Friday, March 16, 2012

Mass Arrests Of 10,000 Global Cabal Members - Imminent TV Event


Anonymous said...

Thank you John :) Lets all keep it goin` Nesara now!

Anonymous said...

What a magnificent the world we live in...if you ever doubted the existence of 'Celestial Intervention'...well guess who is mistaken? YOU!! But it's Judgements, no threats, no bullying, no fines, no accrued interest, no dramas, no problems, no BS....we'll hardly KNOW the place. Quite frankly, the BEST NEWS EVER TOLD....Absoltuely everyone involved in the horror of all of this has prayed for assistance....because the NWO agenda has all of us starring in corpses. NOW, for the first time in over 300 years....PEACE...will exist on not just,this Planet, between nations and faiths, but between ourselves and all of our neighbours, both on this Orb and within the great Family of Offworld Partners, who are working together to provide our...SALVATION. quite simply...beyond HUGE. Pat yourself on the back've earned it. Always, Annabelle xoxo