Thursday, May 8, 2014

another kool bank story just confirmed

another kool bank story just confirmed

this is fact not fiction not just another bank story have 2 confermations==just got second confermation from wf that starting 2 days ago dinar/zim/dong / and rupia is showing on screen with administrater hold people this baby is crowning wooohoooo

5-7-2014 (LATE) Poppy3


[Believe13] someone indicated WF was showing dinar, Zim, VND, rupiah at the screens on hold..your thoughts?
[MarkZ] Believe13 Highly likely, I spoke with some other bankers that said they had a rate showing.


TNT Call 7-May-2014 Notes

TNT Call 7-May-2014 Notes
The call was delayed for three hours to bring extra information to the call.
Tony:  Good morning, TNT!  It is Wednesday May 7, 2014, at 1pm Pacific.  We delayed the call on purpose because we hoped it would be a more important call.  Our first caller has been on the line for 2444 minutes. He must have a really important question to ask!
At this moment, we are at a very sensitive position, so we have to be careful in what we are going to say.  I’m telling you that upfront. I’m excited, but Pam is more excited, and that should tell you something.
DC:  I feel very good!
Ray:  I feel ‘gooder’!  Bring it on!
Tony:  Several of the intel groups said I should cancel this call, said just don’t do it.  Me being me, here we are.  BUT… what I am going to do is this, to satisfy everyone on pins and needles, scared I’m going to say something… DC, go ahead!
DC:  Has anyone every seen a war movie or spy movie, where they show you the redacted file, with everything blacked out apart from ‘the’ and ‘and’?  That’s what this is like today.  Going back to our football analogy, we were on the 1” line, and then on Tuesday  morning it got pushed back to 2-3.  Now we are back on the 1” line, with a lot more offense pushing through. Most are getting along and we want to encourage that. 
Tony:  Not that the defense has been removed!  We just have a Plan B that is almost indefensible, but the game will still end on time, no matter what the play.  That’s as close as we should get.  What else should we talk about?
DC:  I was talking to a wonderful person I’ve known for 15 years.  When there is something sensitive, I ask this person what to do with the sensitive info, and s/he said, You can talk about anything you want, so long as it is not dinars.
Tony:  Someone was listening to the last call, and asked this:  You keep saying the RV already happened, and now you are talking about an RI, and an RV in the future.  Also, why are the rates being kept from us when that was the primary topic before?
DC:  It’s because we have become more active players than we expected to be, and I don’t want to be the idiot that they say they have to reevaluate everything because of something I said.  That is absolute baloney, but that has been used several times by the guys on the ‘defense’.  That’s why we have kept things very quiet on rates.
On June 27, the UN approved release of Chapter 7, and part of that was the revalued currency.  That afternoon, it was turned over to the international community. Due to technical problems on the one hand and also slow-rolling fixes, where they created delays so that they can mess with the rates and such, that all happened for a while.  Iraq was getting unstable, and everyone said that something had to be done.  They were promising every few days that Iraq would be the richest country in the world, but people on the ground were starving. So they released some of the back pay with a revalued rate in different areas based on different needs and also on political influence.  So some got the new rate on their cards starting in August. They took their own sweet time rolling this out as the international community fixed the technical issues and negotiated for higher rates.  So a lot of revaluation has occurred in Iraq, not the entire country;  in some regions, there are four or five different values for goods, which is very confusing.  Can you imagine the headache?  Plus they have removed most of the 25K notes, so they don’t all have smaller notes and they lack physical currencies.  Very frustrating!
So they have revalued, and they have announced that Iraq is wealthy, but not everyone is seeing the impact even in Iraq.  BUT they can say they revalued three weeks ago, and the international community screwed it up.  Then Maliki announced the RI, which was accepted internationally, and now that is being slow-rolled as well.  So some have the revalued currency and some do not, and if they are ordering something from overseas, it is very confused and confusing.  It’s not straightforward with the RI and the RV, and when it actually happened.
Tony:  There are too many people hitting the forum now.  If you keep going and it freezes the board, I can’t, so hold off for a minute. 
Q:  About contract rates – If you owe back taxes, can you still qualify for contract rates?  We‘ll have to ask the banker when he comes on.
What about the FINCEN form?  Check currency or investment?  Ask the bankers on that.
Guys, we were sent a link from Iraqi newspapers and from people in Iraq that TODAY they will receive all they have been waiting for.  DC, why would it be important to Maliki that it should happen today?
DC:  We are not taking this from sources, just thinking through the logic of it.  WE all know that Maliki wanted a third term.  He is highly controversial, and he wanted to get it done before the elections, but he declared an RI anyway on the 26th, so he gets the credit for it and also for forcing everyone’s hands and doing something positive for Iraq.  Now, in a coalition government, there are more than two parties… often there are 6-10 parties, and Iraq has a ton of them.  There are nine parties with real influence, so how do you pick a winner?  Well, they need X votes to form a bloc and form a government. So several blocs can get together to have a voting majority.  This is how all coalition governments work. So a person usually picks their party, and their party chooses the prime minister and the  major positions in the government.  The blocs negotiate with each other on the basis of their relative strengths.  That is normal. Right now they are negotiating all this. Logic would tell you that this is a very sensitive time because they don’t have all the official results yet, but they know pretty well who has what in terms of overall votes.  So if a person want to negotiate the best possible deal, this is when he wants to bring up his ace in the hole.  The RI/RV is very significant, and now is when they are cutting the deals.  They are tired with delays because that is affecting them on a personal level and in terms of their legacy.
Tony:  If we are looking at that, Maliki is broadcast
“/ting on television that today is their day. If it doesn’t happen, then they are going to be upset.  If it does happen, Maliki will get more votes and more influence. 
DC:  The major announcements will come out on Friday, and they start rolling out tomorrow.  The announcement may take through Saturday.
Tony:  We are now on the ½” line.
Q:  Should we wait until after your call to then call the 800 numbers?  I  don’t know because we still don’t have the package.  AT this point, all I can do is send out the text saying the 800 number is live and we’ll set up the conference call as quickly as possible.  I know they want to see people walking in the door within two hours, but if we don’t have the information… I would rather have the intel first, so that I know what I’m talking about. 
Q:  Now that the RI is separate from the RV, what happens now?  DC?
DC:  Can it pop up?  Yes, the RV can go through.
Q:  Please comment on Mtn Goat’s post on the forum.
DC:  Pam texted it to me and I read it.  I think for the most part MG has some pretty good information.  I would disagree on a few key points, and some of that may be interpretation.  I don’t believe anyone has a veto of everything.
Tony:  I know what you are talking about but I don’t think they do.  If I wasn’t who I am, involved the way I am, I’d probably give the same post as Mtn Goat. If I didn’t know everything that I do know at this moment… there are still certain parts I don’t agree with.  Things are so sensitive right now… I think Ray will have the best birthday of his life.  They told me not to say that this si a good day, so I won’t.
Q:  Someone said only the CBI can open the door, and that won’t happen until after August because that will be too unstable until they have settled after the elections.  Can you shad some light on this?
DC:  That is traditional wisdom.  Iraq is much more stable than portrayed in the US.  It does still have some issues but those are being addressed.  I do believe the coalition will sort it out long before  August.
Tony:  Several weeks ago, we said that if it weren’t announced before the elections, there would be problems. That was before the RI, too.  Since then, the team forming over there are already working together and have moved things in a different direction, and all those facts have led us in a different direction.
Q:  Is there any way the powers can hold this back as we have seen in the past?  If we don’t see this by Monday…
DC:  We shouldn’t antagonize anyone on that question.  Sorry.
208 caller:  I am in chat and I read what members are requesting, information that they really would like to have.   When it was announced about the RI in Iraq, the TNT family tried hard to satisfy their personal curiosity.  Can someone take a picture of a banner or a link so that TNT members who are suffering have something to hang onto?
DC: About the RI?  I don’t know.  I want to answer your question because you’ve been on hold so long, but I can’t think what concrete actions we can give you that won’t get someone in trouble…
Tony:  The BBC announced RI in Iraq on the 28th.  Someone sent me an email with a link to the newspaper article, and I cannot find it this minute. IF I can find it, or they can send it again, I will post it.  They are doing things in-country on their news that they don’t want to get out of the country, like the email the guy tried to send me three times.  When they ran those items in the US, there were no links to their sites, even though several people who told me they saw it with their own eyes.  You will have to take it on faith or read it in the history books afterwards.  You can then read it and say “I guess they were right”.  I’ll try to find that article and put it in the forum, okay?
Caller:  Last week international laws were being broken, and that people had to get it done or get left behind.  Will we be left behind?  Will that affect our window of rates?
Tony:  that was not directed towards us.  All the items have ben completed, and the button just needs to be pushed to let it go.  It’s just about notification.
Caller: Can we be told who will push that final button?  Once it’s pushed, does it go into effect retroactively?
Tony:  You can be told if DC tells you!  We delayed this call for a reason and we are still here for that reason, and everything is good.  That’s the best answer I can give you right now.  Let’s let sleeping dogs lie.
Caller:  IS there any new information about what will be in this first basket?
Tony:  I don’t think there is NEW information;  it needs to be finalized and then it will go.  AS soon as we give out the number, we’ll tell you which ones are in there and what to look for.  This is a very difficult call;  Pam and others suggested that I just not do this call;  it might have been easier all around.
303 caller:  Happy Birthday to Ray on May 19th!  Since the RI, is there a time limit they have to get this completed? 
DC:  Yes, there is, and some believe we are past that time, so things are very urgent.
Caller:  I can understand why you don’t want to answer a lot of questions.  Thank you and I look forward to Vegas.
DC:  We are not trying to by mysterious.  They have actually used our names as an excuse, which confounds me because we’re just not that important.  In case they use that again, we want to be totally neutral on that, especially now.
Tony:  That sounds like a radio voice… you know they say you have a face for radio!
212 caller:  What is the international law that requires countries to recognize an RI within a certain number of days?  How many days?  You said that if people didn’t recognize it,t hey would be left out of the deal…
Tony:  You need to understand:  none of that has changed.  DC?
DC:  There is a limit, and I’m not going to get into it.  Do you have another question?
Caller:  If you are you saying we are on the ½ yard line, I’ll let go of the question.
Tony:  We are on the half INCH line. 
DC: That’s part of the redacted part… but we feel good!
303 caller:  I’m super-fantastic cubed!  What does it really hurt if the CBI changes their website?  The dealers are still selling it, and if they cannot buy any more, then [didn’t hear] and we go buy more dinar, if anyone believed us in the first place after all this disinformation…
DC:  We won’t get into the timeline.  Why not change the website?  Because they cannot do that without an official rate change. It has to happen all at the same time.
Tony:  This is a two-step process. They had a rate change in the country. The RI has done the first step of announcing it, and now they have to implement it internationally.  That’s why you are not seeing a change.  It doesn’t affect what is happening in Iraq or the bank trading internationally – they already do that at that rate.  They have authorized expenditures and contracts all around the world. It only affects what the public sees.
Caller:  A multi-currency account is where you stick in dollars and buy other currencies and such.  Can you do that now, deposit your dinar, dong and zim, and keep their values?
Tony: For currencies that are already trading, yes, if the bank allows it.  Call them and ask. The dinar is not trading yet. Right now MCA are for businesses, but they are coming out with MCAs for individuals.
719 caller:  Good to know that other people are as whacked out as I am. I’ve been on hold for a month now… and today I just stayed on for 317 minutes.  My husband’s birthday is May 23rd and hopefully we will all have one giant party!  I used to work for the IRS, and then I went into network marketing.  I want to add one thing.  People are worried about receipts, and you’re right, you don’t need that for the banks. However, they do need the receipts for the IRS and their taxes.  If they don’t have receipts, they will have to pay short-term capital gains, which is more than the long-term rate.  So they will need the receipts or they may pay the higher rate.  I did post that on the forum, too.
We have a good bank story.  We bank with WF, with a trust, and there was a screw up.  As they tried to sort it out, our banker said that they were not ready last week, but now they are trained and ready.  She has invested herself, so they know about it.
I was discouraged with Mtn Goat’s posting, and the constant delays and no firm word about when it would go.  We get off your calls feeling encouraged, and then DefCon 2 last night, and then the Goat says that is what people say to keep you hanging on.  What can you tell us?
Tony:  There was info and history in there that was correct.  There is an issue and some people are still trying to stop it.  However, some people are switching teams and saying “enough is enough”, and working things out.  Are we trying to hype things up?  If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s my fault and other gurus who are trying to keep you involved in the process.  We want you to be involved, but you have to take it for what it is.  Until we get the 800 number, it’s a fluid situation.  IS it being done on purpose? It’s not being done to us on purpose.  I’m not saying “It’s going to happen” for the sake of it.  There are some people who cannot handle this situation, and we are trying to be quiet for a reason.  I just wanted it to go last night.  We heard all kinds of things last night, and we were being told it had happened, but here we still are.  I cannot discount the history of what Mtn Goat is giving because that is what has happened.  Some can handle it and some can’t.
Caller:  Also, last week you said that if it didn’t happen by last Friday, it would cause big problems and also names would be revealed.  Did something change?
Tony:  Yes, the situation changed;  they made agreements and arrangements faster than we expected.  We are not looking at that long distance of time we thought before.  They have actually agreed today, so why would we light a fire when we don’t need to?  Why would you burn the house down?
Caller:  You have a good heart;  do you believe what they are saying?
Tony:  I hear both sides, and yes, I feel good about every step that is taken, that it’s one less step to take or it’s taking us closer.  So I do feel good. That doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.  We get ten times in the information you do, and ten times the pressure.  Do I believe it every single time?  I believe there is the possibility. We’ve gone up to ten minutes before announcement and it has collapsed.
Caller:  Do you believe the dong will go at the same time?
Tony:  There is a strong possibility, and also it may not.  Six months ago, even three months ago it was definite;  now, we’ll just have to see.
804 caller:  If the RI was ten days ago, it should go live somewhere reasonably soon, right?  Have you heard anywhere it is currently tradable?
DC:  We cannot talk about that.  We just can’t go there.  Not trying to be a jerk…
435 caller:  There are people out there who, when we get it down to ten minutes, they can stop it?  That’s been going on since December, 2013 and could go on longer still.  Why cannot they just tell us, or postpone it until the investigations are done, so that are least we can relax?  There must be a time to stop this, cut our losses, and stop these people!
Tony:  Last December (2013) is different from today.  There is an end date in sight.  If you made this argument in January, I can fully understand it.  Today, tomorrow, the next day, with power-sharing begun, that changes everything… as well as the RI.  The RI itself has been declared and accepted;  there is no turning back from that.
Caller:  But someone is still stopping it from going through.
Tony:  But listen – there is an END DATE to the RI, when it can no longer be stopped.
Caller:  Is there a reasons why we cannot be privy to that end date?
Tony:  Because DC won’t let me tell you!
Caller:  I’m going to be 70 in June;  will I live to see this?!
Tony:  Absolutely!
Caller:  I’m dreaming of The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Tony:  If people read that and Confessions of an Economic Hitman, your entire economic view of the world would change.  If you cannot find it where you live, get it online.  Did it open your eyes to anything in our system?
Caller:  I think it was on my birthday in 1944 that the Feds did some of this.  Other things I remember happening. Why didn’t we do something about it then? Those who found out they were wrong should have gone in to correct it then. It has to be changed!  I will learn what I can and find out how to correct it.
Tony:  You’re doing the right thing.  Pass the book on to someone ten years younger than you, and ask them to pass it on to someone ten years younger than they are. Once we get it to the proper age level, things will start to change.
Pam:  There is a free download for Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and a youtube video as well, and the same for The Creature from Jekyll Island.  They don’t have to order the book, they are online.
Tony:  That was the last caller.  DC, where are we?
DC:  Everything looks great, we’re in a very sensitive spot.  We’re not trying to hide anything, we just don’t want to be used as an excuse for further delays.  Sometimes it’s best to sit back and let smart people do what they do.
Pam:  Thanks to our xMods and transcribers.  Be kind to each other.
Ray:  It’s getting gooder and gooder, and I’m going to miss some guys here.
Tony:  We held off hoping to bring you some good news.  Hopefully we will talk later or tomorrow.  Look around to what’s on the internet.  If it’s good, then absorb it; if not… Everything is good right now, and hopefully we’ll come back for a super-fantastic call.

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