Sunday, March 4, 2012

Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this? Carl Herman Washington’s Blog

VIDEO: Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this? Carl Herman Washington’s Blog
Posted By: watcher51445 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 4-Mar-2012 13:15:06
Geithner arrested? 116 major bank resignations? What The Finance is this?
Carl Herman
Washington’s Blog
March 4, 2012
Judge Napolitano testifies of Treasury Secretary and Federal Reserve-insider Timothy Geither’s arrest in this 4-minute corporate news show. American Kabuki lists the daily-increasing bank resignations. David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford explain and document history and deceit at the top of US and global finance, leading to current and imminent arrests.


Anonymous said...

Geithner was not arrested. He was subpoened. Probably won't show up for court like the last time he was requested for a deposition. The defense has until March 16 to get him to testify. Otherwise, he'll just walk away free as a bird. Just wait and see. Don't forget, these elite are immune from out almighty corrupt court system.

Anonymous said...

So how do you explain the 116 which now appears to be 131 top world bank execs resigning?