East and is being blocked from use in the West and this will continue to be the situation as Obama and his allies will allow only FIAT in West in the foreseeable future, at least until after he is re-elected.
Their goal is not a few months delay, it is the permanent extension of Fiat regardless of the consequences to the people.
All hands on deck!
Casper 3-18-12
p.s. Obviously this would also sabotage the R.V. of the Dinar..
pps: Perhaps the GFL will grace us with an explanation for the activities of ‘their man’?

Anonymous said...

Obama issue EO Declaring Peacetime Martial Law!.. at 01:30 Posted by Vatic Master.Add this to another article I just saw, that says Homeland Security just purchased or ordered 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammo??? .... Always be prepared and start nothing. Let the foreign occupiers start it.
Vatic Note: What this is below, is the satanists complying with their covenant to always tell us what they intend to do and thus they are off the hook, when we do nothing. Like other repressive pieces of legislation, its in place for when the hammer comes down, probably after the bioweapon attack and then they will declare a medical emergency and that is when the hammer will come down. We see it in the vaccination policies going on that are sterilizing our kids, or even killing them. It then places all responsibility for what happens squarely on our shoulders. Keep that in mind as you travel down this article. . Just keep one word in mind as you read this...... "KATRINA" and then realize the worst agency in the world to handle national emergencies based on the Katrina episode, is Homeland Security run by the zionists from ADL and the SPLC.... whether man made, which most of them are, like Katrina and Haiti, or natural or both depending on Rahm's edict "Never let a good crisis go to waste". Then add on the article about the number of resigning bankers has now reached 350 world wide, .... Vatic Project said they were going underground, so they have something big planned. Is anyone else getting very high winds and cold weather and yesterday massive chemtrail dumping?? We had haarp noisier than I have ever heard it, last night. The combination of the Chemtrails and Haarp noise, is a sure indication that any weather you are getting, is completely controlled by the US foreign occupied government. Today we have winds at least 50 miles per hour and cold as heck. Remember, the US Gov run by Israel, has total and complete control of the weather. So, if they have not caused it, they are certainly capable of stopping it, so what gives???? Why aren't they fixing it??? Because they are causing it, thats why. Probably along with some natural event like Nibiru showing up. Or that asteroid they tried to scare us with the other day. .....///// Obama Issues Executive Order Declaring Peacetime Martial Law, Bypasses Congress, Takes Over All Resources. by Editor, Intel Hub.Please comment in the comment section below the article. //// Editors Note: The following Executive Order looks like a pre-curser to martial law, war, a staged event (false flag), or possible meteor or geological catastrophe. It almost looks like a rendition of PDD 51 or Presidential Decision Directive 51./// The White House, Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release, March 16, 2012 EXECUTIVE ORDER NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS. By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), .... .....(....) ...for more...

Anonymous said...

fiat money is the solution, not the gold standard, as history, especially the american one, has taught us:
thoughts or comments?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe anything "Casper" says !

Anonymous said...

I've got to agree with you. They want the people to just relax and think they will be taken care of by the ET's or whoever and not do anything to be prepared for what "they" plan on doing to us. I believe they are going underground (I thought their underground facilities and bases were destroyed?) They will institute martial law because if solar flares knock out all the electronics, everyone is going to starve and not be able to get water, because it is pumped by electricity, and there will be total chaos. They have planned long ago that they will go underground and let all of the rest of the people die on the surface. You know fema has been buying up millions of freeze dried meals with taxpayer money. Who do you think it is for?? Don't let satan come to save you!!! Check out project blue beam, and know that the planes that were "seen" that flew into the trade center towers in NY were holographic images, and the lady who was at her desk and got on her computer and then this suddenly happened....did NOT see ANY airplanes at all!!!! And thank God she and her young preschool son made it out alive! I'm saying that O guy has got to GO!! He is EVIL and anyone loving him is a psy-ops!!

Anonymous said...

Project Bluebeam Imminent? Michio Kaku Hyping Alien Invasion As Corporate Media Says Alien Threat Would Help Global Governance

The Intel Hub
August 14, 2011

Update: A new video from CNN has been released that openly admits this alien invasion would be FAKE! Are we being set up for a Project Blue Beam style false flag?

Dr Michio Kaku, renowned physicist, author and the apparent mouth piece for the scientific dictatorship that is the NWO, talks on the corporate media about the likely hood of an alien invasion.

Project Blue Beam is a very controversial subject and concerns the government carrying out a fake alien invasion to forward the agenda of creating their much sought after One World Government.

What better way to make the people surrender the last of their rights and freedoms then to be presented with an unbeatable enemy from another world??

The Intel Hub “Stay Alive” Donation Drive: We Need Your Help!

The fact that Michio Kaku is on the corporate controlled media talking about it is enough to ring the alarm bells.

People watching this video and reading this quick article may well laugh at the mere suggestion of such a thing but i can tell you one thing, the elites that would carry it out sure as hell take it seriously.

And as ex Nazi and ex head of NASA once said …. “the last card, the last card we play will be a fake alien invasion”

Stay alert! Question everything!