Monday, March 19, 2012

NASA Evidence: Alien Spaceships Patrol The Planets

NASA Evidence: Alien Spaceships Patrol The Planets

US and Russian Martian space probes have mysteriously vanished over the past four decades. One probe was allegedly destroyed by a gigantic cylindrical UFO miles long. Probes and manned vehicles have been stalked, tracked—sometimes harassed—by alien ships. Some investigators now advance the theory that the solar system isn’t ours, it’s owned and patrolled by a master intelligence that views humanity as lowly, but interesting (maybe amusing), animals. Are the planets theirs? Do the ETs own and defend them? Some investigators believe the answer is yes.

Evidence of past civilizations litter the lunar and Martian landscapes. Earth probes capture glimpses of bases. Mars’ salmon-colored sands sweep across half-buried saucers and gleaming, inhabited alien structuress. Disc-shaped craft orbit—monitoring, tracking, patrolling…
this is a MUST SEE IMAO. lots of photographic evidence.

NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist

Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth.

 Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity.

 He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it.


Anonymous said...

nasa- never a straight answer. dont believe anything nasa tells you period they are part of the dark and always have been.

Anonymous said...

I'm hella glad NASA stop getting funding, because they have a history of covering up the truth.

Anonymous said...

John: Do you think this article is intended to create fear as all the dark cabal shit does!We know from the many readings thet the GLF has fought wars with the bad element of aliens and suposedely won? Who the hell knows,all this could be one big BS story?! If the majority
of the story is all about convincing us that the aliens are going to kill us,then disclosure will be feared,instesd of welcomed. I question some of thsee so called whistled blowers,could be part of their desperate plans to maintain fear.If a space craft landed in my back yard,even with the supposed knowledge that they are going to reveal themselves,I would probably stain my shorts anyway>>>> I think rumormill is a CIA run site! More negative BS that positive. Who in the hell are these clowns,Hobie,jordan,watcher,susoni,etc.we are aupose to belive their postings,don't know jack about them.The only stuff I chose to take in is Sheldon Nidle,but not Quincy,Quincy is the only one who sucks Obama's ass and says he is really a good guy,NO WAY IN HELL!!! This piece of Kenyon ox dung should be arrested immediatelt along with all of his Nazi/communist administration, tried for treason,then hung outside the RED house for all to see what happens to the enemy and traitors of the US of A!

Anonymous said...

Any 3 letter agency should stop getting funding,they just wast tax payers hard earned money

Anonymous said...

it has occurred to me that some of the info posted on the abundance funds, alien intervention, etc is to get people to wait (go silently into the night.)
It has also occurred to me that it may be a study to minitor our responses.