A comment from N, regarding the harmonic wormhole (can of worms?) Cliven Bundy seems to have opened!
Posted on May 5, 2014 by Jean
Comment, Thanks to N/Seattle
I’ve been following David Wilcock’s WIsdom Teachings for over a year now and sort of understand what Johnny at http://www.dis-infowars. com/ is saying that the Bundy stand off opened up a “harmonic”, wormhole consciousness shift for humanity. As soon as I read this post 2 days ago, I immediately thought we are seeing the Bundy dynamic of ordinary people facing down militarized state power in the Ukraine. I’m going to post the entire post because you have to by a subscriber to Johnny’s blog to read it. My point is I think the power of the “harmonic” Bundy set in motion is playing out in the Ukraine.
Cliven Bundy – Donald Sterling.
Posted by Dis-InfoWars on Friday, 02 May 2014 in Subscribershttp://www.dis-infowars.com/
Posted by Dis-InfoWars on Friday, 02 May 2014 in Subscribershttp://www.dis-infowars.com/
If you are wondering, right now, how we are going to tie Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling (Clippers) together, then you are asking the right question.
First, let’s look at what happened at the Bundy Ranch.??????
The US Federal Gov. was backed down. When was the last time that the American public backed down the US Gov. with firearms?????????????????????? ????
When, when, when, when, when?????????????????????????? ?????
Exactly our point.
Exactly our point.
What Cliven Bundy does not know is that his actions, along with his supporters (because of its rarity) have created a “harmonic” that has opened a consciousness wormhole. Sound odd? It should. But, it’s real.
The Illuminati understand that this consciousness “gateway” must be shut. If not it will spread like wildfire through the collective consciousness of the populace and invariably change perceptions.
That’s why they demonized Cliven with highly edited “racial comments” that were highly out of context.
They were so scared of the energy that the “harmonic” produced that they actually told the owner of the Clippers to fabricate the racial comments that are all over the news currently. Yes, Donald Sterling is a “pawn” in the larger story of what’s happening.
They were so scared of the energy that the “harmonic” produced that they actually told the owner of the Clippers to fabricate the racial comments that are all over the news currently. Yes, Donald Sterling is a “pawn” in the larger story of what’s happening.
The Illuminati are trying to fight the energy of the “harmonic” with energy from racial tensions and aggression around the fabricated Cliven Bundy / Donald Sterling comments.
Ask yourself this? What US city has had a solid history of racial tantrumns? Los Angeles!!!!!! From the Watts riots to Rodney King. Thats why Donald Sterling was picked. The energy of the city already has a history. It’s “racial caulderon” properties are already seared into the American mind. The energy is already there. Plus, the Clippers are in the play-offs – more energy potential. Do you see?
The Illuminati are masters of negative communication / dis-information / and media control of people. They know how to throw peoples thought energy for their own purposes and agenda. They do it all the time. That’s part of their control over humanity, and it works.
But, it’s not gonna work this time. It just won’t have the “punch” that they expect.
Result of the Cliven Bundy wormhole “harmonic”?
Result of the Cliven Bundy wormhole “harmonic”?
Watch for more human to human connectivity in the future. Oh, let’s say from now over the next six months. Just watch and notice.
Nancy then adds a second comment:
Jean, you published today (May 4th) an RT article from the day before which I think is very similar to the Bundy stand off.http://jhaines6.wordpress.com/ 2014/05/04/rt-fascists-off-to- kiev-outraged-kramatorsk- locals-chase-off-ukrainian- military-video/
The scenery’s different and there’s no cattle but it’s the exact same dynamic of ordinary citizen/civilians spontaneously standing up against militarized state force and WINNING. It’s also the same “state” forces in Bundy/Ukraine – US Zionist, cabal shadow government. So if Johnny’s right about this “harmonic” thing, Putin might not have to do anything.
“Fascists! Off to Kiev!: Outraged Kramatorsk locals chase off Ukraine military (video)”
** The crowd in Kramatorsk grew even angrier as one of the Ukrainian APCs rammed a road sign, bringing it down.
“Off to your Kiev! You are not welcome here! Get out! It is our land!” residents shouted.
The troops could then be seen suddenly mounting the APCs and leaving the area. The crowd rushed to chase them, shouting “Donbass! Donbass! Glory to Donbass!”**
The troops could then be seen suddenly mounting the APCs and leaving the area. The crowd rushed to chase them, shouting “Donbass! Donbass! Glory to Donbass!”**
I’m wondering if this is how a harmonic works? People seem to be whole sale shedding fear of uniformed men pointing guns at them? I’m also thinking that part of the plan to evoke Watts/King riots is to distract attention from the fact that the images in Bundy and Ukraine are white civilians vs white Western militarized power. For 700 years of Western capitalism/colonialism and warfare the pattern has been European/White, military, missionaries, corporations taking over black or brown peoples.
Sounds crazy????? Yes, we know! But, this is the kinda stuff that happens at very high levels. It’s high level “Black Sorcery”.
1 comment:
Johny Don't Play is one man who has been 100% right all along. All other gurus are dis-info or useful idiots being fed dis-info. I have been following him since 2011 when everyone on these blogs was pushing martial law Fema camp nonsense. Johny was the first to say it was a complete psyop. He was right then and he has gotten every single prediction correct for the last 3 years. If you have not heard of dis-infowars.com it is time to start reading about this.
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