Sent: Tuesday, May 20,
2014 8:45:43 PM
Subject: Dinar-TONY'S TOP TEN LIST
Subject: Dinar-TONY'S TOP TEN LIST
1. You will need to schedule an appointment with your bank to execute your "Currency Exchange". Dial one of the following 1-800 numbers associated with your bank of choice to schedule your appointment: NOT NEEDED WITH VNN DONG OR OTHER CURRENCIES, ONLY WITH THE IQN
Bank of America - 1-800-###-####
Wells Fargo - 1-800-###-####
Chase - 1-800-###-####
CitiBank - 1-800-###-####
a. You will be asked to provide your name, your email address, and how much Dinar (IQN) you will be exchanging and an appointment at your banks nearest exchange center will be made for you. Additional information will be mailed to you. Make sure you have created a brand new emaill address to handle all your banking through (See "Personal Security" below).
b. Make sure you arrive at your appointment on time as there are an estimated 5 million private holders that will need to perform their exchanges too and the U.S. Treasury expects to have the majority of the exchanges completed within 7 days after the revaluation is announced. When exchanging, refer to your Dinar only as "IQN Iraqi Currency" (i.e. "Hello, my name is (your name) and I am here for my appointment to do my "Currency Exchange" of my "IQN Iraq Currency" for US Dollars, please."). If you are exchanging Vietnamese Dong, only refer to it as "VNN Vietnamese Currency". I do not think an appointment is needed to exchange Dong, but the recommendation is that you exchange both currencies at the same appointment.
2. Be prepared to sign a "Non-Disclosure Agreement" or an "NDA" that your currency exchange and the exchange rate you are given will be completely kept private and protected/hidden from public discussion of any kind for a period of up to 10 years. Details will be provided of the NDA and the signing there-of will be handled during your appointment. This is VERY SERIOUS! Failure to adhere to the restrictions of the NDA could result in a forfiture of all funds received, could result in felony charges and up to a 10 year prison sentence. Once you sign, mums the word. All specifics and ramifications will be explained at the time of signature.
3. During your exchange open up two new and separate "Non-interest bearing accounts" (NIB's). Do NOT put your exchange funds into your existing savings or checking accounts
a. Split your funds and place 50% of your exchange in each account.
b. One of the accounts is to cover capital gains tax
4. Immediately open two new NIB's and sweep your funds into those two new accounts. Close the original accounts. [ YOU CAN ALSO DO THIS AT THE TIME OF YOUR FOLLOW UP APPT.]
a. This will insure that there is no longer external reporting of your accounts/funds as banks do not report internal transfers within the bank itself. Only transfers between separate banks are reported, so this offers you a little bit of anonymity as your original accounts are closed.
5. From your working account you should be able to further diversify your funds into existing:
a. Checking
b. Savings
c. Expense accounts
d. Trusts
e. Money Market accounts
f. CDARS (for FDIC insurance on amounts over $100K-$250K)
g. Business accounts
f. Foundations
g. Hard currency/assets (Gold/Silver)
g. Other monetary instruments
6. If you are exchanging 25,000 dinar or less, a scheduled appointment may not be needed. When calling the 1-800#, the call center
7. Cash Withdraws at time of exchange are limited to $10,000. Some banks may not be able to handle more than $5,000 cash due to limited cash supply in the vault.
8. DO NOT attempt to wire more than $500K from your account
9. PAY YOUR TAXES!!!! Both Federal and State Taxes if applicable. If you live in a state with income tax, contact your tax preparer to have your state income tax estimated. You will want to pay your estimated state income tax before 12/31 to help reduce your federal tax liability. Higher a CPA or Tax Attorney
10. Don't make any major financial decisions or purchases for 30-90 days min. Give things time to sink in and do some planning before doing anything major.
11. Things to keep in mind:
a. Be calm and collected when exchanging. It is ok to ask questions.
b. Do not try to negotiate a higher exchange rate.
c. Be aware of "Sweep Fees" and "Exchange Spread fees" and how they will impact your exchange. Google them. Some, most or even all of them can (up to fees levied by the U.S. Treasury) be waived by the branch manager depending on how much currency you are exchanging and depositing in the bank.
d. Personal Security is paramount. Create a brand new online identity complete with a shiney new and secure email address (http://www, offers a very good service) and a new tablet or laptop that you will only use for your personal banking needs and activities. Think about a new and seperate cell phone with which you only use for business.
e. Contact a private banker, a wealth manager, and a really good CPA or Tax Attorny. I highly encourage everyone to sign up for Legal Shield (
f. Pay it forward. Do something kind to help others or reach out to your community to help with projects or educational initiatives. Donate to your favorite charity. Tithe to your church. Set up a foundation. Do something positive.
> > Top Income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%
> > > >
> > payroll tax went from 37.4% to 52.2%
> > > >
> > Capital Gains tax went from 15% to 28%
> >
> > Dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6%
> >
> > Estate tax went from 0% to 55%
The above occurred on January 1, 2014 according to a recent post here on Nesara see: Taxes and the ACA, . This post to to alert you to plan for what could possibly be a graduated increase in taxes when next year comes around. The PTB are very good at jacking up tax revenue at the last possible minute and not giving you a way to plan for it.
If those 800 numbers are legitimate, why aren't they posted above with the INTEL that Obama, supposedly, signed off on the RV for the Public? Plus all of this stuff about taxes and NDA's is just pure bullshit. Stay away from lawyers and tax advisers. Don't get in a hurry. Take your time and see how this all shakes out; if it ever does get around to happening.
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